View Full Version : University life...

17-01-08, 07:07 PM
...just got that bit more interesting!


How exciting!
That's my campus!
A body of a man was found in the clock tower. There are rumours going round that it was just a tramp that went in to die quietly in the hall. And there are more extreme versions that a student snuck up there all day and hung himself.

Either way what a way to start the year!

17-01-08, 07:18 PM
Nice, most exciting thing that happened at mine was we failed to get the england team for the olmpics to come an train.

17-01-08, 07:19 PM
Oh dear! So you don't know anything about the guy? Imagine being the one to find him? :(

17-01-08, 07:23 PM
^^ I remember a few years ago a guy died on the novaload stand at trax, noone thought anything as he just looked drunk. Next thing he turned blue an died.

17-01-08, 07:39 PM
WTF! :wtf:

And that guy that died in the tower (I read it originally as "found in the cock" lol) was probably some spaced out druggie, especially considering the location of FCH. "the death is not being treated as suspicious" is police talk for he killed himself in some dull and uninteresting way.

17-01-08, 07:43 PM
To be fair, the security at FCH is pretty useless, apart from Femi!! But yeah, so it might have been a tramp. But still pretty interesting.

17-01-08, 07:44 PM
Stop posting and do your work.

17-01-08, 07:54 PM
Even if he was a tramp, it's still sad :(. And if he comitted suicide or died from an accidental overdose then I think that's really selfish because I feel sorry for the person who found him.

17-01-08, 07:58 PM
We used to have a tramp called Nutty Nigel. EVERYONE knew him.

They found him floating in one of Newbury's locks. Bless him.

18-01-08, 01:16 PM
We used to have a tramp called Nutty Nigel. EVERYONE knew him.

They found him floating in one of Newbury's locks. Bless him.

Was he called Nutty because he floated... like a peanut?

18-01-08, 02:05 PM
oh dear, much sadness :( i hope he is getting better.

18-01-08, 02:06 PM
i hope he is getting better.

18-01-08, 02:09 PM
i did not mean that because he is now a dead body. i mean to say i hope hes is in a better place. now as there are many novas in heaven

18-01-08, 02:10 PM
oh dear, much sadness :( i hope he is getting better.
lol Yeah turned out he was just playing full size Cluedo. By the way it was the 'teacher' in the 'clock tower' with 'heroin'.

18-01-08, 02:30 PM
To be honest, if i was off my face and wanted to die. I'd probably think of a clock tower ! ha

Anyway, that's pretty terrible.. Student or Tramp ! . Theres allways people being stabbed/raped in portsmouth !

18-01-08, 02:35 PM
i would wish to do it in away that would cause least mess/smell and be the most funny, like landing on a bycicle with no seat or by accidentally drinking antifreeze because it tastes so sweet and nice!!

i would not wish to do that tho as many people (esp friends families and PNG forum members) would be saddnessed.

18-01-08, 03:12 PM

this is a simelar situation but not university. i do my food shopping at Iceland:eek: !!

18-01-08, 10:46 PM
Just don't watch 'Urban Legend' or you will never sleep again