View Full Version : China Blue '85 Nova

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10-12-07, 01:38 PM
After crashing my first China blue Nova, I have been searching for one the same. 3 Years on I have finally stumbled across something very similar :thumb:

(apologies for pics- the sun is a nightmare today!)








10-12-07, 01:41 PM
There is a patch of rust on the passenger door and the bottom of the front 0/S wing is quite rotten, but the arches are perfect :D Today's jobs are just cleaning it inside and out and getting some PNG stickers on there :)

10-12-07, 01:49 PM

very good yarr

10-12-07, 01:53 PM
great start for a project nova mate ...good luck ...

10-12-07, 01:57 PM
Thanks :) I have got my head set on exactly how I want it so hopefully with a bit of lovin' and some money I should get there.

10-12-07, 02:02 PM
i also have a kinda idea of what to achieve but my guide is set by he wife ..lol..look forward to reading your progress.. :)

10-12-07, 02:02 PM
Ahh so thats the beast, seems tidy enough where it counts.
Ill have a pritty good passenger door for sale off my red nova when mine goes for paint and has the 2 new doors fitted if you want it?

10-12-07, 02:24 PM
Looks nice that allthought the paint has faded quite a bit .. but love that interior lol.

10-12-07, 02:30 PM
Yeah the paint is faded but Dougie suggested I use some G3 on it so I'm going to wait til I get some of that. China blue is a pastelly (is that even a word?) colour anyway- see avatar :)

10-12-07, 03:00 PM
Looks minted - I love the older Nova's

Nice brown dash as well :)

10-12-07, 03:36 PM
Andy- thanks but I'm just going to treat it for now. I will sort out the door when I have a bit more money lol

10-12-07, 03:37 PM
i also have a kinda idea of what to achieve but my guide is set by he wife ..lol..look forward to reading your progress.. :)


Luckily I think my 'wife' is behind me on this one :thumb:

10-12-07, 03:37 PM
Wont be for a good 4-5 months beforei have it painted anyway. :thumb:

10-12-07, 03:41 PM
Nice one, just need some TLC and your well away!


10-12-07, 04:10 PM
nice 1 lynz!!

already checked the battery tray (or whatever you guys call it)? seems a little rusty on the pic.


10-12-07, 04:20 PM
Yeah it's all fine uner there... Just needs cleaning and maybe a couple of bits sanding back but not rotten through, so I'm happy with that :)

10-12-07, 04:33 PM
Hey, looks nice, hope you get it just the way you want it.


10-12-07, 05:36 PM
Yeah, Lynz has another Nova :D
Don't turn this one into a blue banana ;)

10-12-07, 05:40 PM
iain- Thanks :)

Dar- I will try not to lol I never want to see a blue banana again!!

10-12-07, 06:16 PM
PMSL @ blue banana

10-12-07, 06:23 PM
humm I think that some firm that makes Ladies toys should paten that "The Blue Banana"

10-12-07, 07:14 PM
Thanks a lot Riggy :( It wasn't funny at the time! *ouch*

macc nova
10-12-07, 07:18 PM
If you want a weber carb and 1.3 inlet im sellin mine soon, let me know :thumb:

Nice choise aswell matey

10-12-07, 07:49 PM
Niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiicee lynz! I trust it's staying china blue?! It just need slamming and some wide 13's. leave that interior alone too!

10-12-07, 07:54 PM
Yeah it is defo staying China blue :)
Needs a few lil bits sorting out but haven't found anything major. Will be slammed but I think It will be on 14s because I want big brakes.
Was thinking about leaving the interior but I will be sitting on the passenger seat every time I go round a roundabout lol so I'm not sure about that at the moment.

10-12-07, 09:15 PM
cool.. quite brave going with another mimic of a tragic previous car..
that shade of blue is deffo an uncommon one on any car, nowadays..
white rally style wheels goes down a treat on these early to mid 80's novas in china blue i rekon..

10-12-07, 09:25 PM
Yeah, my friend thinks I'm a loon for doing it but I still feel so gutted about the 1st one that I really want to do this. I know which wheels I would like but not sure about white at the mo, they do look good but I will wait to see what the wheels look lke :)

10-12-07, 10:37 PM
:thumb: ya know what to do lynz

10-12-07, 11:21 PM
Ah so you got your hands on another one. know you wanted one for ages after seeing the pic's of lee's. looks a nice tidy shell

11-12-07, 03:36 PM
White astra gte rims ftw!

And blue banana, its the Lynz effect. lol

11-12-07, 04:46 PM

11-12-07, 10:37 PM
Same colour as my mates Lee's one.

11-12-07, 10:49 PM
My fave colour after Jamaica yellow, just needs brightening up a lil' bit.

macc nova
11-12-07, 11:14 PM
ive got some g3 if you want it?? that should bring it up a treat

11-12-07, 11:36 PM
I see you got the nova that you were after then lynz..

12-12-07, 11:28 AM
White astra gte rims ftw!

And blue banana, its the Lynz effect. lol
Here is 1 i made earlyer.lol
Looking good lynz.
See you and Dougie soon.

12-12-07, 10:18 PM
Yeah hopefully :)
^^^ Awsome :D

26-12-07, 06:33 PM
Haven't done anything exciting, just spent a couple of hours with the Nova this morning. Removed the grille badge :thumb: Looks well better now IMO.


Gave the car a wash and took it for a run out for an hour. The 52k 1.2 motor runs sweeeeet when it's warmed up a bit.


Well happy with my gifts. Dougie got me a brand new set of SR steelies. Boxed and everything! I have been looking for some of these for ages too.



And my sister got me the snowplough... Also a brand new item. Thanks to 'duick' for bringing it over :thumb:


Wanted to see how it'd look, but being alone made it difficult. Ignore the daft angle and the petrol can and you get the idea!


Now it's at my sister's house. Shame the garage is full of boxes. Will get a cover for it or something.


Have ordered new plates for it as the ones on it aren't in very good condition. Just little things at the moment, once my bank account recovers from Christmas the thread might become a bit more interesting :thumb:

26-12-07, 06:36 PM
I want to get a heat gun on the bumpers too, brings it back to dark grey a treat apparently.

