View Full Version : carleton GSi digi dash into nova ?

Ric 16v
04-07-02, 06:29 PM
Iv currently got a astra GTE digi dash (16v) in my car, and I saw on this site www.astraturbo.com that there are digi dashes in carleton GSi's aswell as astras, and they lok the absolute bollocks, I personally think there better than the astra digi dash, now I know that there bigger than the astra digi dash but would I be able to wire it up so it works and get it re-calibrated from 6 cylinders to 4 ?? please help as I realy want to do this !!! if u can get a 2.5 24v v6 in a nova then im sure u can put carleton GSi digi dash in 1 !!!!!!!! cheers

04-07-02, 09:04 PM
its not just the width of it its the depth of it that is against you. come on then, try it, will make me chuckle watching you butcher that dashboard for no reason.

as for calibration, well its only the rev counter you'd need to calibrate and as this is lcd style you will need to have a new circuit thing installed or summit. a complete waste of time and money and effort. the ones from cav's are a slightly smaller digi dash and they look well cool. still wont fit though.

phone courtenay, im sure they will tel you they make them by hand and stuff.

blah blah blah blah

Bren A 1.3 NOT
05-07-02, 05:40 PM

his is the one, It does look nice, Be a bit trick if you can manage to gt it int the Astra Mk2.
Good Luck.
I think its only fr he V6 Models thouh, so the speedo may register a mile out. :cry:

Bren A 1.3 NOT
05-07-02, 06:12 PM

05-07-02, 06:14 PM
To get the carlton (or senator) dash to work you need the transducer for it, and the transducer for those engines come from the 3.0 and 2.5 V6 engine varieties, whcih means unless youve got one of those engines in your nova, the dash (well speedo and rev counter) wont work.

05-07-02, 06:47 PM
come n lads we want him to try it dont we, would be a right chuckle

Ric 16v
05-07-02, 09:02 PM
I might have a go and wire it in an old banger nova so I dont fuck my own dash up !!! just have 2 find 1 first ????it will be a first !!

Ben (lurk75)
06-07-02, 12:51 AM
The dash looks like (and is) something from the 80's why not try fitting a modern dash into your car?

06-07-02, 01:56 PM
he means the clocks muppet.

or as lurk said, try ftting an r reg fiesta dash into ur nova

feel the motorsport pedigree

Ben (lurk75)
06-07-02, 01:59 PM
Who you calling a muppet?

06-07-02, 04:23 PM
You i do believe! Muppet! :lol: :wink: :wink:

Ben (lurk75)
06-07-02, 04:39 PM
thats ok then!

06-07-02, 06:38 PM
ok my m8 says as its on off the 1 wire for the rev counter he can easily make a unit to change the rate. so it divides the electronic pulse. like 6/4=1.5. so it divides the input by 1.5 then sends out the result as an output.

so really the only problem u would have is chopping up ur lovely dashbaord :(

07-07-02, 12:53 AM
i wouldnt call the fiesta dash he has now fitted to his nova lovely would you???

basically digi dashes are pants anyway. if you have any engine size over a 1600 there pointless, speedo and revs cant keep up, waste of time if u ask me. std clocks look miles better when uve got 2litre power anyway, coz its well funny watching the speedo needle fly up and down.

blah blah, pointless.


Ben (lurk75)
07-07-02, 10:41 PM
quite right

07-07-02, 11:19 PM
sri 16v, you from penrith i see?????

not many novas down there is there

which pray tell is your weapon with a 16v in it????

Bren A 1.3 NOT
08-07-02, 12:35 PM
basically digi dashes are pants anyway. if you have any engine size over a 1600 there pointless, speedo and revs cant keep up,

Personal Opinion, I like the look of them, they are far from pants.

LMAO @ You, speedo and revs can't keep up!!. you are joking right?.

I had the Mk2 Astra Digi dash in my Van, which did the St Qtr in 13.4 seconds, which is very imperssive, and the dash read perfect.

08-07-02, 12:39 PM
doing a 14.4 sec quarter mile in valver nova and the speedo never ever caught up till i was around 80mph and still would skip numbers.

rev couner was pants coz me car was in the 7750 rev limiter category and them dashes stop at 7000. girly pants is all i say.

wasting my time wiring one up to be all disapointed. crap

Bren A 1.3 NOT
08-07-02, 12:50 PM
Oh, skipping numbers rings a bell, Yes you are right they do do that,
Kinda impressive though when it reads 72 then 79 then 85 all in a few seconds, but I can understand it getting on your nerves.
Revs react o.k, but like you say, if you up the limiter, you've lost the plot.

08-07-02, 01:13 PM
yeah, so for my needs, lol, waste of time realy. never found the skiping numbers bit all that impressive as it would kinda go 0-42-65-77-85 etc etc. i had it skip 5mph from 110-115 and i just wasnt entertained. blackpool fairy lights for a car, not my cup of tea. up there with neon washer jets

Ben (lurk75)
09-07-02, 11:23 PM
must disagree neon water jets have got a VERY good use... it saves writing pull me on your car as they seem to attract the old bill quicker than a bank robbery