View Full Version : Cold Heaters?

13-01-08, 02:23 PM
this isnt so much a problem but could be?the two heaters in the centre above the time clock blow cold permantly,whereas the two either side of the dash blow hot/cold depending what setting you have it on but the centres always cold no matter what setting you have it on,ie cold/hot
please help me out with this:confused: :thumb:

13-01-08, 02:33 PM
they always do mate, every nova is the same. no idea why they didnt design them to blow warm like but hey.........

13-01-08, 03:08 PM
Centre vents were only ever designed to be fresh air vents, and therefore only give cold air. The side vents and demister vents were designed to always give a mix of air, therefore you'll allways get some cold coming through them mixed with the hot air from the heater box.

13-01-08, 03:12 PM
cheers for the info,the only reason i asked in particular is that i was told it maybe due to no thermostat??i realy havent a clue and just wanted a second opinion cheers guys:thumb:

13-01-08, 07:29 PM
As said above, the centre vents duct in fresh air from the little grilles infront of the windscreen, straight into the cabin, this is a great idea i reckon because it stops the interior getting stuffy even when the heating is on full whack.