View Full Version : Playstation 3

26-12-07, 03:23 PM
Just really want to know a bit more about them before i buy one..

Im being really tight so i waiting for the sales:roll: Never know might come down a bit. Anyways are they still unable to play the PS2 games? Always been a fan of the sony but if they dont play old games as well as new i may as well get an Xbox, altho i would have thought that a bit long in the tooth now and probably be changed in 5mins.


26-12-07, 03:24 PM
get an xbox 360 :D

26-12-07, 03:26 PM
Geta Ps3!!!

26-12-07, 03:34 PM
i rember you saying you was loosing wieght. if you still wanna, get a Wii ;)

26-12-07, 03:54 PM
Three words for you:

Gran Turismo Five

This is Sony only and well worth the wait. I'm buying a PS3 as soon as it comes out.

26-12-07, 03:54 PM
ps3 mate you will not regret it. awsome piece of kit paired with a good quality hd tv!!

26-12-07, 04:54 PM
i rember you saying you was loosing wieght. if you still wanna, get a Wii ;)

Thats a valid point.... but its more a group sort of thing for it to be serios fun.

I had a thought, if i got any of the 3 id become a recluse and not come out of my roomlol

Friends of friends have playstation 3 and they have booked a week off for when grand theft is released, how ****ing sad is that:wtf:

26-12-07, 05:14 PM
Three words for you:

Gran Turismo Five

S**te, Forza's better than the GT series of games :D :thumb:

26-12-07, 05:27 PM
Sega megadrive there the future :)

26-12-07, 05:31 PM
iv won a ps3 at works raffle there great but its just a shame you cant play the ps2 games on it but dont get a 360 your better off with a ps3 mate

26-12-07, 05:42 PM
I didnt know you can't play ps2 games on them!? Personally ive always been hardcore sony but everyone I know has said go for a 360.

Hmm.. same situation as you saloony, money's tight for me as well.

26-12-07, 05:48 PM
I think on the 60gb One, they come with backwards compatibility.

But people are still asking ?500ish for the 60gb versions !

26-12-07, 06:02 PM
[quote=Nick]I think on the 60gb One, they come with backwards compatibility.quote]

Nick you are correct!!

26-12-07, 06:21 PM
Dont get a 360, purely as you shouldn't join the masses of people who still think its ok for bill to sell substandard product.

I really want a PS3, but in all honesty i dont have time to play games much anymore :(

26-12-07, 06:24 PM
Ha, dont bother mate. I Can bet the online experince of a XB360 is farrrrr better than PS3. Ive always been Sony fanboy and i was all for the PS3. but then i had the chance to own a 360 elite and its the best bit of kit EVER! Call of duty 4 online is all you need! :D

26-12-07, 09:53 PM
Slightly off topic but whens GTA out on the ps3 then? my brother has an xbox 360 and its great, graphics and gameplay are excellent. But Ive always been into sony, so best keep saving!

26-12-07, 11:42 PM
I reckon you have a long wait for GTA its been pushed back once or twice already.


26-12-07, 11:43 PM
I'd imagine the PS3 GTA will keep getting put back untill they've fully harnessed all the PS3's ability !

27-12-07, 12:01 AM
Three words for you:

Gran Turismo Five

This is Sony only and well worth the wait. I'm buying a PS3 as soon as it comes out.

Already played a Demo version on a PS3 and TBH the graphics are FCUKING MIND BLOWINGLY AWESOME! Id have a PS3 over a 360 anyday im afraid :D

27-12-07, 01:19 AM
Already played a Demo version on a PS3 and TBH the graphics are FCUKING MIND BLOWINGLY AWESOME! Id have a PS3 over a 360 anyday im afraid :D

Yer i cant argue with that. but have you Mass effect running HD on a 360. Stunning!:thumb:

27-12-07, 08:52 AM
Ha, dont bother mate. I Can bet the online experince of a XB360 is farrrrr better than PS3. Ive always been Sony fanboy and i was all for the PS3. but then i had the chance to own a 360 elite and its the best bit of kit EVER! Call of duty 4 online is all you need! :D

I've voiced my opinion many a time on this subject.

360 all the way.
The PS network is crap... end of.

The PS3 can create some rather nice graphics but I've never had any issues with my 360 and neither has my brother (his is a launch console)

GT5 will be a massive title and I've heard it does include the Top Gear Test track so could be worth buying just for that :D

Forza 2 rocks... I'll post some pics of my latest creation in a few days... still needs tweeking.

