View Full Version : 12 days of Christmas...

06-12-07, 10:21 PM
Another "following on" thread - following on from Daves when did you get your tree out thread.

I had an argument with the missus yesterday about when youre supposed to stick your decorations up n that...

Where I come from (Stafford) my mum always said 12 days of Christmas meant that the tree and decorations goes up 12 days before Christmas Day and stays up until 12 days afterwards.

The missus whos from Scotland said Bollox - the tree and decorations go up on 24th December so that theyre up 12 days after Christmas.

thing is that last ones not very Christmassy so we currently go with my way.

Anyone know

(anyone care!)

you can tell I'm bored cant you!

06-12-07, 10:33 PM
As long as its December, its fair game lol

I thought the 6th was the point of unluckiness, as in 12 days after Christmas

06-12-07, 10:36 PM
From what I remember, the first day of christmas is christmas day, and the tree is supposed to go up then, and come down 12 days later.

Not sure how much truth is in that tbh.

06-12-07, 10:47 PM
Traditionally, Christmas trees were not brought in and decorated until Christmas Eve (24 December), and then removed the day after twelfth night (i.e., 6 January); to have a tree up before or after these dates was even considered bad luck.

Taken straight from the Wiki:)

07-12-07, 11:01 AM
always been 12 before and 12 after in our family aswell

07-12-07, 01:13 PM
Mine went up 2 days ago but the lights are broken.

Can someone explain how 2 sets of blinking lights can get broken when they've just sat in a box for 12 months.

07-12-07, 05:56 PM
Mine went up 2 days ago but the lights are broken.

Can someone explain how 2 sets of blinking lights can get broken when they've just sat in a box for 12 months.
Don't know but every year we've gone and bought a new set!

07-12-07, 06:01 PM
Our tree goes up whenever we can be @rsed to put it up lol and comes down somewhere between Old Lang Saugn and 1am on New Years Morning when some spacker falls into it...

07-12-07, 06:11 PM
spacker lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol

07-12-07, 06:19 PM
lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol

AFPMSL ^ hahhaaaa

07-12-07, 07:46 PM
LMFAO not heard the word spacker for a while lol lol lol lol

Also someone needs to come tell the people on my street that having 18ft tall santas that glow cable tied all over your house complete with goats and sleigh of which there are about 9 sets. Yes thats right 9 santas that glow that are bigger than most elephants shouldt wait until at least december to put them up not three months before.

07-12-07, 08:47 PM
lol i have just walked past a house that has got it's garage door open and insted of a car , there is a christmas tree in the middle of the floor ,


07-12-07, 09:19 PM
I bought and put up a new christmas decoration today:D

07-12-07, 09:22 PM
Riggy have you ever been down ALT ESTATE this time of year ???...

You should see the houses down there lol