View Full Version : Vauxhall Graphics

19-12-07, 11:40 PM
Right I've been thinking - theres loads of threads floating about for the various vynal graphics on Novas (badges, sides, gte/gsi decals etc) and everyones always going on at how expensive these are etc etc etc...

So - why dont we make our own?

Post up here images of the various decals with accurate dimensions and those with chop can format them on .png or .eps or whatever ready for download or perhaps even group buys from a decent vynal place?

Now - I'm not trying to take dosh from Vauxhall (cough) but most of the decals are v expensive and rarer than hens teeth.

So what about it? Even if the group buy doesnt pay off, get your rulers out and take a pic or three and some measurements and post up.


19-12-07, 11:42 PM
I would be up for some Cheap but identical GSi stickers.

just vaux trev
19-12-07, 11:48 PM
would'nt know where to start on measurements
or getting things done but i would be up for door pillar vinyl

20-12-07, 12:03 AM
take pics and get your tape measure out.

If you want to get creative maybe even get a couple a sheets of a4 paper and trace the decal (or door pillar) and then measure it.

20-12-07, 08:33 AM
GSI ones are cheap as chips. I managed to get 2 sets for a fiver, think it was a tenner for all GSI badges on the car, well thats what i payed.

Ebay sell loads of them, the only ones i dont see much of is sri ones?

20-12-07, 11:36 AM
maybe if someone got a local graphics shop to sort out every vynal needed and keep the templates (or however there done) in stock we could simply keep ordering from there ??

20-12-07, 11:38 AM
GSI ones are cheap as chips. I managed to get 2 sets for a fiver, think it was a tenner for all GSI badges on the car, well thats what i payed.

Ebay sell loads of them, the only ones i dont see much of is sri ones?
If you bought the GSi ones from ebay for 4.99 they aint the real ones... they are different.

The real ones have curves in a diff place. hard to explain unless you have seen both types.

20-12-07, 12:24 PM
I started a thread some time ago

as there is a graphic shop here, that pays every month to have access on a database that contains exact patterns.
The decals I get are exact reproductions and are in good quality

20-12-07, 12:28 PM
The originals had the curve in the G at the top of the G and not at the bottom.
If ya look at the pic of the car with 1 on in your thread ste then look at the stickers you have for sale they are not the same

20-12-07, 12:32 PM
Damn right, never noticed that!!
will speak again to the guy and about his database

20-12-07, 12:33 PM
Lol.. i bought some of them ones that are the same as the ones your selling but off ebay and realised about 2 week later that they are wrong lol.

20-12-07, 01:13 PM
Most graphic places keep templates once you order so repeat orders won't be a problem.

20-12-07, 01:17 PM
I always liked the idea of a plain black vinyl on the boot - Without GTE or GSi etc..

20-12-07, 02:43 PM
Have them in stock, repro vinyl in top quality, as mentioned in the other thread

25-12-07, 12:24 PM

27-12-07, 08:57 PM
Damn right, never noticed that!!
will speak again to the guy and about his database

did you get sorted with the G steve?

27-12-07, 09:02 PM
The originals had the curve in the G at the top of the G and not at the bottom.
If ya look at the pic of the car with 1 on in your thread ste then look at the stickers you have for sale they are not the same you mean they wanna be like this???
http://img183.imageshack.us/img183/3088/dscf0052wq8.jpg (http://imageshack.us)
if there not good enough drop me a pm as i can edit them etc
can supply doors and boot logo etc
infact can do most things ( logos badges sunstrips etc etc )if i havent got the logo if you send me a pic and some dimentions i can probably do it 99% of time
any one interested in any etc EMAIL me please on allister@aswrally.co.uk

27-12-07, 09:03 PM
The gaps are to big

27-12-07, 09:08 PM
The gaps are to big
tell me the distance it should be it can be sorted no prob:thumb:

27-12-07, 09:09 PM
well ive got a gm set of gte ones here i can probley get copied if thats any good? and got gm door piller vinal i can copy aswell

27-12-07, 09:11 PM
tell me the distance it should be it can be sorted no prob:thumb:

do you use msn?

27-12-07, 10:09 PM
eBay's the way, thats where I got most of mine from.

Also from here:



the other site I got some from is no longer. Not to everyones taste /\ but I like it :-)

Not much cheaper to cut your own and a hell of a load of fecking about but you'll have to if you want something really unique, althogh many places will also do requests.

27-12-07, 10:18 PM
is there any you dont have?

27-12-07, 10:19 PM
You work at halfrauds?

27-12-07, 10:22 PM
There intresting dude....

28-12-07, 07:34 AM
did you get sorted with the G steve?

Not yet, the guy of the decal shop was confused, as there's an error in his database he pays for

14-01-08, 07:54 PM
The mystery about the "G" is solved
The decal is not wrong, it is in fact for an Astra MK2, on those, the "G" was different.

15-01-08, 08:19 PM
Right I had the same problem when I was restoring my gte, yes I also bought the decals on ebay and only upon receipt did I realise they weren’t even the real thing, the G was more like the G on the astra gte’s as the curve was on the bottom where as on the nova’s its on the top. Even the griffin was wrong, the pole on the flag was pointed from the top in the copy.

Forget the measure tape, best thing is, get a plain A4 bit of paper and a pencil. Press the paper down on the original decal which is on the car and light shade the entire area where the decal meets the paper. What you then get is a perfect copy of the original, i.e. shape size etc.

What you then do is get the paper scanned and email that over to a vinyl printing firm choosing the shades textures etc. and using the image they can replicate the original decal, and there you have it, see photo below.

Hope this helps.

P.S. google a place called Viper Grahics, he may still have my template on file which willsave you hassle if you want a GTE decal.