26-12-07, 06:47 PM
looking good lynz, id say some white astra GTE wheels or some comps, the seats are cool as **** as im sure being a woman (supposedly) you could retrim the cheques onto some SR seats

or get some burberry SR seats

26-12-07, 06:52 PM
I have thought about white wheels but the SR steelies are so perfectly untarnished that I'm going to leave them be. Kind of lol.

26-12-07, 06:55 PM
lookin good.. i wannted to some of them steelies.. nice find

26-12-07, 07:05 PM
being a woman (supposedly) What's that supposed to mean? :roll: :(

26-12-07, 07:44 PM
Can't wait to see it with the snow-plough on it, has to be my favourite style of Nova that

Keep the inside as brown as possible too :)

26-12-07, 07:54 PM
Looks good lynz, I reckon slammed on gte rims would look ace.

From this:


To this:


26-12-07, 07:58 PM
I wanted to get a brown check interior but decided against it due to funds and also because I'm thinking of expanding the beige/ cream colour slightly. I got hold of a grey check interior but I have given it to Dougie. Unsure whether he will use it or not because like me, he has a brown dash. In fact, he has the exact same interior :p I like the seats in a strange way, I'd just prefer something slightly supportive where I won't end up on the passenger seat all the bloody time!

26-12-07, 08:00 PM
Cool :D But I alread have the SR steelies, and as mentioned before they are my absolute favourite wheels for a Nova :D

26-12-07, 08:01 PM
Yep that what I found with mine, if you chuck it about a bit you be falling out of your seat every time you take a corner! lol

Why not re-trim some sr seats with your fabric if you like the design?

Oh yeah ive sent those pics to your email as well :D

Fair enough if you like the sr wheels, I was just thinking along the lines of fitting bigger brakes..

shy witness
26-12-07, 08:01 PM
that looks sweet

and good find on the wheel front

i've a set of sr steelies lying about myself......but they'd need tidied.

i reckon theyd looks sweet as.......on your car ........if its low low low

26-12-07, 08:42 PM
Yep that what I found with mine, if you chuck it about a bit you be falling out of your seat every time you take a corner! lol

Why not re-trim some sr seats with your fabric if you like the design?

Oh yeah ive sent those pics to your email as well :D

Fair enough if you like the sr wheels, I was just thinking along the lines of fitting bigger brakes..

It isn't that I'm particually keen on the seats, I just have a couple of ideas about the cream :p

I have received email,will have a look shortly :D

The steelies are 14", hopefully the big brakes will fit inside :D

26-12-07, 10:56 PM
I would put the badge back on the grill. Nice choice on the SR front spoiler.

If its the grey check seats that came after the brown that you got, then get it fitted. They look as good as if not better than the brown check seats.

27-12-07, 02:00 PM
looking good, get the bumpers to the same colour as the snow plow and it will looks spot on .


27-12-07, 02:08 PM
Lynz, you may struggle to fit 256's behind those rims, you may have to use tigra brakes. Or Fit some decent 236's and get the rims widedend (re-rimmed, currently having some 13's done) to 7 or 8 inches wide!
Ps i have some calibra cream leather front seats for nowt, if you want 'em let me know. there's a slight bolster rubs on the drivers seat, pics can be arranged.

27-12-07, 06:38 PM
I want to get a heat gun on the bumpers too, brings it back to dark grey a treat apparently.it does work just be very careful when doing it. you can see the difference it made to mine


27-12-07, 07:32 PM
That's well good Mr :) I will be careful. PM'd you John :D

27-12-07, 07:45 PM
I don't want the badge on the grille, thats why I took it off lol I will keep it because I'm sure it will make it's way back on some day. The grey interior isn't going in because it won't look right with the brown dash and carpets IMO. The reason I haven't fitted the 'plough is the bumpers being so faded, as I have already mentioned. Thanks for your opinions though.

27-12-07, 09:14 PM
Hmm. It needs an XE.

When Dans car is finished, we'll talk :)

27-12-07, 10:42 PM
:D You just want to make me drive fast ;)

27-12-07, 11:42 PM
I think that was the first thing he said about my yellow sr, 'Looks good, but it needs a valver!'

Lee loves his XE's, but not as much as he loves making them explode lol PMSL.

28-12-07, 05:07 PM
Sorry i missed your call the other morning, was in bed with a hangover. lol

Snow plough and old skool steelies rock, what width are they?
Iirc you can get 16v calipers underneath them if there 5.5j wide.
Your welcome to pop round mine, whip the wheel off mine and see if the steelie will fit over the valver brakes on mine. :thumb:

Lee H
28-12-07, 08:33 PM
I've had 16v brakes under them wheels but they were close and had part worn pads in which moved the caliper in a bit more.

28-12-07, 09:24 PM
Same here/\
They wouldn't fit with new discs/pads tho. They just about fit with part worn pads, and even then its a close fit.
I have a pic somewhere.

Looks quite a tidy shell there Lynz for the age.
The new SR steelies look cool. :)

01-05-08, 09:58 PM
Ok, I should do a massive update here but I'm going to have to get Dougie to give me a hand arranging the pics as they all went out of order when I put them onto the laptop.

It went in like this...


After a little bit of this


and this


Engine in :D


Suspension and brakes on (we took the idiot springs out but didn't get another pic, they are good for bouncing on hehe)


Add these (with my new Yokos):


Snowplough fitted and new Sportex exhaust system on, was running lovely so took it to Combe but this mean lot made me park at the back :(


Thanks Dougie :thumb:

01-05-08, 10:03 PM
Future plans:
New tailgate (this one is fecked but I got one off Ernie)
New front bumper/ grille combo
Fit the mk1 Astra GTE interior
Tidy up a few bits of bodywork

01-05-08, 10:04 PM
sweet lynz,the front end looks proper old skool very nice:thumb:

01-05-08, 10:06 PM
Thanks :D haven't got any ass pics of it lol

01-05-08, 10:14 PM
Looks very clean - A straight to the point car :)

01-05-08, 10:18 PM
Tis very nice.
Need them steelies banded up, 8inch wide but streached tyres. ;)

01-05-08, 10:20 PM
looking very cool lynz :thumb:

01-05-08, 10:30 PM
that looks shweet lynz.. love the steelies and snowplough combo! :thumb:

01-05-08, 10:43 PM
Thanks for the comments guys :D

01-05-08, 10:47 PM
very nice liking that alot

01-05-08, 10:55 PM
I take it mines china blue then ??? i was told it was Wedgewood blue or sumert like that ??? ...



