View Full Version : Need some inspiration lads!

28-11-07, 09:54 PM
Initially I'd like to say - cheers for reading this!!

I had a cracking wee 2L Nova saloon, A reg. At the time, my then girlfriend didn't like it so it got sold but I always regretted it (yeah I know, more fool me for listening :roll: ) and kept an eye on it to maybe get it back one day....

Several sheds, a year and a half, new girlfriend lol , and many silly loans later...

I saved up in the face of debt problems to get back my wee car. I put every penny into getting it and I had it back for all of 5 mins when, parked in my own street, it was keyed overnight :cry:. Reported to the police but as you can imagine, not much happened. I was gutted but thought, ok these things happen eh?

So, instead of parking it at the top of my street for the neighbours to damage, I parked it near the bottom (cul-de-sac). So, about a week later I was sitting down to lunch when I get a call.

"Your car's mirrors are on the ground, theres a scuff down the door and the exhaust's missing." :eek:

Honest guys it's an A reg Nova saloon I mean for f's sake!!! So, I had to move it again to my brothers driveway and it aint moved since cos he stays aways away.

It's got to the point that I wonder why I even bothered, why did I struggle to get it back for other folk just to mess it up!!! I put it up for sale on here but I've just pulled the add cos I don't really want to sell it.

OK, maybe I'm feeling a bit sorry for myself - so time for action! I'm thinking MOT first (course), then alarm system with a pager? :thumb: Need to do summit eh I can't give up!

C'mon lads, gimme some inspiration to get this project back on the road!! I cannie let the basts get me down!!!!

28-11-07, 09:58 PM
go rat look.

then you wouldn't care less if people key it or scratch it :thumb:

Welsh Dan
28-11-07, 09:58 PM
Honestly, an alarm wont really help, pop the mirrors back into place, and leave it looking scruffy so you're not too bothered if it happens again. Most importantly, use the car and dont park it in exactly the same place each day, so that it doesnt look abandoned.

28-11-07, 10:10 PM
Thats maybe no a bad idea...:D

I'm thinking an alarm going off in my street, my streets full o' nosey folk and curtain twitchers (yet no-one saw what happened to my car of course :roll: ) I'm hopin if they came back for a bit more the alarm would stop them hangin about eh?

Maybe they'll only get one mirror off this time!

paul james
28-11-07, 10:18 PM
Might aswell get an alarm. If you can park the car close to your house, it might be worth investing in a cheap security camera. Could keep it on view to put people off messing with your car, and perhaps find out if theres anyone in particular thats targetting the car.

28-11-07, 10:19 PM
find the f**kers and set them on fire, or if you can turn your front room in a garage and use the nova for some in car entertainment with tv an stuff.other than that sleep inside it with a bat or chainsaw.

you'll always get some little t**t who's doesn't see why you should have and not them. best thing I can say is de-lock & de-handle it, perspex windows and a common colour

28-11-07, 10:21 PM
perspex windows all they would need to get in it is a lighter then lol

28-11-07, 10:32 PM
Don't be daft sir, you sound like you have put a lot of effort into getting it back so don't go letting some mindless little scrot3s go and ruin it for you. You want inspiration? Erm... I want to see it at PV* so pull your finger out! I know it's really disheartening when stuff happens like that but you must care a lot about the car to have gone to the bother of getting it.

*It's an A reg saloon FFS :D

(Yes I am experiencing Nova withdrawal :()

28-11-07, 10:33 PM
id have an alarm fitted as bosscav says delock and handle it

28-11-07, 10:37 PM
Cheers lads, knew I could count on you to cheer me up & talk some sence into me! Some pics are in order!




28-11-07, 10:40 PM
Haha awsome! :D
And there are 'lasses' on here too you know :)

28-11-07, 10:40 PM
cav slabs really suit that i thinks

28-11-07, 10:42 PM
Erm *coff* cheers lassies and lads!! ;) :thumb:

28-11-07, 10:43 PM
Erm *coff* cheers lassies and lads!! ;) :thumb:


28-11-07, 10:43 PM
That's better :D I like it mr, very cool!

