View Full Version : Post Your Pics Of Appauling Decorations!

07-12-07, 11:35 PM
Following on from the 12 days of Christmas thread here's your opportunity to post your pics of the most APPAULINGLY decorated houses in your neighbourhood!

you can also post the ones that look pretty cool too (if such things exist)...sort of a cool wall for Christmas decorations...

If youve got a half decent camera make sure you do the following.
1. stick it on a tripod or something stable
2. set it to the longers shutter speed you can
3. dont use flash (you'll lose the dazzle of the lights)
4. make sure the pikeys inside dont see you or they'll ask for money to help fund the power surge!


At the end (whenever that is) we'll have a vote and the winner will get a certificate through their front door (courtesy of me) thanking them for making us laugh at their bad taste!