27-12-07, 10:56 AM
Craig, if you must get a ps3 then try to get one from M&S as their display consoles tend to be the 60GB version which is backwards compatable. See if you can blag a discount on a shop soiled item lol.

27-12-07, 10:59 AM
Thsi is my gto its a reet beast

i'v also got a cop car scooby and astra vxr ;)


27-12-07, 11:03 AM
you cant direct link to the forza site, you need to host on photobucket and the likes

27-12-07, 04:45 PM
I own both 360 and PS3, to keep it short and sweet its the 3rd 360 I've had as ive had to take it back several times because of system faults that have occurred through no fault of my own. I'm tight and don't belive that you should have to pay for playing your games to the full potential after paying ?40-?50 for the game in the first place, so again the ps3 wins with its plug and play online capabilities. The 360 has a better range of games out at the moment but imo the ps3 will rule over all by the end of 2008...
I'm not going to slate the 360 altogether as its a great console that I've had hours of entertainment out of, I'm just a bit peed off with it after the second "ring of death". lol

27-12-07, 05:19 PM
i dont understand why half of you cant play PS2 games on a PS3 mine plays them perfectly fine and it was bought from the shop, not of a stall on the corner of the high street

27-12-07, 05:21 PM
Yeah but what version did you get.. there seems to be loads, 20gb, 40gb, 60gb and an 80gb.

27-12-07, 05:31 PM
Yeah but what version did you get.. there seems to be loads, 20gb, 40gb, 60gb and an 80gb.
you know what m8 im not quite sure to be honest b ut it plays the ps2 aswell as the ps3

27-12-07, 05:32 PM
and it put a big fcuking hole in my pocket lol

27-12-07, 05:34 PM
if it plays Ps2 games then its a 60GB machine... the 40GB is a cost down version with less usb ports, no ps2, no SACD etc.... tbh NONE of the missing stuff would put me off as I dont ahve any SACD's, No PS2 games etc.

27-12-07, 05:48 PM
I dont give a toss how great the 360 is. if I was going to buy a new car, and I had a choice between one which was reliable, and one that 35 - 40% of the time broke down terminally in the first year and had to be replaced, im pretty sure it would be the reliable one I chose, as would every other sane person on the planet!

But no, its a Microsoft product, and just the same as releasing operating systems before theyre finished, they do the same with their consoles!

Actually makes me quite angry when people stand up for it, because i dont care how good it is to play, I dont care if your particular console has been fine, the fact of the matter is, it was rushed and isnt reliable, and the people who made it, and everyone else seems to think thats ok.

Well I dont.

27-12-07, 05:52 PM
hmmmmmm and you purchase GM/Ford cars because.... :p

27-12-07, 05:54 PM
hmmmmmm and you purchase GM/Ford cars because.... :p

.... its reliable. Not let me down yet :p

27-12-07, 05:59 PM
i've had my ps3 since launch date, its awesome!

cost more than a 360 but you get much more for your money! once you add all the 360 add-ons its more expensive than the ps3, fact!

too much bull going about! you only get 40 or 60gb versions, 40 is a budget to compete with 360 price, 60 gb is all singing all dancing!

get a 60 gb, you WON'T regret it!!!!

27-12-07, 06:06 PM
i've had my ps3 since launch date, its awesome!

cost more than a 360 but you get much more for your money! once you add all the 360 add-ons its more expensive than the ps3, fact!

too much bull going about! you only get 40 or 60gb versions, 40 is a budget to compete with 360 price, 60 gb is all singing all dancing!

get a 60 gb, you WON'T regret it!!!!

shut up big chap you dont know what your talking about 360 rules!!!

27-12-07, 06:10 PM
lol marvelous.

if you can find a 60Gb its obv the better choice of the 40/60, but finding one is fun at the moment ;)

Lee, Ford and GM barely finish any of their release cars till the first face lift ;)

27-12-07, 06:11 PM
I think the summary of this thread is the majority think you should get a PS3 lol.

27-12-07, 06:21 PM
hmmmmmm and you purchase GM/Ford cars because.... :p

Because you purchase Gm and work for ford obviously lol

27-12-07, 06:22 PM
Thanks for all your help peeps...

27-12-07, 06:45 PM
Lee, Ford and GM barely finish any of their release cars till the first face lift ;)

Maybe so, but not so 'unfinished' that they break within 12 months!

Computers are supposed to be thousands of years in front of cars in relation to development, however bill gates still manages to produce stuff Skoda would have been proud of back in the 80's lol

27-12-07, 07:12 PM
Thanks for all your help peeps...

