View Full Version : Karthniks nova broken for parts IS IT TRUE ???

Ric 16v
14-07-02, 06:42 PM
iv just been on this site www.novaboard.co.uk and read and also seen a picture that his nova has been broken for parts !!!!!!! is it true ?????? go on the general chat forum and its under nova no-more for the pics !!!!!!!!!

14-07-02, 07:15 PM
that was ages ago mate :roll:

Ric 16v
14-07-02, 08:27 PM
(no offence) but what a tit !!! that nova was well smart, why the hell did he break it ????

14-07-02, 10:20 PM
Cos it was a B plate nova

15-07-02, 09:54 AM
LOL you wait until you see his next car. :D

15-07-02, 10:05 AM
and in the second piccy the tree has been cut down in the background :O

Dan 5door
15-07-02, 11:52 AM
LOL @ Breeny... inint mate ;)

15-07-02, 06:37 PM
Rumours are goin around that he may be building a nova with 22 inch rims on. It could be possible as there is a set of breyton rims in the POTN mag (given away with some mags) that are 7x22".

It will be interesting to see if the rumours are true.

15-07-02, 07:09 PM
22inch rims - jesus - whats he building a monster truck!


15-07-02, 09:47 PM
i'll tell you now before it gets all out of hand... He's not building any car with 22's lol

Rich Dale
15-07-02, 11:23 PM

That would be taking the piss!

BTW....what's the fact it was a B-plate got to do with anything?

16-07-02, 01:09 AM
Jamie shaws Renault was a C reg and he's reported to have sold it for ?40,000.

And don't expect me to sit here 'crapping in my pants with anticipation' as to what karthik is modifying next. I'll have a look when it's finished, but it's not curing cancer is it.

Maybe i'll like it maybe i won't. I'm more interested in what mod's i'm carrying out/will be carrying out rather than as to what someone else is doing.

Maybe he crashed the car, maybe it worked out to be more economical; to strip it and sell parts individually, and maybe he just didn't want someone else driving round in his car (plus it was 'advertised' for around ?10,000 as the complete car).

Everything is down to cash at the end of the day. Whether something is smart or not included. if you want to 'outdo someone', spend more money. It's as simple as that. Period.

16-07-02, 10:15 AM
Nice to know Marty still feels strong about other peoples mods lol.

16-07-02, 10:56 PM
marty, no offence but u put a downer on sumones post every time u fuc_kin reply.

Dan 5door
17-07-02, 09:36 AM
LMFAO off at 22's.... Yep simple roll the arches and bolt on jobbie!

can't wait to see the finished project... LMAO @ 22's