08-07-02, 05:37 PM
What do people get out of it, really? I mean if you have a car (that could be in a magazine) does it automatically make it better the day after it's been featured? Will it make you enjoy driving it more?

And as Ian rightly pointed out, PEOPLE ARE BUILDING CARS FOR MAGAZINES NOW, not for themselves. Trying to be as mad as possible, but what for? Is it what they really want, or just to be 'better than someone in a magazine'? No matter how many say it's the former, we all know that it's the latter.

Taking Lancy for example (sorry, not picking on you mate. although you ain't really my mate anyway.) would he have spent what he did and carried out the mods he did if he didn't want to get his car featured? I seriously doubt it. And this is confirmed by him going on about it on his web-sites - 'ooh, i've rung revs, ooh, it's being photographed tomorrow... today...it's on the cover...what does everyone think?...OOOH TOUCH ME! MY CAR'S ON A FRONT COVER OF A MAGAZINE...I'M FAMOUS'

Even i've been caught doing it a few times (having a possible feature in mind when carrying out certain mods).

Also, what do people actually GET for having their car featured? Apart from an ego thing? I mean magazines make a lot of money out of 'taking pictures of other peoples cars and selling them', but what do the people get out of it themselves? Do they get paid for a feature? No. But why not? They make the magazine, as if it wasn't for them the magazines wouldn't exist.

08-07-02, 06:19 PM
How many of you bough a car mag, and thought 'why's this car on the cover, when there's a different one inside that totally p i s s e s s all over it inside?

And since you're not getting anything for having your car featured (apart from an ego thing, which you can get from this idea)......

How about forming like a 'Feature Car Club'. Without rules/restrictions on what is isn't good enough to be featured.

It could be on-line only. How it would work is - all the members display a .com address as a sticker on their motor. The web-site itself would contain features of the cars, however modified they are, and would have a ratings system. So people can go on and give marks out of 10, for example, for each car and the features would be auto-arranged in order (most voted for at top etc). You could even have different categories - for i.c.e., performance and looks and etc. And a search engine, so you can just look at the Novas, or whatever you want. So you could easily see the top cars in each category, or for each make and model ane etc, etc.

The cars would reflect real peoples opinions, not a few individuals working for magazines (who use their positions to get free stuff for themselves). So we'd know who THE REAL DADDIES are!

Why make Max Towell, Fart Car and the rest money? Do this instead. The more cars are on it, the more will want to join. This way, the current mags would have to start paying people to allow their cars to be featured. Or would go bust.

It could be loosely based on the Channel4's Model Behaviour web-site. Have a look if you want a better idea of what i'm on about.

08-07-02, 06:42 PM
The existing mags could just publish show reports, guides and new products and etc.

Why bother having your car featured, when you can gain the same things through a different means?

Also, there could be a magazine running alongside the web-site, for those that don't have web-access yet.

08-07-02, 07:40 PM
ok then,

back to lancy, he may wanna be totally different cos nowa days most novas are lookin the same, i mean most dun up ones have all the same kinda style bumpers(mainly gt) ones or the same kinda shape spoilers or skirts, most i see are either blue, red or white. so if u see a car totally moved away from all that then u gonna want to know whats under the hood or inside cos its new material. and lancy must like the ideas hes got on his car or he probably wudnt of dun it. i do sum of the stuff hes dun cos its different to everyone else but its hard work wen u start puttin pug parts on a nova wen it dont even have the same fittings. neway im chattin shit now. 0X

08-07-02, 08:54 PM
i think ur quite right m8, a previous friend of mine has had 3 cover cars of his own, the first 1 was spotted by max, but the other 2 he contected max saying "ive got a new car, want to cover it?". turned him in to a complete arse!! thing is, when he came to sell them he got more money for them than if it was a car that hadnt been covered. cover cars nowadays are beyond most average peeps means.

08-07-02, 10:43 PM
duz ne one care? if peps wana get them featured then so be it i spose may be after all the hard work they feel it is a reward? but as u say sum get a fat head! but then y are we bothered about the best looking kar? when most of the time u can sit there thinking i culd hammer that off the lights! :o

08-07-02, 11:06 PM
i'd happily put my car on the cover of a magazine.........guarenteed its never gonna happen cos its shit but spose the idea of doing it is that hundreds of thousands of ppl will see it making all the hard work (and cash) justified. if it wasn't covered the only ppl to see and enjoy it would be the odd thousand were u live. even if it was online you'd never get near the number of ppl seeing it as when its on the cover of say max cos even graanies poping into the shop for a colostomy bag :o would get a glimpse.