PS: A need ta get some new pics as av got the lil badge back on the grill and the top half of the bumper is now painted along with the wing mirrors and the side strips and the back bumper ,, looking for some cheap wheels next , but a little bit stuck for cash so not rite now .

01-05-08, 10:59 PM
I will let you know the paint code then you can check ok? There are a few similar colours and it's difficult to say from the photo. I didn't even know they did China blue that late on (G reg) but you could well be right Mr. It looks a bit darker but mine does need a good G3ing!


01-05-08, 11:04 PM
Looking at yours , mine is slightly darker i think acctually .. nice car anyway ,ate , oh yh mines a 5 door 2

where will i find the paint code ?

01-05-08, 11:05 PM
My shade of China blue is e243.
Paint code is on the slam panel :D

01-05-08, 11:08 PM
My shade of China blue is e243.
Paint code is on the slam panel :D

Cheers bud ! :thumb:

This is what i want to do to mine , get rid of back doors , but al probly go slightly euro style , some nice little rims and nice and low


02-05-08, 12:03 AM
looking good lynz, is that johns old front valance?

Also have you got the brakes on ok as per the other comments? corsa gsi brakes might be another option. Like it though, looks kinda like mine! lol

02-05-08, 12:10 AM
nevo i think youll find yours might be nordic blue.. my old one was and it was similar colour to lynz's :thumb:

02-05-08, 01:21 AM
Nevo if your after a 3dr nova then buy one mate, dont try that to a 5dr i dont think it will work well.
best of luck though.


02-05-08, 12:04 PM
Brakes fit fine thanks :D It is a new snowplough, thanks to duick and my sister Lisa hehe.

02-05-08, 12:20 PM
THAT is beautiful looking. I wouldnt do anything else to it. And to think, I sold an Identical Opel Corsa, same colour and with SR Steels for next to nothing. It looks mint, well done.

Now give me your snow plough spoiler, please?

02-05-08, 01:32 PM
Nevo if your after a 3dr nova then buy one mate, dont try that to a 5dr i dont think it will work well.
best of luck though.


Thanks mate i do understand what your saying but i really want the rear arches .... al just get it welded up smoothed out then get some reclining seats in front , then get some sort of euro style wheels , drop it by 80mm ish ... get it so nora the nova is scrapin her a$$ !!

02-05-08, 04:40 PM
looking good lynz

02-05-08, 06:24 PM
Cheers :D I'm really happy with it, just the way I was hoping it'd look!

02-05-08, 06:41 PM
Looks cool, loving the steelies :cool:

Few pics i took at Combe:)

02-05-08, 07:37 PM
Nice one Adam. can see that the bumper is distorted in the first pic, need to sort that out.

02-05-08, 07:58 PM
china blue is an excellent colour :cool: and my saloon is of course the same colour.................except the white bits :)

03-05-08, 07:36 AM
looking good lynz! Needs to go lower! What size tyres are you running?

03-05-08, 01:07 PM

03-05-08, 09:42 PM
:) maybe..?

03-05-08, 10:28 PM
Haven't done anything exciting, just spent a couple of hours with the Nova this morning. Removed the grille badge :thumb: Looks well better now IMO.

And my sister got me the snowplough... Also a brand new item. Thanks to 'duick' for bringing it over :thumb:


Yep removing the grille badge makes a big difference.

Mate that Strip of rubber that smooths the snowplough and bumper join, any ideas where I can get one?

My one is gone all hard and is losing shape :(

Looking good tho, love the MK1 snowplough look :thumb:

04-05-08, 06:17 PM
Nope, sorry. Mine came with it on. John H said to try using some trim from something similar, have a look in the scrappys :D

08-05-08, 01:53 PM
I have some new pictures to put up tonight. Fitted rev counter clocks yesterday and had a play about with the timing at the weekend. It goes well, but it always seems a bit lumpy at idle. Not much to do now and it'll be sorted.

I'm going to fit the front bumper from my Nova at the weekend as the current one isn't too good.

Anyone know what the rev limiter is on a 1.6 GTE engine?

08-05-08, 02:39 PM
Never met 1 yet lol.
Nice work you guys keep up the good work.

craig green
08-05-08, 04:15 PM
Anyone know what the rev limiter is on a 1.6 GTE engine?

Its about 6200 /6500 IIRC. Mine just would not pull that far on the std cam.

I think I found it once, had a barney with the Mrs & tried to make 2nd gear pull 100mph up a long hill. Eventually the power just stopped coming abruptly but it wasnt as pleasing as hitting the limiter in an XE.

08-05-08, 10:13 PM



Here's a few more shots of the Nova, gave it a clean tonight as the weather was so nice, then did the GSi as well.

08-05-08, 10:26 PM
Hmm, imho it needs grey door cards, and a retro steering wheel. Apart from that, i love it! Where's the euro rear plate?

08-05-08, 10:28 PM
Not put the rear plate on because I'm getting another tailgate painted :D I'm thinking what colour to have the dooracrds cos I'm putting mk1 Astra GTE seats in it, innit ;) lol

08-05-08, 10:31 PM
must say lynz thats lookin tip top, think the silver rim steelies work well with the blue.. looks great :thumb:

08-05-08, 10:36 PM
Not put the rear plate on because I'm getting another tailgate painted :D I'm thinking what colour to have the dooracrds cos I'm putting mk1 Astra GTE seats in it, innit ;) lol

Ahh i see! What colour are the seats? black?
(please don't tell me your adding a mk1 spolier!)

08-05-08, 10:47 PM
No spoiler, I don't want it to look too much like an SR and I like the smooth look. Seats are black yeah :D

09-05-08, 10:08 AM
Oh, and thanks very much for cleaning my lil one Dougie :D you be getting the rewards for doing such a good job ;)

09-05-08, 10:25 AM
I take it your on about your car ? Or has Dougie just had a very good wash down stairs lol.

09-05-08, 08:09 PM
The first sentence was about the car, the second was about something downstairs ;) lol

09-05-08, 08:18 PM
The first sentence was about the car, the second was about something downstairs ;) lol

Your staying downstairs in the kitchen where you belong? :confused:

09-05-08, 08:37 PM
Yeah, 'cuffed to the hot, steamy oven :p

09-05-08, 09:04 PM
Taxi lol

15-05-08, 09:28 PM
Car is in TV Staff cars this month if you fancy a look. Dougie did nearly all the work so all credit goes to him :D except the styling, I make those decisions ;)

15-05-08, 09:31 PM
Good writeup in Tv, good to see a mention to the png'ers you bought bits off too :)

21-05-08, 02:48 PM
I attempted to drive the Nova back home yesterday but it had other plans.

