View Full Version : front grill :D

11-07-02, 01:06 PM
:lol: Can someone HELP how do I change my old front grill in to a mesh grill. if you can help email me please please at shy_male_123@hotmail.com or leave a message.

11-07-02, 05:48 PM
The way i done mine was 2 split the grille carrier (the black part) from the front. then put the mesh on the inside of the outer part, and cut the mesh 2 fit. put thecarrier back on, and then use a soldering iron to melt the plastic together (the parts where you seperated), and re-fit.
Thats how i done mine, dunno weather ne1 else does it differently tho!
I think there is a guide on topbuzz.co.uk
Good luck!

11-07-02, 11:38 PM
i just cut out the slats with some big pliers, cut some mesh to shape and screwed it in with some small self tappers from behind......ten min job easy :lol:

12-07-02, 11:00 PM
Thank you for your help but i did mine today the same way dave. sr said. well ive done it but not put it back on yet.