Umm it aint over yet lol.

Incidently.... it has been suggested that a large percentage of 360 failures are related to two possible things...

1. Over-use.
2. Where you keep it.

Obviously neither of these can be proved either way but no one will ever admit to Microsoft that they've played for 6 hours straight without a break or that they keep their 360 in a television cabinet with barely enough room for suifficient air flow.

27-12-07, 07:20 PM
just get both, problem solved lol. i currently have a 360 and now a wii thanks to "santa"!!!!! but the ps3 is being purchased next month :) cant wait, altho i only want it for gt5

27-12-07, 07:23 PM
just get both, problem solved lol. i currently have a 360 and now a wii thanks to "santa"!!!!! but the ps3 is being purchased next month :) cant wait, altho i only want it for gt5

I will also be searching for a well priced Wii shortly as I got hooked after 45mins boxing on Christmas eve while I was supposed to be babysitting.

27-12-07, 07:25 PM
1. Over-use.
2. Where you keep it.

My apologies.

Microsoft shouldn't be held responsible for making a games console that cant be overused or be kept in a TV cabinet!

Skoda wasnt responsible for producing an engine with an Aluminium block and a cast iron head either i suppose.

lol lol lol As I said.... Brainwashed!

27-12-07, 07:26 PM
I will also be searching for a well priced Wii shortly as I got hooked after 45mins boxing on Christmas eve while I was supposed to be babysitting.yes my arms are killing me from boxing and bowling :( all good tho and im already pro rated on bowling

27-12-07, 09:22 PM
1. Over-use.

You pay a fooking ****e load for the console, you should be able use it 24hours a day if you wanted!

I own a 360, and yeah they are very unreliable. Stupidly designed case, insufficient cooling due to undersized chip heatsinks, and a ****e fan system(the air ducts are designed wrong)
But they are cool, very cool. Graphics are awesome if you have a decent tv, and use a decent connection method (dont use the ****e cables that you get in the box with the system originally)
It has a better range of games, its cheaper, and its online play is miles better.
Downsides are as said, unreliability, and the fookin noise the console makes, which is way ott imo. Its louder than a full pc or two.

A mate got his ps3 for xmas, and to say i was a tad disappointed when i had a go tonight is an understatement. Graphics imo look no different at all to a 360. A few have already had reliability issues too(console dead on first switch on etc)
Advantages are that it looks cooler than the 360, is very quiet compared to a 360, and being Sony should last for years(launch day ps2's still working fine)

Wii's imo are shi**e. The games are pointless and "childish", and the moving the controller effort just gets boring after a while. lol I wouldn't have one if someone gave me one.

27-12-07, 10:04 PM
shut up big chap you dont know what your talking about 360 rules!!!

aye yes, this is the guy who has played his 360 so much in a year you could count on one hand! Infact, you've probably played my ps3 more in the last three months than your 360!

pro's and cons for both mate, naturally a lot of biased opinions though. i made the decision to go ps3 after weighing them both up.

i was gonna do a wee comparison but thought someone will have done it already (this is pretty accurate except the bit about funding downloads etc with a credit card, you can do it with a debit card) :thumb:


27-12-07, 10:43 PM
ps3 all the way the 360 is soooo loud it cant be played at night as it drains out the sound from the game!! also my mate has a psp and he can conect them together and use the psp as a rear view mirror, wirles controler and play the psp games from his computer and view them throught the ps3 onto the tv (would be good on a good quality HD tv) all wireless!! and if you register with an american address you recieve the demos when the yanks get them lol and you get a blueray dvd of some sort for joining to!! what more do you want?? lol

28-12-07, 01:47 AM
Just get a Wii:thumb:

29-12-07, 01:55 PM
got one woo got 5 games !

30-12-07, 04:26 PM
Umm it aint over yet lol.

Incidently.... it has been suggested that a large percentage of 360 failures are related to two possible things...

1. Over-use.
2. Where you keep it.

Yes XB360's had problem of RING OF DEATH! (4 red lights) on the premium and arcade models. But the elite models has a different solder used on the processor (dont quote me on that!) and this is almost solved the problem of over heating and game Jamming! Ive had my Elite Playing Cod4 online for 7-8 Hours solid. and It amazing how it stays soo cool!

tony k
30-12-07, 04:45 PM
ive got both not being big headed but i still reckon the xbox is better tho but on theses things you get some good games that come out on one so its the price you pay really but i would go with the box thats my opinion