It was going along smoothly til 1 mile off Frankley services :roll: then it started chugging along. My hands gripped the steering wheel tightly as I'm begging the car, "please make it, please make it"!
No smoke from the back or anything so I thought (hoped) that maybe, having fitted a different fuel tank and clocks, the reading was wrong and that I'd run out of petrol. So £25 later I got back in and tried starting the car. Nothing. Popped the bonnet for a quick look but all seemed to be fine so I called Dougie for some advice.
After checking several things and giving the starter motor a few good whacks I tried again. Still nothing :roll: . By now I was getting quite frustrated and was NOT happy to find that another of my centre caps had done one :mad: so I took the remaining 2 off and put them inside the car.
Soon enough the AA were there and he managed to get the car started (something to do with the IND wire) :thumb: GREAT!... Or so I thought. He did a compression test and said my head gasket had almost gone :( 1 & 4 were at 12ish but 2 & 3 were only reading 5 (5 what? I don't know, I just saw the gauge he he he)
"Give us a look at your card love... Oh, well done! You got the relay- you WILL be needing it" :roll: (thanks Dougie)
So a couple of hours later we left the services with lil' Nov' on tow (and my free bottle of Lucozade from the AA man :p).
Unfortunately they have a 62 mile rule so the first bloke could only take me to Michael Wood services where I had to wait for another hour for the next fella to come along. As fond I am of Dar's sexy accent, I couldn't hack listening to this farmer for another hour so was feeling relieved (and a bit nervous) when he suggested towing it with a bar.
He said I done very well though :D

So the faithful Cav is back out of the garage and my lovely man is sorting out the lil' one for me. He's got a gasket and is taking the head off tonight to get it skimmed in the morning.
Oh, and ordered me some new centre caps... Now I just need to think of a way to keep the damn things on!
Any ideas? Thanks for reading :D

21-05-08, 02:56 PM
There really shouldnt be a problem with keeping them on, its the wheel studs that hold them in place. Its possible your old caps had worn slightly. You could try some double sided Tape, the stuff thats used to hold Door mouldings on.

Just out of curosity, how much do the new Centres cost?

21-05-08, 02:59 PM
They are brand new, as are the wheels so they shouldn't have come off at all then :(

I'm sorry but you will have to PM Dougie as the wheels and centre caps were a present so I don't know. He has just ordered me the last 2 with the large square griffins but you may still be able to get the other ones :D

21-05-08, 04:03 PM
Was it turning over on the starter?
Just not firing?

12 on 2, and 5 on two will be Bar(compression)
5 bar compression on cyls 2/3 is almost definently the head gasket gone in between 2/3 so id go with mr AA man's advice that the gaskets funked

21-05-08, 04:23 PM
Just doing nothing at all. The battery light has gone from the dash so he says that means there is a break in the circuit and therefor the alternator isn't charging the battery. Got it started after charging the battery but don't want to run it with a fooked gasket.

Bar was the word :D he he he lol I knew it really ;)

21-05-08, 04:30 PM
I knew it really ;)
Yeah yeah :p:p lol

21-05-08, 04:46 PM
Hehehe I did!

21-05-08, 04:48 PM
those wheels are brilliant :thumb: :)

21-05-08, 06:04 PM
As fond I am of Dar's sexy accent...
If I could give you more rep I would:thumb:

21-05-08, 06:23 PM
Well what can I say Dar? You make me ***** :D

21-05-08, 06:57 PM

You will need to make sure theres a battery light in the dash, as the AA man was correct, and it makes the circuit up. Luckily, MK2's aren't that stupid lol

Loking really nice now Lynz, getting to how you want it now eh? :)

21-05-08, 09:36 PM
Not looking too bad yourself Lee :p

Yeah thanks Mr :D I'm really happy with it, other than what happened yesterday. Looking forward to PV, maybe I get a better spot on the stand than I did at Combe eh? lol

21-05-08, 09:41 PM
lol, I am very anal about my Combe stands. They have to be as jumbled and as untidy as possible. Its been that way ever since I witnessed the Scooby Owners Club arranging their club stand using a tape measure and a protracter! I vowed from that day forth I wouldn't give a crap what it looked like lol

21-05-08, 10:58 PM
LMAO lol Fair enough, I will let you off :p

21-05-08, 11:26 PM
Combe wasn't really a stand, it was just a free for all. lol

Park where you can stand (remember that mk3 astra that appeared from nowhere? Lol)

22-05-08, 09:28 AM
Sorry to here about the Nova Lynz.Hope it all alright.

22-05-08, 01:15 PM
Your worse than me for breaking cars! lol

Best of luck for getting it sorted for P.V.

Ill try and find you at P.V, ill be in the Toyota Calibra. :thumb:

22-05-08, 04:27 PM
Adam- Yeah I know, I'm only kidding. My lil one looked all cute parked up at the back there anyway :p Oh and those lads were smoking huuuuuge doubies lol

Ernie- All is good thanks :d Dougie got straight onto the case and head has been skimmed so he is doing it when he returns from Luton tomorrow night.

ANDYRACER- Erm... How? I never brake anything!!

07-06-08, 12:49 AM
top looking motor love the old skool look

10-06-08, 05:40 PM
Thanks :D

OK so the car made it to Pod but whilst there we had a few troubles. Dougie made an oil breather (from an Asda's own Isotonic drink bottle :p) which eliminated the problem of it cutting out and the car managed to idle perfectly. Unfortunately the amount of exhaust fumes entering the car were edging on lethal so we stopped 10 miles down the road and changed it back.

It got back to Bristol, just.

Head gasket has just been done but some of the good ol' PNGers were suggesting it as a possibility. Also the oil pipes probably have high cholesterol according to Dar. Funked off with that engine now so the search starts for another :p

So I had to come back to Manchester today as I have work tomorrow, the Cav SRi is in a garage in Chippenham with no tax so that wasn't an option so I have a loan of Dougie's Nova :) he he he....

