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View Full Version : Its Official. Soverign Housing are the most useless bunch of retards on the planet!!

20-11-07, 10:49 PM
Some of you may know some or bits of the story of my flooding nightmare, but here it is in all its glory for you to be amazed at just how useless our housing association are!

During the nasty floods at the beginning of the year when my SR got totalled, the house had a minimal ingress of water, basically, it just saturated all the carpets, but didnt actually reach any sort of 'level'.

A week after the water level dropped, a 'man' (looked about 15) appeared from Soverign to inspect the 'damage' from the flooding. He kicked the bottom step, poked his head in the living room, wrote something on his clipboard (probably his letter to Santa) and left.

Alarm bells begin to ring

A week or so later we are told that due to damage caused to the house, we would need to be relocated while the floors, skirtingboard, plaster and kitchen units were replaced. OK, a bit of a pain in the ass, but hey, new stuff is good!

About the same time we were putting a claim into them for some new carpets, and lo and behold another letter appears from Soverign asking us to provide photographic evidence that the carpets were damaged! OK, so your making arrangements for us to be moved out of the house for major repairs due to flood damage, but you dont believe the fcucking carpets are shagged!

Alarm bells move up to def com 2

Next bit of faggorty from them appears in our new address. 'You will be moving to number 21, please make arrangements for your mail to be redirected to this address from this date blah blah' We spend the money on the redirect, make all the arrangements fro the phone to be changed over, and then about 4 days from the due date of moving... 'Sorry, your now going to 31, not 21'

We Asked wether we could have a days respite when all the work was finished to get into the house a day before we move back to lay carpets and generally get the house ready etc.. We were told that they are running a very tight schedule, and that we would probably have to move back in the day the works all finished so they can roll onto the next house. Ghey, but fair enough.

Two weeks after we departed had passed before any bastid set foot through the front door! I know, because I propped a matchbox just behind it!! 2 weeks and sod all's done!!! Tight schedule my pimply backside!!

Alarm bells causing minor ear damage

So, that brings us on to this week, where my Girlfriends mum called Soverign to find out how everything was going, and for any updates. Heres the cherry on the big curly poo....


My question is this. How much did it cost to move us out (not just us by the way, pretty much the entire cul-de-sac!!!), put all our sh1t in storage, prepare the flats we were moved into, plus all the admin work (scrub that, I am guessing they saved money there by employing squirrels). Add to that the general pain in the assedness of having to move everything out of the god damn house, and then move it all back in again at some point!

Thats even BEFORE you take into consideration the poor beggars in other parts of Thatcham who were below us on the list of repairs who had up to 5 feet of bloody water! (yes, you hear me right, we were the first tier of repairs to be done before those who had floaters bouncing off their chests!)

Compare that to sending out a proper surveyer (who isnt just out of nappies) to do a proper damage assessment.

It aint rocket science.

And we dont even get our new kitchen.

What a complete buch of Skidmarks!

However, I will end on a lighter note, the guy who was co ordinating the move couldnt do enough for us. Its just a shame his talents are wasted in such an utterly useless organisation.

20-11-07, 10:57 PM
Sounds about right for most housing assocations.

20-11-07, 10:58 PM
That's well gay Mr... :(
I would also be mega pi$$ed off!

20-11-07, 11:04 PM
Sound exactly like the monkeys i work with (im a Decorator)

Lovell's, FHM Housing, GP Housing and Connaughts, i have heard similiar storie's from tenants theyve dealt with

20-11-07, 11:05 PM
I know someone who works for them lol

20-11-07, 11:09 PM
Oh my God!

Whats ****ing wrong with this dam country! It's all gone to ****....

And theres me worrying about the fact Ive been without Internet for two weeks,lol
(Saying that though,again Shiite organization)

Nasty mate nasty...


21-11-07, 11:29 AM
lol so when are you moving back lee

21-11-07, 11:35 AM
Its nice and dry down south:thumb:

21-11-07, 11:56 AM
what a usless bunch of ****s, why send someone round to assess the damage then decide to put you up in temp accomodation because theres obviously damage been done to then turn round weeks down the line and say theres theres no damage, when they never even entered the house!

takes fecking beliving somtimes, i mean what is the world coming too!

21-11-07, 12:53 PM
I'd request a certificate and letter stating the structural condition of the house... Incase anything does go wrong and they can be reamed in court...

21-11-07, 01:06 PM
I've just got out of the housing assocation lark, what a funking relif. Feel for you man. We were without a boiler/hot water for almost a week and the repair people employeed by the assocation demanded my girl locate a boiler for them to fit.

Also the assocation (Downland) use to play Hotel Calafornia for what felt like hours on end while you waited to speak with the receptionist. lol "welcome to hotel calafornia" yeah right bum crumbles

If you can (and their still stupid enough to do it) slide on over to their website and get some of the names of the directors and ring them up. Something always got done for me by speaking with them insteal of the dick jockeys

21-11-07, 07:23 PM
I'd request a certificate and letter stating the structural condition of the house... Incase anything does go wrong and they can be reamed in court...

