View Full Version : caught speeding update

16-07-02, 10:24 AM
ok for those of you that fancy knowing,I got caught speeding bout a month back, 80mph in a 50mph limit,my court case is tomoro,I pleaded guilty in my absence,and wrote in the mitigating circumstances box that I know it was very silly etc etc,and all I hope is to keep my license so I can become part of the retail development team for my company which involves alot of travelling around the uk.
Any ideas what punishment I will get?-I already have 3 points :cry: for going over a level crossing just as the klaxons went,I have only been driving for 1 year so I think Im only allowed 6 points b4 losing my license etc? does anyone think I may be lucky and only get 3 points and a fine or wot do u think I will get?

16-07-02, 11:47 AM
6 points or maybe 3 points and a driving improvment course..... they don't give a fuck about ur driving job...... cause u didn't give your job a second thought when u were speeding so why should they now.... p.s. not going to court is stupid makes it look like u don't give a shit

16-07-02, 01:00 PM
min 5 pts + possible fine. Previous history will not go in yer favour either - onlky driving 1 year be prepared to do resit of test etc...


16-07-02, 09:51 PM
I do give a shite,it saves alot of taxpayers money,and the judges time,if I do not go to court just to go "yeah I did" n "yeah guilty" only other option is to go to court n plead not guilty,if found guilty tho,I suffer a bigger fine for wasting time etc,and they got me on vid anyways, so no point pleadin not guilty, and no point going to court as wastes a day at work that can go towards the fine,or help towards insurance(or driving lessons lol)

18-07-02, 11:56 AM
lol. I went to court monday for speeding.

80-90mph in a 50mph
ive been driving for a year (20yrs old) with no points or no convictions.

Told them I needed my license for my job (which I do) and that I was really sorry.

they gave me 5 points and ?300 fine and told me that they dont like new drivers and get them off the road as soon as they can, but cause I looked like a decent geezer they wont disqaulify me.

Too late to do anything now but it would be better to go to court. with a letter all they see is an excuse and a speeder. if you had gone in person (not wearing your stoneport boots and addidasler cap!) they could of seen that you where a decent person who was sorry for what you had done. im an expert now cuz ive been to court once and now im a criminal. lol, but this is what info people gave me and it worked.

You though mate are gonna loose your license. I assume the existing 3 points are from speeding. thats not gonna look good. suppose if you put a good reason for why you where speeding and you get very lucky you'll be okay but i doubt it. they where on the verge of disqualifying me (I could here them talking!)

btw for those with new licenses take your bike A license quickly.

Bike licenses are really easy and can be done on a weekend and you can always get close bookings.

Under the new drivers act if you get 6 points you loose all your licenses. What people dont realise is that you only have to retake ONE of your previous licenses and upon passing that ALL your other ones are reinstated automatically. (says on DSA and new drivers act) Which means you loose your drivers license, just retake your motorcycle license and you'll be driving your car again within a week. no need for lessons or anything. This info can be found on DSA web site. (obviously it doesnt mention this thing so bluntly but it does say it!)

18-07-02, 12:06 PM
btw didnt read your whole post about your 3 points for not speeding. either way they'll still screw you