View Full Version : steering wheels

01-01-08, 02:31 PM
not sure if this should be in the styling thread or not but hear it goes. i have bin lookin at a few steering wheels 350mm to about 300mm diameter. I understand that using a small wheel will obviousley make it harder to turn the wheel but would a 300mm steering wheel make it stupid to try an turn or will it be managable? your help would be much appreciated cheers.

01-01-08, 03:00 PM
It's obviously a little heavier feeling than a bigger wheel but it's perfectly manageable (and I'm not the strongest of people lol)

Here's my 300mm

01-01-08, 10:25 PM
cheers mate. looks a bit like the ones i was lookin at is that an omp trecento? or trecento uno?

01-01-08, 11:56 PM
OMP Trecento Uno I think, quite a nice wheel for the money it cost.