28-11-07, 10:48 PM
Ive seen this car and its very clean

28-11-07, 10:49 PM
Can tell, engine bay looks very tidy too :)

28-11-07, 10:53 PM
It's now got the original grill back on it and the orange indicators for a bit more of a stealthy look (though the cage kinda gives it away a bit!). Still got the original AM/FM stereo in ot too you can just about see it peekin' oot from behind the steering wheel in one pic.
Guy I sold it to fitted a CD player but promised to keep it for me - and stuck it back in for me when I bought the car back.

paul james
28-11-07, 10:54 PM
Very nice car, dont let the scum get to you!
It is disheartening when people mess with your cars, I know I've been tempted to get some boring car that nobody would pay any attention too, but I really don't want some low lifes dictating to me what car I should own.

28-11-07, 10:54 PM
looks lovely that

28-11-07, 11:00 PM
Anyone who touches a saloon deserves to get their nads smeared with peanut butter and chucked in the piranha tank at feeding time :)

Don't lose heart, stay in the Saloon brethren :D

Dan 130
28-11-07, 11:12 PM
thats looks very smart indeed mate

29-11-07, 09:52 PM
do piranha's even like peanut butter?

i thought they'd be more of a steak sandwich type of fish lol

29-11-07, 10:01 PM
From the Godfather of the Saloon- Its good to have you in the family brother.

If parking it is a problem ill always let you park it in my garage ill look after it lol
Dont get down hearted mate, what goes around comes around they'll get theres fella, one way or another.

29-11-07, 10:16 PM
that is awesome

30-11-07, 01:56 AM
The Viper 480vx Cat 1 alarms have a pager/monitor system.

They're about ?350 fitted, and they're pretty good. It'l make an annoying beeping sound and tell you what sensor has picked up what.

You can get an upgrade for a proximity chirp too... so it'l alert you to the fact someone is going to start bashing your car.

It also works a couple of miles away which is pretty good.

30-11-07, 01:09 PM
Thanks for the welcome to the brotherhood, is there a funny handshake for me to learn or summit? lol

Thats the exact alarm I'm thinking about getting, its a Clifford eh? IIRC, the alarm is so loud and high pitched that no-one in their right mind would stand next to it kicking bits off it for fear of their ears bleeding!

Took the car out last night since it's been weeks since I drove it. Performed faultlessly, absolutely fantastic and just re-affirmed I'm doing the right thing keeping it. Just driving it reminded me of why I wanted it back so much in the first place. It does need stuff for the MOT (horn not working, handbrake light no coming on etc, not reg'd as a 2L?) but I'll get it all done.

Will get more pics up soon it's no looking quite as smart as it did but I'll get it scrubbed up no bother.

Hope to meet lots of you at next years shows! :thumb:

30-11-07, 01:28 PM
There will be a secret sign/handsake/buttfcuk that me and Jack will be working on soon. But first off spend a tenner and become an official member, thats a start in the right direction.

Will F
30-11-07, 02:50 PM
I have a pet-hate of cav Gsi wheels on Novas (or anything else for that matter) but they look really good on that saloon!

Unsure why... must be the square-ness!


30-11-07, 04:13 PM
Thats the exact alarm I'm thinking about getting, its a Clifford eh? IIRC, the alarm is so loud and high pitched that no-one in their right mind would stand next to it kicking bits off it for fear of their ears bleeding!


Is it a clifford ! Yes and no.

Directed Electronics are the company who own Clifford and produce all the technology for their alarms. Directed Electronics also own Viper, which used to be their "american" company.

The thing with cliffords are the fact they now cost rediculous amounts. So you can just buy a viper for less with all the clifford technology inside. The chap who fitted mine told me that the immobiliser systems in the Vipers are actually more advanced than the clifford units.

It basically comes with a Blue keyfob which is the exact shape of the old clifford ones.

craig green
30-11-07, 04:38 PM
Looks cool. Love the beige dash & carpets with hardcore black cage etc.

15-12-07, 03:28 PM
See this is why I'm glad I didn't give in and sell it now.

Pulled together enough cash to put it for the MOT, didn't do a thing to it before it go there and it only failed on the noise off the exhaust. They're sticking in another silencer and that me, 12 months MOT!!


just vaux trev
15-12-07, 04:43 PM
glad to see your keeping with it, mine get broken into so often
i dont even bother putting the door locks back on after the stupid
wannabe theives try and nick em, i never leave anything on show
and never leave them driveable but the dumb ones always seem to find
my novas, i had an imaculate silk violet gsi nicked and gave up about 4 years ago im now building an exact rep of the one i lost down to the same tyres i used to run it's on projects if you want a peek,
good luck with it bud