View Full Version : steering wheel

27-11-07, 04:58 PM
some of you might think im a bitt stupid , but i was wondering if anyone could give me a step by step guide as to how to fit the gsi wheel as i have a bog standard one on my car at the minute , is it a case of just get a socket and take the bolt off and pull ? ive tryed this and failed as there is a little bitt of metal sticking up towards me , should i bend this back with a plain screwdriver and use the socket ??? im genuinely confused with it and the horn operation is a bitt confusing , thanks for the help guys . Nath :thumb:

27-11-07, 05:10 PM
to be honest mate its all common sense lol, that lil metal thing do bend it out the way an do take the bolt off, you can either hit the bolt a few times an the wheel will com lose or you can just do what i did n wiggle an oull n it shall come off nearly breakin my nose lol the wires just unclip from the horn n shall just connect upto the gsi horn but there is one problem witch is the size of the black wire i think the connector is either to big or small so just get some crimping tools an fit another conector to the horn wires that fit the the pressy beepy thing lol allign it up n tighten the bolt an hey presto massive standard wheel gone for the same size better lookin n feel gsi wheel

27-11-07, 05:24 PM
For those that couldn't read the above lol

Yes, iirc you have to bend the tang out the way, although thats to get the nut off. Leave the nut on the end of the thread by a few turns to stop the wheel breaking your face.

They can be a b!tch to get off, so you're probably best off getting a steering wheel puller - about ?10. Otherwise, I've always found a hefty tug and leverage with a large screwdriver works. Be careful about bashing it, as you could damage the steering column.

27-11-07, 05:32 PM
i tried all of the above ended up buying the puller it was the only way to get it off

27-11-07, 05:42 PM
After numerous failed attempts to pull the wheel off im resoting to leaving it with a bit of oil on the teeth of it to hopefully penetrate down in , ive just ripped the arms of myself trying to pull it off the bolt came off very easy i must say tho lol

27-11-07, 06:30 PM
pfffffft getting steering wheels is my party piece lol, big hammer an a few taps an thats it.

27-11-07, 06:44 PM
herad about that phil, if they dont come off theres a way you can do it?

27-11-07, 06:55 PM
do tell ....

27-11-07, 07:04 PM
herad about that phil, if they dont come off theres a way you can do it?
Yeah, you go buy a steering wheel puller and stop being such a tightwad lol

27-11-07, 07:13 PM
haha lol

where they from, motor factors or halfords etc?

28-11-07, 03:32 PM
Leave the bolt on a few turns and hit and that should vibrate the wheel off , thats the way iv always done it !!!

works for me every time

28-11-07, 06:07 PM
i like my steering coloum lol il just wait and use a big mahoooosive bearing remover my dads got one .