View Full Version : Pot Noodles

18-01-08, 01:41 PM
i used to great a great enjoyment out of a old pot noodle. now they have removed much salt and tast. the noodles now taste like soggy cardboard. does anyone else feel the same as mee with re to pot noodles? why cant they be more like the old days? :(

18-01-08, 01:43 PM
Fear not Mr Meritlover, for you aren't alone lol

There was a thread a little while ago by Mr Lee about how pot noodles had gotten healthier or suchlike, and as a result tasted rank lol

18-01-08, 01:48 PM
oh Mr Jack. i am so glad. it seems potnoodles are no longer the snack for me to use at breaktimes.
iam glad i am not the only one who is outraged by this change!! iam not a fat woman! so how can i not make choises between healthy and unhealthy pot noodles??

18-01-08, 01:49 PM
So true they have no flavour anymore.

I add my own flavour (lee and perrins)

craig green
18-01-08, 01:50 PM
Pot noodles have always been rank tasting.

Purely reserved for last resort, emergency-camping type food IMO.

18-01-08, 01:51 PM
yes times were so bad i added some bisto to my beef and tomato noodles but it tasted like sick and i had to thro it out. no more snack for me! :( :( :(

i like the idea mr novalad. if i ever am pressurised in to buying another noodle pot, i will try the Lee and perrins idea if that is ok with you??

18-01-08, 01:53 PM
Yes you may try MY idea but you may only use it with the chicken and mushroom pot noodle as that is the only one it will work with.

18-01-08, 01:56 PM
why must the lee and perrins not enter any other pot? is it incase it will violate other flavours by not mixing well? such a subject is intreeging to my tastebuds!!!!

18-01-08, 02:32 PM
lol i agree they taste realy bland now! i used to love the king chicken and mushroom version!

18-01-08, 02:36 PM
mr 16V, what is your picture in the box? it looks like a P&ID or a distrobution drawing....
please explain...........

18-01-08, 03:04 PM
No isnt a p&id, its just my wiring diagram for running wasted spark on autronic sm2.

18-01-08, 03:08 PM
why wasted spark? is this so you can use old dispack? or have you not got enouf ign outputs?

18-01-08, 03:12 PM
Theres a classic sketch from 'Marooned', an episode of Red Dwarf. Rimmer is reading out the food thats left. Goes something like this...


We have half a packet of cheese and onion crisps, A pot Noodle, a tin of dogfood, and a tube of Bonjella gum ointment'


Well its obvious whats being eaten last isn't it... I cant stand Pot Noodle

Sums it up for me now, i used to love them :(

18-01-08, 03:18 PM
yes lee, i am a lover of red dwarf.
i have found the cause of the taste shortage its a new machine that the factory has installated.
from what i read. it seems the noodle people did a sample of an 8% reducing of salt and it was tollerated so they then went ahead and turned the machine up to reduce 50% salt.

if it was me i would have tested the 50% less salt on the people first then when they didnt like it i wouldnt have reducing it by such a scary amount!!!. then the mistakes may have been changed sooner and we could have kept the taste!!
such a shame.

18-01-08, 03:21 PM
never liked them my self

the dog will lick aa pot around for ages tho :)

18-01-08, 03:43 PM
chicken and mushroom pot noodle with a crushed packet of walkers worcester sauce crisps thrown in ....ideal for when your up to ya armpits in oil n grease n the missus isnt around to rustle up the bacon butties ...:)