TBH stu, the problem isnt that the proper surveyors have come to the conclusion theres no problems, it was the nappy wearing n00b who was sent around in the first place who blatantly didnt have a clue, but on who's word an entire street were relocated elsewhere for repairs that wern't needed.

Utter madness!!

25-01-08, 07:56 PM
Heres a nice update for you in the complete retardnes of Soverign.

We were told 2 weeks ago we would be able to move back in on Monday 28th, and we would recieve the keys on the saturday morning so we could make preparations. Fair Enough.


Hayley got a call yesterday to say that theyre not finished, and that we wouldnt be recieving the keys until Monday morning.

Not Finished?

12 weeks they've had the house.

They ripped up the floor tiles, replaced it with a skim of concrete, and replaced the skirting board. Thats it. 12 weeks. Bear in mind as Ive said, they didnt have to do that anyway.

The front and back door, which are utterly fecked, are still there.

The kitchen units, which are ancient, and made out of chipboard, which were sat in the water at the time of the flood, are still there.

Oh yeah, and apparently according to a neighbour they left the house unlocked for 2 days with no one in it, and another neighbour hasnt seen any bastid near the place for weeks.

12 weeks.

I hadn't had a cigarette for a week when i got home from Manchester Airport today, and that job had gone uber badly, coupled to my van being fecked, and the christmas lul rendering me completely skint so unable to fix it., This has made me so unbelievably angry you cant even imagine.

25-01-08, 08:04 PM
Sorry to hear it bud, I cant belive how they work, how come though, if they did an 'estimate' to begin with why are they going back on it now and saying nothing needed doing!?

25-01-08, 08:14 PM
They are either actually THAT retarded, or there was a mahoosive insurance claim. My bets on the second option.

Letter to the local papers may be happening soon lol

25-01-08, 09:59 PM
national papers would love something like this

25-01-08, 10:20 PM
**** man the lazy bastids!! To screed out a floor is about 4 hours MAXIMUM work!! The skirting, as a pure guess if your a good chippy, around another 3 to 4 id imagine?

The screed would set within 12hours, once the skirtings fitted, it'd take me around 45mins rub it down and undercoat it, about an hour for acrylic undercoat to dry, then a coat of oil based undercoat and more then likely leave it a good 3 hours+ to dry, and around an hour max to gloss it!! Then back in the next day to second coat gloss.

Lee, by the sounds of it, and being a decorator and dealing with work like this everyday, there taking the fcuking pish BIG styleeeee!

Lovell's housing qoute 18 working days to rip out a kitchen and bathroom suite, replumb, re-wire, and refit both new suites, that timescale includes all plaster work, brick work, chippy's and decoration! Thats 18 fcuking days @ 8 hours a day!!

Theyve been over 12 weeks!! That is nothing more then a discrace TBH

25-01-08, 10:25 PM
But if a place has damp issues, it needs time to dry out. but space heaters & dehumidifiers will sort most out in a couple of weeks, but if the kitchen is still in then they are taking the pish.
Lee, when you get in, you should get your house insurance to send a surveyor round & see if he will condemn it

25-01-08, 10:28 PM
But if a place has damp issues, it needs time to dry out. but space heaters & dehumidifiers will sort most out in a couple of weeks, but if the kitchen is still in then they are taking the pish.
Lee, when you get in, you should get your house insurance to send a surveyor round & see if he will condemn it

Cant leave space heaters on overnight due to fire hazard, and cant use de-humidiefiers as they'll rinse Lee's electric (or anyone elses for that matter lol)

25-01-08, 10:33 PM
Herin lies the problem. if this was MY house, some serious sh1t woul dhave been hitting the fan by now. TBH, it would have been splatting all over the fan blades weeks ago.

But its Hayleys mums council house, and getting her to actually let these people know how she feels shes been treated is like banging your head against a brick wall. Im pretty powerless tbh.

25-01-08, 10:35 PM
Herin lies the problem. if this was MY house, some serious sh1t woul dhave been hitting the fan by now. TBH, it would have been splatting all over the fan blades weeks ago.

But its Hayleys mums council house, and getting her to actually let these people know how she feels shes been treated is like banging your head against a brick wall. Im pretty powerless tbh.

Ah, TBH your fcuked then matey.

25-01-08, 10:36 PM
Yup. But that wont stop me writing a very strong letter.


26-01-08, 10:19 PM
To be honest Lee this doesn't surprise me.
In my dealings with HA day in day out you either get ok ones or very bad ones. One ting I've always found with regards to tenants making complaints is if they go to one of the highest persons in that organisation and tell them the press are being informed, quite often something gets done about the problem.

A bit of topic.

Lovell's housing quote 18 working days to rip out a kitchen and bathroom suite, replumb, re-wire, and refit both new suites, that timescale includes all plaster work, brick work, chippy's and decoration! Thats 18 fcuking days @ 8 hours a day!!

Bloody hell they take their time. I know the national average is 20 days.
We (Kincraig Construction) who I work for are in and out in 10 days. Thats kitchen and b/rm full refurb including everything and sometimes with full house rewire and boiler changes.

Now thats quick!:thumb:

27-01-08, 01:02 PM
i feel for you lee - its the worst thing in the world hqving your home messed about with, im in a similar situation waiting around for my new gaff