09-07-02, 12:58 AM
yeh but grannies and cars dont go well if ya no wot i mean.

granny + car = write off

and it tends to be the oldies with the 20 yr old metros who cant afford to pay out etc.

09-07-02, 08:27 AM
martys got some good ideas, i suppose mag feature does increase value of the car, plus theres the blagging side of it, u can blag discounts and freebies for the publicity, but can go too far like that twin eng escort pickup which had most stuff donated.

a lot of mag cars arent even that good, photos hide a lot of stuff. but i have to say brett w's is awesome - spotless.

and the mags do make good money out of other peoples cars thats why i turned down a spot inside max last year, they wanted me to take car put inside, drain petrol tank, leave inside for 3 days and would they pay accomodation? or petrol? would they fuck, they were perfectly happy to charge people ?20 to look at my car though. and they made millions on that show.

i suppose people get featured cos its a bit of recognition for what they have done.
i never set out to have mine done, they just asked me and i was flattered so said yes, now i wouldnt be so sure after the balls up they made. magazine featured cars arent all that, take martin kelsons nova won car of show at png national day owuld anyone feature it? nope cos it had 15s! all u need for a feature is tractor wheels nowadays. (cp you'll be sorted lol)
hmm cant let a post about mag features go without a dig at dan :twisted:
why did you have yours done a-n-t was it sponsorship from tango? :lol:

09-07-02, 08:30 AM
another good point is if you do have it featured you get to know the mag staff and get invited on some of the cool events, eg redline rumble, that was an absolute quality day, what more could you want? free tarckday to race the car about, loads of awesome cars showing what they can actually do not just parked up eg reyalnd cossie and twin eng r5.

cp ur still a cnut :lol: fcuking jammy passenger ride bastard :P

Dan 5door
09-07-02, 08:51 AM
if you want your car to be a in a magazine surely that means you are building it for your self anyway as thats what you want?

09-07-02, 07:10 PM
Cool.marty, why are you so against features? I must have a totally opposite view to you on this topic, I loved having my car featured so much I got it into two mags. (My Total Vauxhall feature isn't out yet). What better way of recognition do you have than being able to open up Fast Car (or any other mag) and see your hard work and imagination spread over 4 pages?
I understand that you should build a car for yourself, but i'm sure a lot of people would say that the bodykits,alloys etc are to get peoples attention. Not just for themselves. What better way of getting the attention than by getting it featured. I didn't set out when I first bought the car to get it featured, i'm just into my cars so much that over the years, i've spent shite loads of money and built a car magazines feel is good enough to feature, although my latest mods were in view of getting it featured. Each to his own. I love my feature :D

09-07-02, 09:16 PM
I agree with Marty to a degree and kev, car mags have got to a stage now where the only real way to get yer car featured is if it is modded to within an inch of its life and doesnt even look like the intended car!

My m8 was in safeway in his cossie and was approached by a ford magazine - before they even photographed the car, they asked what he'd done to it and how much it cost - he'd done a bit (rebuilt most of it) so had spent a fair bit - the car was photographed but after he said he wondered what they would have done had he not spent so much...like if he'd made most of the bits himself diy style.
You have to wonder what kind of kick back these car mags get from the companies that make the bumpers, splitters, lights etc in free advertising.

Don't get me wring I'd love to get me car in a magazine - maximum publicity but after seeing how big most peoples heads get - and the negative attention that can follow (m8's car was later scratched - not good when you have a pearl white paint job!)

I like Marty's idea for an on line car mag featuring cars - theres no reason why we couldnt set one up -

What about it admin? possibility for future release of novaload?
I like Mart

Ben (lurk75)
09-07-02, 11:49 PM
I like the idea of the online feature's.

And also agree with the points that the cars in the mags arent everyday cars! And where do they get there bhp figures from????? saying that i buy some mags but mostly for the new items sections etc not for the cars.

i think i would consider a feature from total vauxhall as they seem to be interested in what your car is, not how much youve spent like the others plus would be good to show em that not all vauxhalls are built by courtney or regal!

Ben (lurk75)
09-07-02, 11:50 PM
I like the idea of the online feature's.

And also agree with the points that the cars in the mags arent everyday cars! And where do they get there bhp figures from????? saying that i buy some mags but mostly for the new items sections etc not for the cars.

i think i would consider a feature from total vauxhall as they seem to be interested in what your car is, not how much youve spent like the others plus would be good to show em that not all vauxhalls are built by courtney or regal!

