View Full Version : Doctors...

26-11-07, 10:18 AM
...my rant of the day is going to be about Doctors!!
You spend 20 mins trying to get through first thing in the morning. Which is possibly one of my most irritating thing, listening to classical waiting music with the occassional "Your call is important to us. We will be with you as soon as we can. You are currently 100000000000008 in the que"
When you do get through to somebody, it tends to be some lifeless receptionist who has no sense of humour. Then she says "Is it something the nurse can help you with?" HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO KNOW!?! I thought they all did they same thing?! I don't care, as long as I can get something to stop the pieces of glass scraping my throat (not literally)
SO......an hour later when a nurse does ring me back, she asks what's wrong. I respond by saying "I think I have tonsillitis"...she replies "Oh, so you've got just a sore throat then?" I reply..."Well no otherwise I wouldn't have been waiting on the phone for half an hour. I have nasty little white things at the back of my throat." Her reply..."Oh right, well have you ever had it before?" My reply..."No"... Her final reply..."Ok well can you come in at 10:50"
I look at the clock, it's 9:15. Take a deep breath and calmly say "Yes".
I bet if I'd just book an appointment with a doctor I would have been seen by now!!!

P.S. Has anyone had it before (tonsillitis) cuz it's driving me mad.:(

26-11-07, 10:20 AM
Had it... get it too many times and they'll whip your tonsils out.

26-11-07, 10:26 AM
Hmm im about to call my new doctors to see if i can get an appointment on wednesday/thursday to see them for a general checkup and get a new inhalor.... odds on I wont be alowed to book "so far" in advance as it would ruin their statistics... ****s!

26-11-07, 10:47 AM
Fcuk ringing them, my local place has a "drop in" thing from 8:30. You can't ring up and book appointments, you gotta go up there and see when they're free.

Anyway, I thought you'd already been. You told me you had it the other day, I thought you'd already been diagnosed by a doctor.

I would say I have some special medicine but i'm not putting that down there if you're diseased lol

26-11-07, 10:47 AM
[edit] whoops, double clicked Submit lol

26-11-07, 11:03 AM
Wtf?! No I only went today. I had a sore throat on saturday and looked down there yesterday and saw lovely little white things.
And cuz I'm not allowed penicillin, I have to take twice as many.:roll:

26-11-07, 11:22 AM
I had a sore throat on saturday and looked down there yesterday and saw lovely little white things.
Not guilty.

26-11-07, 11:31 AM
Oh well. More of an excuse to eat ice cream!!

26-11-07, 11:42 AM
Would piss me off too :( hope you feel better :)

26-11-07, 12:45 PM
I don't really bother with my Doctors, can never get though and then when you do finally get an appointment you have to spend too much time round whinging sick people. I prefer my postal arrangement, drop off repeat slip, get drugs back.

Though I may have to brave it later :mad:

26-11-07, 12:51 PM
well fcuk me sideways... This new Dr's actually seems GOOD and organised!!!! most of hertfordshires Dr's wont let you book more than 24 hours in advance as it makes their fake stats look crap, and the receptionists are usually wannabe consultants.

This one is ace, can book any time in advance, they dont ask why you want to see a doc and you can even book online (will do in future). I'm truely amazed!

26-11-07, 01:22 PM
Sounds better than here!!

They've given me huge tablets! How am I supposed to swollow them if my throats closing up?!!! T!ts!