View Full Version : Low oil pressure..

05-12-07, 01:12 PM
I'v got the Low Oil Pressure warning light lit up on my Nova 1.2.

Think it migh be the fact that the car is parked on quite a steep drive. Only lights up while parked on the drive.

Plus for some reason the engine wont start now, not sure if its related or whether it's just being tempremental?

Anyone know if parking the car on a steep hill causes oil pickup/pressure problems?



05-12-07, 01:15 PM
its probably low on oil

05-12-07, 01:35 PM
Yer I thought about that, checked it when it was on flat and it was OK.

Might change the oil anyway because I got car other night so not sure how long the oil been in there.

05-12-07, 07:15 PM
are you sure it only comes on on the drive? as mine used to come on when the car was idling. turned out to be the pressure switch.

05-12-07, 09:40 PM
the pressure switch gets covered in crap. it then starts to get fussy about working. the fact that it is on a slope when it does it probably points to the gbox earth strap being at fault which could be the reason it won't run.

There is no link to being low on oil & the light coming on unless it is so low that the hydraulic tappets are rattling.

As a worst case scenario, the oil pump could be worn out. they are fairly easy to mend, you take the bottom pulley & the sump off then the housing just unbolts. you then fit a new gear set into the housing.

05-12-07, 09:44 PM
change oil switch, probaly fooked,