View Full Version : And so she is tucked away for the winter...

Will F
02-12-07, 04:12 PM
Well probably! lol

May take her out for a blat now and again, cant help it!

Spent the best part of 2 weekends clearing out the garage to fit her in, still LOADS of stuff lying about though....





02-12-07, 04:36 PM
Thats beautiful mate , would be a crime to let the crappy brittish weather ruin her.

02-12-07, 04:39 PM
Lookin good Will! :D

Will F
02-12-07, 04:58 PM
Good timing too! The weather has been offensive the passed two days! lol

Have a few small things I wanna do for next year, but nothing too exciting... I may need to call on Dar's expertise in internal lines! ;)

02-12-07, 05:28 PM
Good timing too! The weather has been offensive the passed two days! lol

Have a few small things I wanna do for next year, but nothing too exciting... I may need to call on Dar's expertise in internal lines! ;)

Looks like she will kept all nice and dry/warm in there mate, still got the dilemma of where mines going to be kept (although i have a few ideas)

When i was down at his last week the idea of making internal line kits for PNG members was mentioned, as he can get the parts for a good price and put together the full kit for others to install.


02-12-07, 05:58 PM
The proper engine (big block) looks so much more at home in there lol

Will F
03-12-07, 08:47 AM
The proper engine (big block) looks so much more at home in there lol

Yep, loads of room in the bay to work on it too! Dunno what all the fuss is about! lol

03-12-07, 11:26 AM
lookin mint as always will