I went to fill the tank up this morning before I left but Dougie had taken the key to work with him and was now on a course so I drove to bath to meet him for the key. Then when I stopped outside his work he noticed the tyre had gone flat (there had been a screw in it which must have come out). I went up to Halfords for some Tyreweld and a wrench (just in case)... The Tyreweld exploded all over myself and the car so we had to swap the wheel over for the spare... The joys! Had a great journey up the road though :D I want a valver! I will be good and have a 1.6 for a while longer though.

10-06-08, 05:42 PM
You passed us when we were in the que going in on the Sunday

Your Nova's mint :) Old Skool as well

10-06-08, 05:47 PM
Hehehe... The joys of having someone 'Important' in your Nova eh ;)

Thanks for comments, I'm not really feeling Love for it at the moment- it's had 1 temper tantrum too many for me!

10-06-08, 06:08 PM
seen this at the weekend also lynz.. it looked very smart.. loved the wheels on the china blue :thumb:

10-06-08, 06:13 PM
Good to hear you got home ok.
Was breathing quite heavily

10-06-08, 07:39 PM
Heavy breathing and temper tantrums yet completely lovable- sounds like it's owner :)

10-06-08, 07:47 PM
lol lol

10-06-08, 08:17 PM
Doesnt sound that bad.. could have been worse.
Did look great at the show.

10-06-08, 09:31 PM
Was one of my favourites at PV.


10-06-08, 11:21 PM
Thanks very much! :D

12-06-08, 05:51 PM
Anyone got a GTE engine for sale? :)

13-06-08, 09:05 AM
Erm, I do.....

13-06-08, 10:26 AM
sorry to hear about the engine again Lynz.Hope you get it sorted.

craig green
13-06-08, 10:32 AM
Anyone got a GTE engine for sale? :)

Whats up with it?

13-06-08, 04:26 PM
Ernie- It's cool mate you weren't to know it'd do this.

Not sure Craig. It has just had a new head gasket and a skim, the oil pressure is way too high so it's spitting oil out througbetween the cam carrier and the head and out of the air filter and the oil cap. It isn't idling either, the timing is spot on the mark. Dougie made an oil breather as a temporary fix and it idled perfectly but there were too many fumes coming in through the vents when I drove so we had to change it back. Now it's piling smoke out of the back too. Reckon it could be a cracked head? We are going to get another engine ASAP.

craig green
13-06-08, 04:51 PM
Hmmm. Odd.

You'll get there in the end. Maybe a good excuse for a twin cam 1600?

I found a nice 8v on ebay (link in Dougies wanted thread)

13-06-08, 04:56 PM
Cheers :)

Dougie is on the case too so thanks for the link. Never considered a twin cam 1600 TBH, could be quite interesting but just have to see what comes up and what prices are like. Will keep updating this thread as progress is made anyway :)

13-06-08, 07:37 PM
Anyone got a GTE engine for sale? :)

Think a mate of mine has

13-06-08, 08:02 PM
Cheers, I think Dougie is on to something at the moment. I will hopefully have made a few decisions by the end of the weekend but if you could get me some details anyway I'd appreciate it :D

15-06-08, 10:38 PM
Woohoo :p I has new engine!

Dougie and I went to pick up a rebuilt SEH engine out of a mk2 Cav SRi 130 today. He had meant to buy this engine for a couple of months but seeing as none of his cars needed the engine, and I was happy with my 1.6, it'd kinda been forgotten about.
When we weighed up the options we decided it'd be more efficient to get the rebuilt SEH at £50 than rebuild mine and possibly have to go and but another 1600 anyway.

Luckily Dougie is a hoarder by nature so has all sorts of parts from previous cars, and him being a particular fan of MK2 Cavs is proving quite handy lol He has a couple of suitable gearboxes, although the CR one is out of a 'Knockhill car', so we are going with the safer option from a MK1 Astra GTE.

Whilst the engine is out the bay will get some stitch-welding to strengthen it up and a blast of paint to make it nice and tidy :)

Ste L
15-06-08, 10:42 PM
welcome to the darkside of big block nova's :cool:

15-06-08, 10:44 PM
I used to have a Corsa SRi with an SEH fitted :p The Nova has to be more hard-core though lol

15-06-08, 10:51 PM
Here's my new puchase :p It came along with a Bud box full of goodies, including gaskets, exhaust bolts, new oil cap and other random stuff :thumb:



15-06-08, 10:52 PM
Looks cool

15-06-08, 11:24 PM
Awesome lynz, glad to see another old school nova with an seh :cool:

Look forward to seeing it done.

16-06-08, 08:03 AM
Sounds good.

16-06-08, 11:21 AM
looks a minter

16-06-08, 04:43 PM

I got an early tailgate at the show from the JNC stall, just need to get Grant to weld over the wiper hole then get it painted.
It came with the boot trim in brown like mine too, mine is cracked but I'd not bothered trying to find another so was well chuffed about that- bargain!

I'm back home in Manchester for the next 2 weeks using Dougie's brown Nova. Hopefully he will be able to get a fair bit done before I go back- he's good like that ;) Now I just need to think of a way to thank him for all the effort he has put in to it!

craig green
16-06-08, 04:57 PM
Oooh Big block. good move.

Get it in on the smallblock box & keep your existing shafts etc???

16-06-08, 05:03 PM
Using the box from a MK1 Astra GTE (F16?) as that's what Dougie has lying around at the moment. Using the Nova GTE shafts and some MK2 Cav inners I think.

16-06-08, 05:24 PM
Might as well go big block box if you have the bits.

Smaller block f13/f15 is an option tho, that would cope fine with a 2L 8v.
Keep standard shafts, and be lighter.

16-06-08, 05:29 PM
Just using the box Dougie has I think, maybe change it at a later date. Engine looks good, I hope it goes well too :p

16-06-08, 08:19 PM
Glad to hear you sorced another lump.If Dougie needs a hand tell him to give me a call as on earlys this week.

16-06-08, 08:35 PM
Cheer Chris :D that's really kind! I just don't want you to feel guilty, you weren't to know the engine was going to have those problems. I would have done another transplant anyway, it just got brought forward a few months. Was going to wait til an XE Cav or Astra came up but TBH I'm a bigger lover of the SEH anyways :D

16-06-08, 08:41 PM
Get Mr Highlander to use his leverage to source some 300lb springs as well :)

16-06-08, 09:02 PM
My coilovers should be fine :) LMAO at 'Highlander', I don't even notice his accent anymore!

