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08-07-02, 05:47 PM
hi nice site u have here...
I have been reading for a couiple on months now good advice on here :wink:

I was wondering if anyone could help me...i have a nova 1.2 with 13" 5spoke alloys of a corsa.
would i need 2 tell my insurance company about that?
i aint 17 yet b-day is this month so i wanted 2 get things sorted b4 i go ahead and mod it.
the insurance company said " If i change any badges then it is classed as modified" but my car is De-Badged is it still modified?

08-07-02, 06:04 PM
Don't bother telling them, They'll only screw you over. Say they fell off or whatever.

The only way they get to find out is if you're involved in an accident and they send someone to evalute your car's damage. you can easily swap the wheels to steelies and stick some badges on before that. It's only when you have some 'proper' mods that you could get in trouble (as witnesses/police might inform them ie. it's easy to notice 17's or a full bodikit, aspecially if it's removed at a later date.

Alternatively, what if, supposively, you've 'just bought them wheels from a bloke whom you met in a car park, and were driving home to ring up the insurance compeny and tell em all about it'.

It's time to f u c k the insurance companies back.

08-07-02, 06:06 PM
When i said 'proper' mods i ment something that stands out significantly. And not that what you've got aren't proper mods.

08-07-02, 07:08 PM
Also, as they are only 13", id say they was on ther wen u bought the car, they dont increase bhp either, which is what most insurance companys are concerned bout! i agree with marty, dont bother teling them!
Make sure u put at least 1 set of locking nuts on em 2, cos as ur car starts to look better, peeps will start nicking bits off u, trust me on that 1!

As for the badges, just get rid of em if u wanna, cant c how insurance companys would wana charge you for aving no badges! And if worst comes to the worst say they was nicked and u cant afford new badges!
Which insurance company did u ring?
Hope i was helpful!

08-07-02, 11:28 PM
just play dumb if your caught out.....say 'what.....u mean these weren't fitted as standard?' 'u see i would't know cos i'm not really a car person.......i like caravans etc etc'

and yeah, get some locking nuts.......i lived in upton up till 3 years ago when i moved, they'll nick anythin there lmao :lol: :lol:
mind u, if they do go missin i could find out where they were lol

09-07-02, 12:53 AM
I live in upton! and ye they will nick anything thats not bolted to the floor :lol:

09-07-02, 01:42 AM
Ignorance is no defence by law.

(things that don't increase bhp may still increase the premium as they make the car more desirable to thieves, aspecially if it's already a high risk. make it slightly different and it will attract more attention. both good and bad kind)

09-07-02, 12:58 PM
my mate has done his escort with body kit, alloys and tints, he hasnt told his insurance company, which i think is a very bad idea, on saturday this old woman ran into the back of me, her insurance company is sending someone out 2morow to asses my cars damage, if i had modified my car and not told my insurance company when the guy comes round he would notice, which would then really put me up a geek without a sadle coz it would void my insurance plus them fixing my car.
The best thing is to tell them, but be careful, if ur insurance company dont acept mods and u didnt realise till after u done them, ring em up and say, 'what would happen to my premium IF i was too....blah blah blah', if they say they wouldnt cover u just leave it as that, dont tell em, its a risky choice.

09-07-02, 01:00 PM
my mate has done his escort with body kit, alloys and tints, he hasnt told his insurance company, which i think is a very bad idea, on saturday this old woman ran into the back of me, her insurance company is sending someone out 2morow to asses my cars damage, if i had modified my car and not told my insurance company when the guy comes round he would notice, which would then really put me up a geek without a sadle coz it would void my insurance plus them fixing my car.
The best thing is to tell them, but be careful, if ur insurance company dont acept mods and u didnt realise till after u done them, ring em up and say, 'what would happen to my premium IF i was too....blah blah blah', if they say they wouldnt cover u just leave it as that, dont tell em, its a risky choice.

09-07-02, 06:06 PM
I modified my first car A LOT without mods declared and had some old duffer drive into the front of it. The insurance company said they'll send an accident assesment geezer down and made a convinient appointment. I thought shit, i've got loads of work now to return it back to standard before he turns up. HE ONLY TURNED UP UNANNOUNCED 2 DAYS EARLY! And took digital photos of the car, inside and out (even of things that were nothing to do with the claim). I still got away with it though and they paid out. I guess i was lucky then.

I declare mods now, though not every one of them. Also, the way you word/describe things makes a lot of difference too.

09-07-02, 08:48 PM
declare all mods (even wheels) - just make sure you tell them about the extra security you got too (locking wheel nuts, crook lock, cat1/2 alarm, delocked, central locking etc...)
Advise them what was on the car (as standard) when bought (alloys, spoilers etc).
Do the "what if" bit before adding (I did on me suspension and was told it would go up ?70 over 12 months - not too bad)
Make sure your insurance company is "mod friendly" - CIS I hear wont charge u for body mods but will hit you for performance ones.

