View Full Version : Rant time.... burrilld1985

07-01-08, 01:31 PM
I need to let off some steam.

I recently sold a stainless brake reservoir cover on ebay.
The buyer was burrilld1985.

I sent him an invoice, he then sent me a message asking for another invoice as before he was paying by cheque but now he'd like to pay by paypal. No problem with that... another invoice was issued.

Now he's ignoring me and obviously has no intention of ever sending me any money. If you don't want to buy something then don't ****ing bid you moron.
Ebay is full of tossers who deserve to have their their faces smashed into their monitors.

I have his number so I'll probably give him a call... which if nothing else will help to vent my anger.

07-01-08, 01:31 PM
bad feedback mate

or report him to the gay

07-01-08, 01:37 PM
I'm planning on doing both.

I could always accidently post his number on here too. ;)

07-01-08, 01:40 PM
thats a C-unts trick!

I like it

07-01-08, 01:44 PM
Bear in mind negative feedback often breeds more negative feedback. The oh so great and good shining hand of eBay can remove it if they see fit, but its still more hassle you might not want.

How long ago was it that you sent the invoice? I've always got a load of blurb on my listings that say payment has to be made within a certain timeframe (7 days I think it is) else the item gets relisted or a second chance offered. That way, if the buyer moans about it, I've got some form of comeback.

Anway, post his number up lol