16-06-08, 09:26 PM
Is the GTE starter motor compatible with the SEH?

Also need: SEH flywheel and clutch.

16-06-08, 09:34 PM
My coilovers should be fine :) LMAO at 'Highlander', I don't even notice his accent anymore!

Disagree, you probably currently have 250's on there. I would stick some stiffer ones in to suppoer the extra weight ;)

16-06-08, 09:39 PM
Will have to find out what mine i then :)

17-06-08, 09:55 PM
Dougie got me some more goodies today :) just have to wait til he calls to find out what he managed to source! Can't wait to have the engine in now :D

17-06-08, 10:32 PM
oh cool! whats this, lynz is gettin an SEH?!
way more interesting than xe.. get in..

18-06-08, 11:12 AM
Managed to dig out a full loom and ECU from a G reg Cavalier SRi I broke in 2002 last night, and a starter motor from a 1.6 MkII Cavalier. Never throw anything away!

Have also found a brand new set of MkII Cav driveshafts for £40 to nick the inner CVs from (the rest of the shaft should prove useful in other cars too) and a GM clutch kit for £28.

Still need a flywheel and a downpipe, but should be able to get hold of these at the weekend locally.

18-06-08, 07:11 PM
Good work Hamish :) Give me a call if you get stuck on anything.

18-06-08, 07:53 PM
Will you two stop flirting on my land?!

Actually, carry on ;) heh heh heh.

They weren't your only purchases today though, were they Dougie? :p

Cheers for the offer Lee, if you're over next weekend whilst I'm there- I'll even make the brews :D

19-06-08, 10:06 AM
Good work Hamish :) Give me a call if you get stuck on anything.

No problem Nigel :)

19-06-08, 10:07 AM
Will you two stop flirting on my land?!

Actually, carry on ;) heh heh heh.

They weren't your only purchases today though, were they Dougie? :p

Cheers for the offer Lee, if you're over next weekend whilst I'm there- I'll even make the brews :D

Yep, will post up pics in a bit lol

Ordered gearbox mount kit yesterday, so *hopefully* will have all the bits together to get it done. If not, will at least get the old lump out and get the bay welded.

19-06-08, 11:06 AM
Oh we're going 2.0 seh now? :D

I love the seh lump, had a fully rebuilt one agesss togo that was going to go in my old nova sr and had the astra gte 8v and that pulled like a train. :thumb:

craig green
19-06-08, 11:35 AM
Still need a flywheel and a downpipe, but should be able to get hold of these at the weekend locally.

I'm sure I saw a 2.0 8v tubular/4 branch manifold FS on here yesterday.

19-06-08, 03:58 PM
I have an xe flywheel and an xe starter motor if they are the same fella.Yours if you need them to make up for the engine ish.

19-06-08, 04:01 PM
I've text Dougie so he will get in touch about them, cheers Chris :D

19-06-08, 04:19 PM
I've text Dougie so he will get in touch about them, cheers Chris :D

Thanks for that babe :)

I've spoken to a couple of people and they're not so sure it's compatible. Kingswood Cavaliers reckons he's got one, so going to head in there on Saturday morning and see what's what.

Will let you know what the outcome is Chris and if we can use it or not. Cheers!

21-06-08, 06:55 PM
Started off today by heading round to Kingswood Cavaliers to pick up a flywheel and a downpipe for the 2.0. Then it was down the lock up to remove the stricken 1.6, which had a good old smoke on the way down.


So long little fellah, it's been fun... Sort of lol. Going to take the engine to bits later on to see what's up with it. Probably rings.


With the engine out, the bay definately needed a clean. It's getting stitch welding done tomorrow too. Started as this:


Ended up as this. Not bad for some brush on degreaser and some rags!



Went over the chassis legs and strut tops with wire brush on grinder, will finish the rest tomorrow with the drill before it's welded.


Cleared some space in the lock up and pushed it in beside the MkII Cav. Hope to have the conversion done by the weekend :)


I'm really looking forward to getting the SEH in. Maybe we should just swap Novas permanently Lynz? lol x x x

21-06-08, 07:07 PM
Looking good so far, and as usual another solid early engine bay ;)

21-06-08, 07:13 PM
Good work.
Bay looks solid as f**k
I like :)

21-06-08, 07:19 PM
Wow, I'm really impressed with the progress so far :thumb:

Work has been ****ing ****ting **** **** ******* today, this has put a big smile on my face though :D

I'm not sure how much longer I can humiliate these Wilmslow blokes in their expensive cars by kicking their ass in a Vauxhall. A Vauxhall Nova. A brown, A reg Vauxhall Nova with a girl behind the wheel... lol Plus I'm sure the beautiful shade of brown is bringing the house prices down he he he.

22-06-08, 03:18 PM
good work there,engine bay has come up very clean indeed with a few old rags/cleaner products:D ,im thinking a nice set of euro wide wheels on its ass,with the xe up front,WICKED MOTOR:D :D :D

22-06-08, 04:53 PM
Great work Lynz, your doing well, realy breaking into a sweat to get it fixed lol lol lol

22-06-08, 05:27 PM
Well if would be helping out if I could, 160 miles is kinda stopping me from getting involved. I'm well gutted I can't be doing stuff :(

He'll be generously rewarded next weekend ;)

22-06-08, 05:42 PM
He may not want to give it back lol. They may not be quite as quick as an XE but they make up for it with the noise. Lovely and throaty :)

22-06-08, 05:46 PM
Will still be pretty quick though :p he he he.

Yeah maybe he won't :s it's ok, I will just exchange it for one of his other 6 cars lol

22-06-08, 05:49 PM
Will still be pretty quick though :p he he he.

Plenty :thumb:

22-06-08, 05:52 PM
Just seen this thread, normally just skim read this section for something with "saloon" in the title :p:D
This and the brown one next to it (dougies im guessing?) were two of my fav hatch`s at PVS :cool: old skool cool, looks sweet as funk

Not had much luck with the engine side of things :( bit like mine but on a bigger level. Hope the new one is mucho better :thumb:
Whats the spec of 2.0seh`s? im still pretty much a vaux noob :wtf:

macc nova
22-06-08, 06:04 PM
bloody hell, ya dont mess about do you! good work!

22-06-08, 06:16 PM
Whats the spec of 2.0seh`s? im still pretty much a vaux noob :wtf:

8v 130bhp, around 130 ish lb/ft.

