View Full Version : SR clocks

05-07-02, 08:25 AM
Please help! i just bought some clocks from an SR, the ones with the rev counter and i wanna put em in mine but the plug on the back is different, it has an extra set of pins, there are 14 pins on the SR ones and only 12 on mine. how do i wire it up?? Plus the Haynes manual is no help. If anyone has a diagram or tutorial please let me know, Thanx

05-07-02, 02:34 PM
you have a mk2.... you are trying to fit mk1 clocks

05-07-02, 03:06 PM
Yeah i have a Mk2 Nova Luxe+ 1.4i i have the clocks and plug from a Nova SR(the ones with oil rev counter and battery indicator) but the plug on the back don't fit how do i get it to fit?

05-07-02, 03:44 PM
use the connector off a mk1.... or even better get mk2 clocks

06-07-02, 10:58 AM
Thats what im trying but the connectors are diffrent. The connector for the Mk1 is bigger than the connector on the Mk2 and the Mk1 had more wires comming off it

07-07-02, 07:40 PM
unless you understand the wiring diagrams it's going to be more trouble than its worth, sell the mrk 1 which won't fit in your nova with out a bit of hacksaw work :cry: and buy the mrk 2 clocks :idea: from www.vpsc.co.uk it saves messin about