View Full Version : New government policy

18-01-08, 10:50 PM
It was announced the other day that the government want to shut down organizations & websites that promote radicalisation & extremist views, That's us knackered then !!!!!!!!!!!!:(

18-01-08, 10:52 PM
Oh bugger.

Reasonably Standard Nova Group it is then.

www.RSNGclub.com (http://www.RSNGclub.com)

18-01-08, 10:52 PM
can i get my money back on my white PNG hoody ?

18-01-08, 11:21 PM
isnt that concept radical in its own right, therefore the govt should shut itself down......

18-01-08, 11:34 PM
isnt that concept radical in its own right, therefore the govt should shut itself down......

In normal employment, you can be sacked for three things.
1. outrageous behaviour
2. being incapable of your job as per the job description
3. being unwilling to do your job as per the job description

makes the governments position looks a bit shaky does it not?

18-01-08, 11:39 PM

It also makes my employment status seem farcical too lol

18-01-08, 11:42 PM
I much enjoyed the news report that the governments independant salary review came back with the result '30% pay increase' when the police force's came back '10% if your farking lucky' lol

If we say nothing more about our government, they are brilliant at being consistantly hypocrytical.

19-01-08, 12:30 PM
So much for democracy and freedom of speech. Remember that woman who got locked up or something for owning material that was considered inciting of terrorism? The exact same books that you could find in a library. So why aren't all the librarys shut down? Gotta love double standards.

I much enjoyed the news report that the governments independant salary review came back with the result '30% pay increase' when the police force's came back '10% if your farking lucky' lol
Fcuking fcukers gave us civil servants some measely pay rise (don't get me started on the band D wage structure) yet they are quite happy to pay themselves massive amounts each month.

19-01-08, 01:59 PM
All MP's should take a 10% pay cut this year if the government is that bothered about inflation (2%? more like 5% pal). They don't do enough to justify what they're currently getting paid imo.

19-01-08, 02:32 PM
Totally agreed, who's had a hospital shut down near them?
When i started driving (2/3years ago) the cost of petrol was 79.9p

The governments laws/rules/legislation benifits no one but themselves.

19-01-08, 02:41 PM
Christ mate, when I got my DT50 (16th birthday pressie) back in '95, I can remember it shooting up from 59.9 to 63.9 a litre. Petty station 700yards away is currently 103.9, makes me sick.

There was something in last nights motors section of the local rag about an old boy whinging that he used to get a gallon for 5 shillings, at the point of going to the decimal system, that equated to 25p!

19-01-08, 02:49 PM
you know its getting bad, when you HAPPILY pay 109.9p for shell v power! thinking its not a bad price!

still over a bloody quid FFS

19-01-08, 04:59 PM
Yeah!, i wouldn't mind as much if it was being put stright back into maintaing the roads but this, certainly round this way, doesn't appear to be the case.

In some cases people have started to fix the roads themselves!

19-01-08, 06:48 PM
The fooking *******s have even put up cooking oil (or someone has), when I started using cooking oil it was 50-60p a litre 6 months ago an now its 80p+. However i have found one place that does it at 56p an its in 1 litre bottles an I just go in an clear it out. You look a tool emptying a whole shelf into a trolley though.