I have a m8 who works in car insurance - he advised on the above and also about badges - get this - if u add a performance badge to yer car (like a sticker advertising K&N) this is seen as a mod and its as good as if you actually had the mod fitted to the car! Its attracting attention to the "potential" power your car has - so for all those that have added stickers down their doors, windows etc check out the possible cost implications - especially if u dont have the mod (make sure you remove them if you have a smash).
Debadging can also attract attention as your car in annonamous. People are curious that way...

10-07-02, 12:11 AM
if you havn't declared the mods on your car an some old giffer rear ends you, surely you'd still get paid. its got nothing to do with his insurance company has it? i mean....even if you didn't bolt that k&n on, he'd still have crashed into you. does it matter if you've got non standard alloys.........the crash would have happened if you were running standard rims.

the worst case is that they'd tell your insurers and you'd become void. even without insurance they'll still have to pay u, right?

if i was run over and paralized the blokes insurance would pay me even though i i don't have insurance, cos there client had caused damage to a third party.

likewise, if he crashed through my front wall they'd have to pay for repairs even though my wall isn't insured. because there client had caused third party damage.

the problems occur when u crash into someone............but if you don't declare mods and go round crashing into ppl then you deserve to be up shitty creek :lol: :lol:

12-07-02, 12:23 AM
Dave - all thats perfectly true...but what if U crash into someone. If u dont declare your performance enhancing mods (air filter, engine, zorst etc) then your insurance will by null and void coz u have enhanced the general power of the car - if u hit someone and they are injured, your insurance will not cover costs etc and u could find yerself in court being sued or worse still driving without insurance!
In theory if someone hits u they have to pay but your insurance company will only pay for standard parts - so it your alloys get damaged or that well modded engine damaged, you'll not get another one and u certainly wont get the value back for it if the car is written off (which most novas are now adays coz its cheaper to do that than repair them!)
Body mods are slightly different coz they make the car stand out more and thus encourage car crime (allegedley). ALL insurance companies will charge u for performance enhancng mods - some will charge you for body only mods. Very few will not charge you (yet to find one)


12-07-02, 09:48 AM
I remember when I was 17. It is very difficult to get a decent quote from an insurance company, and thats before you start declaring mods. These days most Insurance companies that accept modifications won't insure you unless you're over 21. The companies that will insure you will charge you a huge amount of money for even the smallest of mods. To the majority of us 13" Alloy wheels don't seem like that big a deal, however, Insurance company here the word "Alloys" and there eyes light up like kids at Christmas time.

When I passed my test I was insured under my mums name on a 1.1 Fiesta. I stuck some Pepperpot Alloys on it and phoned the Insurance company asking how much it would increase if I was to put some Alloys on. The insurance company said they would increase my mums payment and they wouldn't insure me :o So being young and Stupid I put them on anyway :roll: but I kept the standard wheels in the garage, should I have crashed the car. Fortunatley I didnt and I now I'm 24 and can declare all mods on my Nova.

My advice is phone around. CIS are good with cosmetic mods, but I'm not sure if they insure people under 21. The de-badging is a load of balls. Most new cars these days have no badges anyway, and like one of the guys said, say they must have been stolen and you never noticed ;)

Good Luck, The first few years of motoring are expensive, but the more no claims you build up, the more benefits you will recieve in the future. Also, don't be surprised if Insurance companies take no note of any security features. I have shit loads of Security and Liverpool-Victoria don't take it into consideration :( It's still there for my own piece of mind, but a little frustrating when you spend a lot of money and get no insurance discount :?


13-07-02, 12:01 AM
Privilege Insurance are good. I declared my mods and they said i can spend up to ?1000 on i.c.e. and up to ?3000 on bodywork and it would be covered without affecting the premium anymore. And the excess was only ?100. Magic.

13-07-02, 09:30 AM
theres an insurance company called hyper performance that apparantly let you gauge the percentage of mods u do against the cost of the insurance - m8 of mine - 24 at the time had a nova 2ltr 16v, fully kitted etc and only paid ?600 fully comp - declared it as 100% modified from the original 1.2. He had to give them the soec in writing but thats all!


17-07-02, 07:57 PM
ok thnx 4 all the help..the insurance company i got a quote was from tesco and it was ?1200 on a 1.2 nova....i dunno if that is good or bad :?

i got another quote on a 1.0 citron AX ?3025 !!! lol

17-07-02, 11:09 PM
lol......tesco quoted me ?2500 third party for a 1.3sr :lol: :lol: even the women on the end of the phone was shocked..............even more when i told her the best quote i'd got was ?535!!! :lol: needless to say i took the 535!

Ben (lurk75)
20-07-02, 11:10 AM
i got a quote from the AA and when i said i had a cat 1 they put my insurance UP by 20% !!!! bloody barstewards