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View Full Version : getting zorst off

09-07-02, 06:54 PM
right,as i think anyone who read my post no,i dunno f**k about FWD cars.
so bascial ive gota get the maiufold of my nova,looking at it,is this an engine out or jus a pig to do?

09-07-02, 09:53 PM
ops sorry 4got to say,
mk1 1300 SR

10-07-02, 10:01 PM
Its just a pig of a job. the hot air thing has to come off, and the bolts are usually seized, and then the copper nuts are usually corroded. get all of the nuts off that will undo with a 13mm socket or ring spanner. then butcher all of the remaining nuts with a junior hacksaw or a chisel. new ones are not much money.

The manifold is usually seized onto the downpipe. you can remove them as a pair and then split them.

If you are doing the head gasket, it is possible to get the head off with the manifold/downpipe assy still attached, just remove the radiator, and be prepared for a few minutes wiggling and swearing. I only did it once but the job needed doing fast and it was the quickest way at the time.

OR find some mug at a quick fit to do it for you. tell them you've been quoted about ?15 by a garage and see if they will do it for a tenner cash.

Keep the faith


10-07-02, 11:41 PM
remove the radiator? wot the hell for? you can easily remove the head with manifold attached without touching the radiator

10-07-02, 11:44 PM
Easy peasy (if you mr big fucking arms)

remove air cleaner + bits

remove hot airbox that bolts on (3 bolts) to top of manifold

use a socket set to get at all the bolts - if they are seized, get a slightly smaller socket and hammer it on (maybe remove radiator to get a good swing at it)


oh, and use LOADS of WD40.

Good luck.

(buy new bolts to replace)

Rich Dale
11-07-02, 02:11 AM
Can be easy....can be a bitch.

When my old 1.2 engine went bang in my previous nova, could I fucker's like get the zorst manifold off!!!!
I ripped the head off and left the manifold on it. I was fitting a 1.3 SR engine anyway so didn't care much about it.

I later sold that head to a mate and it took his full use of the workshops at the British Safety Standard testing centre where he works, to get the fucker off!

Luckily, my new SR engine came with the manifold not attached so I could use nice new nuts/bolts to attach it, which meant that when I later fitted a fully re-built 1.2 head, the manifold was piss-easy to get off.

I took one look at the zorst manifold on my GTE and decided.....I'm not touching that.
Two of the nuts are rounded off for a start!

The best option is probably to go to a zorst fitters and ask them to loosen it off for you.....they have all the power-tools to do it.
Then get 'em to tighten it back up for you to get home, then it'll be a lot easier for you to get off.

11-07-02, 02:25 PM
why do i get this idea that theres going be alot of swear whilst doing this??????????????

11-07-02, 07:39 PM
ok guys thanks for the help,got it off earlyer,jus took the radioator,grill off to get access and everything undo easy,amzed me.
thanks guys

Rich Dale
11-07-02, 11:37 PM
Lucky sod! ;)

12-07-02, 12:13 AM
well its been garage all its life and never seen a wet road.thx god for old ppl.lol