View Full Version : End of novas for me!

01-12-07, 12:03 PM
Well as all might have guessed the nova has met its fate. Decided to break it. Probably not the best time to decide having just got it all stickerd up ready for next year. But i have other burning issues and money is needed as well as a car i can put to use everyday.

The nova was a great deal of fun when it was being used. TBH i think i pushed the project to far and then it lost enjoyment for me. became expensive and un useable everyday. Perhaps if i hadnt have gone so far i wouldnt be breaking it.

Good offers were on the table for certain parts and having weighed up my options i decided now was the time to get rid. Sell most parts of before xmas and have a nice xmas thinking about what i intend to buy next., Also in the knowledge ill have paid more bills of and my income will be more now hence be able to save more.

Just a quick thanks to all that have helped over the years / supplied parts and been good mates. Big shout to CP /DAN /STU /LEE /dar Who have all been a major factor in me learning from undoing a wing bolt to building engines ect ect. Hopefully my next car will allow me still to come along to the odd track day and throw it about a bit. so all may not be lost. whatever happens the next car will need 300bhp at least. i wont settle for less lol!!!!!

Anyhow what parts are left are now advertised on the forsale thread and across on mig. All are good quality parts what good money has been paid for!

Cheers again all for ya help. if i can be of help to any of you in the future just send me a pm ect ill be happy to give advice / help.

(ps long speech but well f__k it! )

heres a few picture links of the car currently being broken. Anyone who dosent know me personally may know the car.

01-12-07, 12:44 PM
Shame to see it broke after you putting so much time and money into it..

BUT..... it's going to help mine live! lol

The Simps
01-12-07, 12:44 PM
Fair play mate. Its a sad day and a tough decision to make! I made the same decision in september and put mine up for sale and it sold but then snapped a driveshaft on the test drive and so was a sign not to do it! I know have 2 novas! lol

Hope you sell the rest of the bits ok (would love some bits myself but seeing as I now own 2 nova projects I'm extra skint!).

Be cool to see what comes next!


Ste L
01-12-07, 12:49 PM
such a shame, as you've only really built it up, and not had a full season's use..

at least it will live on in a few car's :)

01-12-07, 12:58 PM
Do you think you'll ever own another?

01-12-07, 12:59 PM

Nice car, always loved the build of it, but there comes a time

Rick Draper
01-12-07, 02:18 PM
Chris i know where you are coming from. Shame its going as you seemed to have just got ontop of the problems you had with it since it had been reshelled.

01-12-07, 02:19 PM
Shame to hear that chris.

Looked lovely at Llandow.. if only i had some spare cash !

01-12-07, 03:34 PM
Cheers for the comments.

Probably wont own another nova. If i was to get a enjoyment car i think id go kit car style . but i doubt this will happen. have to many other intrests currently and can only do so much with work ect ect.


Nick J
01-12-07, 03:39 PM
A big shame fella, all that effort etc..... I had a good look round it at billing and thought it looked great! well spec'd too. Nick.

01-12-07, 04:39 PM
Sometimes, you reach a point where it's a lot of money doing nothing.

01-12-07, 05:41 PM
how much for the driver and passenger windows? and are rear windows also plexiglass? also what exhaust is it running? cheers, alan

01-12-07, 08:41 PM
A message for all

Most parts have already gone. it only took 48 hours.
But whats left is advertised up in the forsale forum.
Please try not mail me about parts that are not listed. They have been sold.

Cheers peeps

01-12-07, 08:51 PM
I remember our first date under the front of your old car like it was yesterday.....

*****dreamy sequence******
There we were, lying under the front of a ghey XE'd rotten shell.
Fitting Lowered tiebar stuff when I caress Mr T's face with a ratchet and he offers to insert it in me.
****** end dreamy sequence *****

01-12-07, 08:52 PM
Im in two minds about this break, purely as Ive had many conversations with Chris on the phone about it.

On the one hand, its a car that will be sorly missed, especially after the potential I experienced getting a drive in it at combe. But then Id be more gutted if Chris dissappeared off the scene all together, so even if the gurt lush buys a scooby, there will be space for it on the club stand!

On the other hand, the engine will soon be residing under my bonnet, and with a bit of luck i will be keeping the crank case in one piece lol

01-12-07, 08:55 PM
On the other hand, the engine will soon be residing under my bonnet

what the hell has Chris done hat is SO bad that you are going to kill his sexy engine for fun.... you sir are a pervert of the WORST kind

01-12-07, 08:56 PM
you sir are a pervert of the WORST kind

I dont know what your after, but flattery will get you nowhere!

01-12-07, 08:56 PM
i love you both. like festers on the end of my bell end.

But on another note those days were perhaps the best nova days stu.
Fun days those. All nighters followed by a run up pod. ! :thumb:

And cheers lee. altho times change and so do people. ive had enough for now. Time to experience other things (drugs) only kidding.
Hopefully i will attend some of the more local track days and still be around at shows to see whats happening.

Altho some **** shoot me if i ever buy another one!!

01-12-07, 08:57 PM
Altho some **** shoot me if i ever buy another one!!

I know of a good track prepped shell and smallblock combo for sale at the moment lol

01-12-07, 08:59 PM
lmfao, now that would be comedy

01-12-07, 09:03 PM
shall we buy it to chav up totally wrong. see what he thinks?

01-12-07, 09:08 PM
Id rather put a valver in it and then beat my time I got around combe with the 8v in it.

That would probably annoy him the most lol

01-12-07, 09:15 PM
or 1/4 mile it with nitrous

01-12-07, 09:19 PM
nah, kit it all up with a gorgeous sunvisor saying nova.

01-12-07, 09:49 PM
Its a shame but if its not being enjoyed then whats the point. At least the bits are going to good use by those on the site

02-12-07, 12:19 AM
Sometimes the ? put into such projects gets lost in the desire just to build such a car.

Then when you look at it rationally in terms of value of parts that can be too tempting…

I hope i never get that feeling with mine.

I long for the day I get to drive it again as it will be & never loose the feeling of excitement behind the wheel.

But them i've not been corrupted by the likes of a tuned MR yet…

02-12-07, 01:02 PM
LOL Has dan sold his 8v yet?

If not Chris you should buy it then rent it out for trackdays that your not using it at!!

02-12-07, 01:13 PM
Yeah there come's a time for everyone, I know where your coming from chris.

Hope you stick around tho, and let us see what you end up buying next (please buy a supercharged monaro!!!)


02-12-07, 02:31 PM
Not sure yet whats its going to be.

2 litre turbo charged.
Or 4.4 v8 power.

just a few thoughts as yet.