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07-01-08, 10:11 PM
http://petitions.pm.gov.uk/Classic-Cars/ (http://petitions.pm.gov.uk/Classic-Cars/)
They are thinking about baning cars over 10 years old on the road.
This aint good for anybody with a nova.

07-01-08, 10:12 PM
It'll never happen, think of the tax they'll loose from road fund and fuel. But yeah sign it anyway.

07-01-08, 10:14 PM
signed :thumb:

07-01-08, 10:20 PM

07-01-08, 10:29 PM

07-01-08, 10:47 PM

07-01-08, 11:09 PM
it would never happen

07-01-08, 11:18 PM
how old does the car have to be to be classed as a classic again? 18yrs isnt it ? done !

07-01-08, 11:19 PM
how old does the car have to be to be classed as a classic again? 18yrs isnt it ? done !
Pre 1975 for tax reasons. 15 for insurance.

07-01-08, 11:31 PM

07-01-08, 11:32 PM
Hell Yeah!!! /\

07-01-08, 11:50 PM


08-01-08, 12:03 AM
Pointless, Brown will just email everyone on ethe list saying thanks for your interest, but we're going to do it anyway - see road pricing lol

Not that they will ban cars >10 years old mind you. Thats just impractical. You're telling me farmers all now have to plough their fields with a Prius?

08-01-08, 12:08 AM
what a crock of ****e, that whole online petitions idea was the stupist ever. its 90% full of pointless meaningless petitions that have very little truth behind them.

That whole cause is rubbish, it would cost BILLIONS to remove all those cars and do no good at all.

Just goes to show how stupid some people are to beleive anything that shows up on the internet.

08-01-08, 08:12 AM
that whole online petitions idea was the stupist ever.
Not so, its actually a very clever idea on the part of the government to make people believe they are actually having a voice to make their political desires and opinions known, when in actual fact the government can safely ignore them.

What would you rather, have a few irate emails from keyboard warriors who will just accept whatever you tell them to accept; or have an angry mob in downing street baying for your blood? lol

Even if the online petitions site had any small amount of legitimacy to begin with, that was soon thrown to the dogs when people started filling it with lame polls. I've seen ones to petition the PM to grow a mohawk ffs!

08-01-08, 08:47 AM
The "ban" is for cars in town/city centres (assuming its the same ban most people go off half cock over lol)

to be honest I'm all for that. Make town/city centres much nicer to be in as there will be either less cars and or less smog to inhale while walking round (I dont walk in the country so all cars are welcome there)

08-01-08, 12:43 PM

08-01-08, 12:44 PM
And forwarded!

08-01-08, 01:12 PM
done hope mine helps!

tony k
08-01-08, 07:28 PM
done it anyway now

08-01-08, 07:58 PM
Ive said it before and Ill say it again. We need to be more like the french lol

08-01-08, 07:59 PM
How's that?

08-01-08, 08:03 PM
If the french dont like something, they either vanadlise it until its not there anymore, or start killing people.

If this was france , Blair would have been hanging from tower bridge years ago! Brown wouldnt even have had the bottle to take over from him either lol

08-01-08, 08:08 PM

Lets kill 'em all!!

08-01-08, 08:16 PM
ive even got my girlfiend and her dad to sign.every little helps
and i agree with lynz kill them all.

08-01-08, 09:07 PM

09-01-08, 04:22 PM
what you killed them ?

09-01-08, 05:37 PM
What a load of crap this is. So any lambo or ferrari over ten years old there going to ban. Yea right think about it !

09-01-08, 06:05 PM
as much as it pains me to say it the french have got the right idea on things. if they don't like sommant they basically all stand united an bring the whole country to a halt until it's sorted,

where as the british just half a55 it only get a few people do sommant an no-one takes any notice

09-01-08, 06:11 PM
Meh, in this country if you protest you'd get labeled a terrorist and arrested under some gayhat law designed to protect the public - by arresting them all.

09-01-08, 07:15 PM
What a load of crap this is. So any lambo or ferrari over ten years old there going to ban. Yea right think about it !

its to ban vehicles over 10 years old from CITY AND TOWN centers... NOT a blanket ban...

nevermind, people will never read up on stuff when they can have a rant at the govt lol

09-01-08, 07:53 PM
Isn't this something to do with emissions on old cars? If so it's not such a great idea as they want us all to go out and buy new cars (with money we don't have - loans) when about 70% (or something stupid) of a cars waste during it's life (including emissions, tyres, oil, etc) is produced in the actual making of the car. Thus it's better to run a car on for as long as possible as it slowly counteracts the balance.

Now i've had my rant i'll read the facts :thumb: lol

09-01-08, 07:54 PM
O Well Read Thru But Signed It Anyhooo :)

09-01-08, 11:59 PM
emmisions are irrelavant on "old" cars - in towns/cities its feckin busses and lorries that cause the problem with polution -

older cars (novas etc) have to pass emmissions tests the same as other modern cars - the nova is relatively modern in terms of its emmissions compared to some more "classic" cars - for starteds novas run on unleaded.

It's all pants anyway.

10-01-08, 12:16 AM
older cars (novas etc) have to pass emmissions tests the same as other modern cars
No, modern cars have a more stringent emissions test ;)

10-01-08, 12:49 AM
to be honest . people are lazy i have started riding to work A i have little dosh B to keep miles down and c i hate i hate i really hate traffic. so a bike sovles it for me.

10-01-08, 11:50 AM
Pre 1975 for tax reasons. 15 for insurance.

so what, that means we can insure the nova under the classic category, is that cheaper?, might have to try that for my renewal. :thumb:

10-01-08, 08:52 PM

sr jack
10-01-08, 09:06 PM
done both

10-01-08, 09:27 PM
Doubt it will ever happen, and doubt they would even ever listen to the public. But signed anyway!

11-01-08, 08:19 PM
so what, that means we can insure the nova under the classic category, is that cheaper?, might have to try that for my renewal. :thumb:
Yep, but there are restrictions. Go have a nose in the insurance forum, there's a few threads on the subject :)

11-01-08, 10:27 PM
Yep, but there are restrictions. Go have a nose in the insurance forum, there's a few threads on the subject :)

Cheers buddy:)

11-01-08, 10:38 PM
TBH aftr having a think about it, i dont think they need to worry too much about it. Most of the reason there are still a load of old cars about is due to ease of DIY servicing and repair. Modern cars need a degree in computing, not just competence with spanners.

When we're sitting in our rocking chairs watching Countdown in the future, i doubt there will be any cars older than 10 years on the road anyway!