View Full Version : pics of my wrote off car:(

15-07-02, 12:41 PM
i cant believe this is a write off but it is, plz give me a estimate of how much u think it'll cost to fix, any ideas, i havent a clue, i mean i wouldnt know if it was ?50 or ?1000?

ick 8v xe
15-07-02, 12:58 PM
it ent a right off unless it has twisted the chasis

it is hard to tell from the pictures

if you dont want to fix it i know some one who will have it

15-07-02, 01:37 PM
im getting it fixed, its a mint car! ive got ?920 for the car and im going to get more coz i know the cars worth more than that. But insurance company says they want proof of why i think its worth more, what can i say or do to prove it?

15-07-02, 01:53 PM
Who are the birds? :lol:

Get an indepentant assessment done (by a mate if u can ;))

15-07-02, 01:54 PM
is the rear 1/4 damaged?

15-07-02, 01:57 PM
Not much you can always do. a lot of insurance companys will just look in autotrader and see what the average price of your car is and give you that (well not quite like that but just as brutal). Sometimes you'll get a bad deal sometimes a good one. My mate had a Astra Van that he smashed up (doors, back doors, bonnet, wings etc, body was shafted). A bloke hit them and my mate claimed of his insurance for all the dents. They got ?1400 for it. They only paid ?400 8 months earlier!!. Needless to say they took the first offer.

When the insurance company askes for proof you ask them what sort of proof they want, then get that.

btw anyone remember the sherminator on She's all That (ginger kid who has to eat those pubes?) dont you think neil looks like him!! lol

15-07-02, 01:57 PM
ive just had the insurance offer me 1200 for my sri but i think i should get more so im going to ask them to give me more

15-07-02, 01:59 PM
also i think the shirminator was in american pie i think!

15-07-02, 02:21 PM
right the boot lid and light are scrap.... i can't see any damage to the 1/4 get a new boot lid and light then try the fit....

15-07-02, 02:58 PM
the birds r my mates, u should see the size of their t!ts! ummm, anyway, yeah the rear quater pannel has been pinched behind the the bumper right on the corner, paint chipped away. The whole light cluster and its surounding frame/metal has been pushed backwards about 1 1/2 inches, it all needs pull out, not sure how hard it is to do or to get fixed.
AND i aint the shermanator!!!

15-07-02, 03:10 PM
get a light from the scrappy (?5) and fit it as good as it will go.. don't force it then take somemore pics....
or drive over to mine and i'll attack it with a hammer :roll:

15-07-02, 04:16 PM
i am not shermanator, look...

15-07-02, 05:04 PM
take to body shop (or 2) and ask for quote - if the boot floor is wrinkled u could have twisted chassis - but you'll be amazed what the average body shop can do (they can untwist chassis!). Look carefull at the gaps between the doors on both sides, check the roof for ripples, creases, check the 1.2 edge round the window for ripples, look along the profile of the damaged side to see if the door sticks out - dors it close properly on the lock? check the underside of the car - can you see any nasty twists or clean bits of metal (where the impact has losened or creased underside). Does the wheel look out of line with the other side - etc...etc....etc...

You could be looking in the reigon of ?300 to ?1000 depending on the amount of "unseen damage". Get at least 2 quotes. You will possibly have to pay for some respray work too where they have to bend metal behind bumper - supply them with parts to reduce cost

Rich Dale
15-07-02, 09:57 PM
Ouch! That looks painful but not terminal......it can easily be fixed but the question is "is it worth it?"

Hard to say.....from the pics it looks unlikely that the floor-pan is bent.....all the damage looks higher up.

A few years back, my Dad's K-plate Nova saloon got rear-ended. The floor was bent, as was the chassis; the rear near-side wing was slightly kinked, the light was smashed and the bumper was knackered too, but it was fixed.
I've asked my Dad and he says it cost around ?1500

It was only a year or two old at the time mind, so it was economically viable to do so. Things are totally different with a car worth ?920! (what model is it?)
But, ?1500 is based on them using all genuine Vauxhall parts, plus jigging it to straighten the chassis, which doesn't seam too bad all things considered. Your Nova is no where near as badly damaged as that was, but yours is a hatch......I don't know if that will make much difference with cost to repair?

Like peeps suggest....just go and get some quotes and as also suggested, supply some of the bits if you can to cut costs.....most garages will quote based on using new parts!

16-07-02, 09:49 AM
my 1.0 has been bit in the rear... i've just fitted a new boot lid and hammered/pulled the damage out.... ok it's not a 100% mint job but you can only tell if you lift the boot carpet up

16-07-02, 09:49 AM
my 1.0 has been bit in the rear... i've just fitted a new boot lid and hammered/pulled the damage out.... ok it's not a 100% mint job but you can only tell if you lift the boot carpet up the car only cost ?75 and ?30 for the boot lid in the right colour