IMO great in a nova as maintainance is muchos easier, and if you can live with 20bhp less, a nicer noise as well.

22-06-08, 07:13 PM
There ok engines, but most are ancient nowadays and hence hardly ever make there book figure(thinking back to RR day at Jamsport......)

But if its a good, looked after example, should feel quite a nice gain from a 100hp 1.6 :)

22-06-08, 09:29 PM
There ya go Lynz, yours and Dougies together from PV


22-06-08, 09:32 PM
There ok engines, but most are ancient nowadays and hence hardly ever make there book figure(thinking back to RR day at Jamsport......)

This one has had a recent rebuild apparently :D

22-06-08, 09:52 PM
Sound then

22-06-08, 11:09 PM
Engine sounds sweet enough then :cool:
Lee, i have to live with a lot less :cry:lol only 109 wonkey donkey`s in mine :( (well will be less than that now)

My ass is in that pic too :cool:

23-06-08, 09:27 AM
Thanks for the comments lads, and cheers for the pic Mike :)

Yeah I'm hoping the engine will be sound this time- should be fun he he he.

I'll ask Dougie to update here later on, he's had a busy weekend bless him! Not much point in me listing when he has the pics.

23-06-08, 09:40 AM
There ok engines, but most are ancient nowadays and hence hardly ever make there book figure(thinking back to RR day at Jamsport......)

But if its a good, looked after example, should feel quite a nice gain from a 100hp 1.6 :)
They might be old engines, but even with mega-miles, they still go well. In fact, they get faster with age. Case in point - the sadly departed Supershed. Could hold its own with many an XE. Dunno why! It was just really fast lol

Will do an update later on Sunday's progress :)


23-06-08, 09:58 AM
My Cav is quick too :p

The 1600 felt more like 70bhp than almost 100, was an idiot 'gine.

23-06-08, 10:02 AM
Busy day yesterday, Grant (Grunt16v) was working on the Nova, while I was sorting out my latest buy - a 225,000 mile Astra Belmont LXi estate with oil pressure issues.

Cutting out the chassis leg:


Welding the bay up:


Etch primered:



There was a bit of corrosion behind the headlight too:


Lower arm mounts welded:


The new tailgate having the wiper and washer jet removed:


Needs filled and painted now:


The engine with a few more bits fitted. Need some pipework, an alternator bracket and a bottom pulley. Clutch and driveshafts arriving today.


23-06-08, 10:19 AM
Wahey :D first time I've seen those pics.

Thanks again babe and a big thanks to Grant for all of his hard work too :thumb:

Today I'm re-trimming some Nova rear seats with Astra GTE cloth so they will match the front seats when we get them in. Just need to nick some sub-frames from Barton's scrap Manta (thank GOD! Re-trimming the front seats would be a nightmare!)

Hope to get the tailgate sprayed very soon. Took a while to find an early one without a grab handle, not much chance of finding one in China blue- they were mostly saloon bootlids. I had a perfect China tailgate on my first car but preferred with a spoiler back then so gave it away- damn!

23-06-08, 12:13 PM
Oh noes, you didn't let that monkey near it did you? lol lol lol

23-06-08, 12:22 PM
What monkey? Me, Barton or Grant? :)

23-06-08, 12:36 PM
Barton as well? Its a venerable Ape fest!!! lol

Seriously, top progress chaps :)

23-06-08, 01:12 PM
The Cavalier 1.6D driveshafts arrived today, as did the clutch. It's marked for a C20NE MkIII Astra, but it looks the right size. Only thing is it didn't come with the cover bolts. Vauxhall want 50p each for them! Will have a rake and see if I have some.

Hope to get the gearbox cleaned up and fitted to the engine tonight, that's about as far as we can go with it until I get a few bits off a scrapper. Will give the engine bay a bit of a paint too.

23-06-08, 01:32 PM
good work fella and co.

craig green
23-06-08, 03:51 PM
Good progress!

Grant is a top welder, I had him patch up my Nova. I like the looks of the new engine too Lynz, lets just hope this one does the business.

24-06-08, 08:35 PM
God dam i look good in those photos !!!!!!! grrrrrrrr i love myself even more now !!! hahahaha !!!!!!! Cant wait to see this one go

24-06-08, 08:39 PM
Yes Grant, we all know you are damn HOTT! lol

Thanks very much for all of your hard work on the Nova, well I know it's probably second nature for you but it's really helped us out :D

Really looking forward to seeing the progress this weekend :)

24-06-08, 09:24 PM
cool, this gonna be covered in the mag?

24-06-08, 10:52 PM
Looks really good, should be a great little car once it's done! cant wait to see some more piccies.

24-06-08, 11:01 PM
Cheers :D Don't think it will be in the mag as it's had it's turn and he has 6 cars of his own to write about, he's done a lot on it this month though so maybe.

I'm sure Dougie will put more pics on soon- if not there will be more pics after the weekend :D

25-06-08, 10:24 AM
It's getting there now. Picking up some pipework and a bottom pulley tonight. Main issue now is sourcing some GTE shafts.

Clutch kit:


New Cavalier MkII 1.6 shafts:


CV joint removed, to fit to the GTE shafts, or not as it turns out!


Gearbox and clutch fitted:

Gearbox mount spacer fitted, from Chris Astley. Space was very tight at the starter motor and linkage so I ground a notch out the linkage.


Loom and downpipe fitted to engine. Have also added the oil pressure switch and coolant temp sensor from the 1600.


Need to sort out/collect:

Throttle cable bracket
Bottom pulley
Fuel pipes
Couple bits of hose
22-spline driveshafts
Put gear oil in box
Paint engine bay

Then it'll be ready to fit. Hopeful it'll be mobile, or at the very least running, by the weekend.

25-06-08, 10:27 AM

25-06-08, 10:52 AM
top work there :thumb:

grant has got some skills with the welder has'nt he , should start his own business lol

craig green
25-06-08, 11:02 AM
Parts are coming together nicely.

If you need a 22 spline outer CV. I have a brand new one here I was mis-sold.

25-06-08, 11:10 AM
Might yet do, these shafts are proving elusive...

craig green
25-06-08, 11:13 AM
I can prolly drop it to you near Bristol as I'm in S/W.

Offer is there anyway & I dont need it.

