View Full Version : Im like a little kid

09-01-08, 01:50 PM
Ive just orderd a few bits for the car and cant wait for them to arive, keep phoning home to see if they have arived or not lol Do anyone else get like this ?

09-01-08, 02:11 PM
No. As usually my parents moan when I get deliveres as its almost always "wasting money on car parts". Having said that, recently they don't seem too bothered about it, probably as its mainly Nova parts that keep arriving, and the "?50 mod" clause is actually true with the majority of those bits.

I have a decat on order at the mo (from Aussie Exhausts, which, somewhat oddly, are a company based in the US) for the celica, but not expecting that to arrive for at least a couple weeks yet :(

I did get excited about booking a holiday tho :D

09-01-08, 02:23 PM
oh going anywhere nice then ?

09-01-08, 03:26 PM
Cornwall again :D

09-01-08, 04:31 PM
im the same lol i start panicing when their late wonderin if theyve been lost or something lol

09-01-08, 05:39 PM
Cornwall again :D

Cant beat good old Cornwall. Cornish pasties mmm i want one now :p

09-01-08, 08:27 PM
How is cornwall a hol, its full of fat english people and hotels with other people spunk and piss on.lol

09-01-08, 08:43 PM
lmfao says the person from London lol

depends where you go. Stay in a travelodge and thats what you'll get!

10-01-08, 01:11 PM
Ahhh holidays.

I'm going to Gran Canaria in May.
All inclusive 5 star hotel.
Upgraded to the best room, late checkout.
Shall more than likely order a bottle of champaign for on the plane.

It's two holidays abroad for us every year :D

I'm also considering purchase some D2 coilovers for the FTO through ebay from a company "Down under." Just a bit concerned how much the customs charges will be.