09-07-02, 11:51 PM
quite mad......bought fast car today and inside is five page feature titled 'how 2 build the ultimate feature car' lol. it goes through what they look for in car from mirrors to paint etc etc.

back to the online car mag....it could be called 'novaload overload' lmao :lol:

09-07-02, 11:57 PM
internet features would be a nice idea. but thing is pics dont do cars justice. my car looks fine in the pics, but for anyone whos actually seen it in the flesh, my rear arches are in dire need of welding.....

10-07-02, 10:30 AM
To get a feature these days the car has to be different or new, or if the car is popular then you have to go mad get it featured.

I aim to get mine featured (hopefully cover). I'm only doing this

1. to prove that I have one of the best novas in the country

2. I hate to be the same as every one else

3. If its not the best then I dont like it

4. and just because I love modifying cars

I dont give a sh*t if I cant drive down the road if its to low. As long as it would look good.

If I wanted a car for speed I would build one

If i wanted a car for leasure I by a standard piece of crap.

10-07-02, 12:33 PM
It could be on-line only. How it would work is - all the members display a .com address as a sticker on their motor. The web-site itself would contain features of the cars, however modified they are, and would have a ratings system

yeah thats a great idea. Like a car theifs directory.

Theif spots your car around your area and likes the look of it, spots URL, goes onto website (using stolen computer obviously) finds all about your car, bish bash bosh car stolen.

Its good to put your car on a enthusiast website so other enthusiasts can see them, they generally on there to look at nice motors and the chances of any thiefs surfin the web, seeing your car and then knowing where you live are veryslim. Car directory yes, but just use the ones on novaload. The fact i got vauxhall nova: Walsalls white wunda as my signature doesnt help. hmmm is my sig turned on? :o

10-07-02, 12:48 PM
It could be on-line only. How it would work is - all the members display a .com address as a sticker on their motor. The web-site itself would contain features of the cars, however modified they are, and would have a ratings system

yeah thats a great idea. Like a car theifs directory.

Theif spots your car around your area and likes the look of it, spots URL, goes onto website (using stolen computer obviously) finds all about your car, bish bash bosh car stolen.

Its good to put your car on a enthusiast website so other enthusiasts can see them, they generally on there to look at nice motors and the chances of any thiefs surfin the web, seeing your car and then knowing where you live are veryslim. Car directory yes, but just use the ones on novaload. The fact i got vauxhall nova: Walsalls white wunda as my signature doesnt help. hmmm is my sig turned on? :o

Ben (lurk75)
10-07-02, 06:37 PM
in all fairness thieves dont tend to steal modified cars, because...
1. if it is stolen to order then it would need to be standard

2. they stand out far to much and can be spotted by the police, owner, owners friends.

3. 99% of modified cars are fitted with a decent alarm and immobiliser system. (wich you could also put on the feature online)

Plus in all fairness if a thief wants your car he will just pinch it not go and look up what spec its got, most car thefts are for convienence. (lift home etc)

Still think its a good idea!

Rich Dale
11-07-02, 01:35 AM
Such web-sites already exist.....Micky has his vecy on one.

I can't remember the link though.....Micky.....what was it?

It's more or less the same as described.....you submit your car with pics and any details on spec. then peeps can browse through and rate 'em.
You can search for certain cars too or just look through randomly.

I'd never be bothered about featuring my cars.....I'm happy enough having it featured on a few enthusiasts web-sites so peeps can have a look if interested. Maybe I'd want to show off if I'd built something really special though.

I'm glad TV was mentioned.....they feature a good mix of cars.....unlike "the others" which I don't buy anymore.

11-07-02, 06:40 PM
I spose it depends on your personality as to what view point you take. The good thing about featured cars is that it shares ideas about and gives general copy for all those interested in cars and car modding. I guess if it doesn't ring your bell you wouldn't be buying these mags anyway. Generally featured cars have had a lot of time and effort spent on them. OK some peeps might be heavily influenced to get into a mag but if they do good a new stuff does it matter and maybe they are spurred on to do better stuff?
The only thing I don't like is when it seems that people have followed the same recipe as 100's b4. Its nicer to see stuff thats taken a bit of ingenuity with a different look and approach.

Personally I would agree to feature my car so long as it was finished and running OK and someone thought it was of interest. But then I'm an insecure bigheaded showoff who craves constant attention to bolster my pathetic lack of self confidence lol! Anyway I've gone a step further getting either myself or my car in just about every copy of Total Vaux mostly inadvertently lol! ( or else i just blag myself along to other peoples parties and then steal rides in the fastest car there lmao!) Sorry lads I'm just an empty feature and I should be scrapped

11-07-02, 08:50 PM
( or else i just blag myself along to other peoples parties and then steal rides in the fastest car there lmao!)


CP is a car slut :lol:

13-07-02, 09:52 AM