25-06-08, 03:40 PM
How many splines are on those shafts then? 28?

25-06-08, 03:45 PM

26-06-08, 09:47 AM
Can't find any driveshafts, so I'm sending two sets of CVs up to Specky and he's going to fabricate a new set for us.

In the meantime, if we can get it running, I might take the shafts and hub carriers out my Nova to get it moving this weekend.

26-06-08, 10:53 PM
Got quite a bit done tonight. First off, painted the welded bits:


Then decided to install the engine. I fitted new rubber fuel hoses first, then jacked the car up way high in the air with my awesome new trolley jack. Note Mk2 Cavalier CD wheels to gain extra height from axle stands. Bit dodgy that - don't try it at home kids :)


Allowed me to shove the engine under easily enough though lol


And finally, after a fair bit of messing about with the rear mount, which wouldn't line up for some reason, the engine is in.


Decided to leave it at that for the moment. Need to sort out the gear linkage, plumbing and wiring next. Lynz and I will tackle that on Saturday. Need to take the bottom pulley to be machined down tomorrow too. Waiting on CV joints from Specky, and a few bits and pieces from Vauxhall. The exhaust just doesn't quite line up, so Grant's gonna cut and weld it. It's getting there :thumb:


26-06-08, 11:02 PM

Awesome Mr, thanks very much!

I hope the weather is better at the weekend so we can get a lot done :)

26-06-08, 11:11 PM
Mate, I hope you're getting well paid for this!! I get all the the thanks fo the day for repairs to the missus's Cav, but it never really adds up to much Money wise, usually a cooked Dinner with a fancy desert compaired to a cooked dinner with ice cream every other night of the week.

26-06-08, 11:15 PM
Dougie is rich enough :D

26-06-08, 11:18 PM
Its no excuse!! I'm after a 3some for the next engine transplant!

26-06-08, 11:24 PM
Thats exactly how i did my engine conversion on my old nova spin, old steelies and axle stands. lol

26-06-08, 11:25 PM
LMAO!! I'm bowing out now.... lol

26-06-08, 11:25 PM
OI! You got those clocks you ignorant git? :D

26-06-08, 11:36 PM
Ahh this thread takes me back to the early days when I was first on Novaload. All the talk was of engine conversions like this. XE /LETconversions were a thing of the future.

Old skool rules - excellent work throughout. An engine failure should always be treated as a window of opportunity:D :thumb:

craig green
27-06-08, 09:53 AM
Big 8v looks right at home in there.

Good work!

27-06-08, 10:50 AM

27-06-08, 11:08 AM
looking good sweet x

27-06-08, 03:28 PM
Looking awesome Lynz :D

27-06-08, 04:04 PM
Good work.
Old school 8v 2L looks well in there.

28-06-08, 10:05 PM
Today began with trip to the local Vauxhall dealer for a dipstick gasket, then off to the scrappy in Frome to get some bits off a handy J reg Cavalier SRi.
We got to the scrappy, and the bloke told us we had half an hour to get what we needed as they were shutting at one!

That wasn't a problem. Until we got to the Vauxhall bit and found that said Cavalier had vanished! Panic ensued, until I spotted an 8 valve Calibra.... perched at the top of a three car stack lol

I managed to balance up there and remove the oil filter coupling, bottom pulley bolts and a few bits of pipe. Success. Lynz found a set of blue door cappings at the same time. Total cost - five quid!

Down the lock up I fitted the rest of the parts, did some plumbing and wiring, while Lynz painted her beige doorcards:


The result, along with the blue cappings is well impressive, and will match the Mk1 Astra GTE seats perfectly.

With enough bits connected to the engine, I set the timing up and tried to start it. It wouldn't, but the crank sensor wasn't bolted in!


Second time round it started :thumb: Looking good now, should be up and running soon.

Anyone know what top rad hose to use? It's still got the original rad, but the pipe doesn't fit on the thermostat.

28-06-08, 11:30 PM
Here's how the doorcards used to look *heave*


Got to do the rear trim tomorrow :)

The door cappings were well a good find, easy fitting and I think they look great!


29-06-08, 10:57 AM
Door cards look good.

29-06-08, 11:05 AM
Good progress, really feeling the retro chic...

29-06-08, 06:21 PM
Steady on!

Will update this evening :)

30-06-08, 11:09 PM
Had some more good progress at the weekend.

Lynz cleaned up the bonnet, which had been getting covered in oil.


She also cleaned up the rust with a wire brush and drill:


And painted it too :)


Got a bottom pulley from Kingswood Cavaliers and sprayed it:


Lynz sprayed the back trim panels black:


Sorted out most of the bits and pieces on the engine. Still need a dipstick though!


Sorted out the wiring and the ECU:


Wired in the choke light as the EML. Got a code for the TPS, so fitted another and it gave off some more random codes. Will clear it once it's running OK.


Weds/thurs should see the exhaust, linkage and shafts all fitted. The alternator isn't charging and there's a petrol leak to sort too, but hopefully nothing too serious.

Will it finally be sorted for the weekend? I'm optimistic :)

macc nova
01-07-08, 12:52 PM
ive got a dipstick you can have, my engines been sat in the garage untouched for ages :S

01-07-08, 03:32 PM
Check the alternator earth strap.
Does the battery light come on with ignition and go out with engine running?

03-07-08, 01:25 PM
Tried earthing the alternator, don't know if it's a dodgy one or not. Looks new, but it came with a car I bought. Got the original GTE one, along with another random effort to try too.

Anyway, there's a good chance it'll be mobile tonight as the CV joints from Specky have arrived :)


03-07-08, 01:39 PM
are they one half of one sort and another half welded together?

03-07-08, 02:42 PM
Yeah, the shafts that came with the GTE engine weren't 22-spline, and getting hold of a set proved either difficult, or expensive. Specky makes his own hybrids, using the standard 1.2 Nova and 2.0 Cavalier CV joints, meaning we can retain the original Nova driveshafts and fit them to the F16 box.

I've now got a complete spare set of MkII Cavalier 1.6D driveshafts, but no doubt they'll come in handy.

03-07-08, 02:46 PM
Wont they vibrate something aweful unless balanced properly which I'd imagine would be pretty difficult to do.

craig green
03-07-08, 02:51 PM
Though your thinking is correct, my guess is they are too small & mounted securely inboard tio the diff tpo make much of a wobble.. Ingenius idea.