View Full Version : Dog walkers..

20-11-07, 09:54 PM
Like mini owners we seem to have a mutal respect for one another. So far every night in passing i have been 'welcomed' so to speak with a 'good evening', 'how do?' or whatever even some very random conversations at times.

But not one has been female and between the age of 18-24, what a jip:wtf:

I know im single but attention off 2 gay blokes is not what im after, even if i was desperatelol

20-11-07, 09:58 PM
i always seem to get some old guy telling me all about leaves and trees whenever i stop for a chat with a walker

im still waiting for the 18-24 single nympho dog-walker aswell lol

what dog you got ?

20-11-07, 10:08 PM
i always seem to get some old guy telling me all about leaves and trees whenever i stop for a chat with a walker

im still waiting for the 18-24 single nympho dog-walker aswell lol

what dog you got ?

Got a little Cairn Terrior, basicly a Westhighland terrior but coloured and a bit harder.

Your self?

20-11-07, 10:12 PM
god this is one of the things that really really pisses me off!

i dont have a dog, but occasionally i'll take the girlfriends mum's dog for 'walkies'.

happily walking down the road, not picking up the dogs filthy sh!t (why should i? its not like ive just crimped one off in the street!)

you pass another dog walker who politely gives you a smile and says 'hello'.........................................'W ILL YOU FCUKING STOP DOING THAT! I DONT KNOW YOU......YOU DONT KNOW ME.......THE ONLY THING WE HAVE IN COMMON IS THIS HAIRY SH!T MACHINE ON THE END OF A LEAD!'

its like some secret 'dog lovers club'.........a club i dont want to be part of

if i didnt have the stupid mut on the end of the lead, the little old ladies would be crossing the road thinking i was going to mug them or something,....but because i have a dog that makes me all nice and friendly......well it doesnt.............so DONT SAY FCUKING HELLO TO ME!

ps. tell your mums and grannies this if their the 'dog walking' type lol

20-11-07, 10:15 PM
Got a little Cairn Terrior, basicly a Westhighland terrior but coloured and a bit harder.

Your self?

my mums got a border-colly and since im living back home atm i reg take her walking in the country park near me, my granma had a westhighland terrior till it got run over

20-11-07, 10:17 PM
god this is one of the things that really really pisses me off!

i dont have a dog, but occasionally i'll take the girlfriends mum's dog for 'walkies'.

happily walking down the road, not picking up the dogs filthy sh!t (why should i? its not like ive just crimped one off in the street!)

you pass another dog walker who politely gives you a smile and says 'hello'.........................................'W ILL YOU FCUKING STOP DOING THAT! I DONT KNOW YOU......YOU DONT KNOW ME.......THE ONLY THING WE HAVE IN COMMON IS THIS HAIRY SH!T MACHINE ON THE END OF A LEAD!'

its like some secret 'dog lovers club'.........a club i dont want to be part of

if i didnt have the stupid mut on the end of the lead, the little old ladies would be crossing the road thinking i was going to mug them or something,....but because i have a dog that makes me all nice and friendly......well it doesnt.............so DONT SAY FCUKING HELLO TO ME!

ps. tell your mums and grannies this if their the 'dog walking' type lol

See your attitude right there is whats wrong with society. Sorry to sound old but that sort of attitude is why people moan about us younger generation, cos of tits like you.

And i dont care if its not your dog and didnt come out of your ****, but you'll soon moan if you trod in it and start spouting off at us dog owners.

Have i just taken all that the wrong way :confused:

20-11-07, 10:20 PM
my mums got a border-colly and since im living back home atm i reg take her walking in the country park near me, my granma had a westhighland terrior till it got run over

I love walking the dog, just the walk really, feel a whole not better for it after.

20-11-07, 10:24 PM
See your attitude right there is whats wrong with society.

Aint that the truth lol

20-11-07, 10:26 PM
i bet im probably older than you so dont give me that. i dont class myself as the younger genaration anymore and believe me people like me are not whats wrong with society of today! people saying hello to me and trying to make conversation when they dont even know me...................would you go up to a random stranger in the street and strike up a conversation? no. but becuse you have a dog people think they have a god given right to intrude on you. well they dont, and it really p!sses me off

as for the whole dog **** thing, i trod in it 6 times last week and this week i'm already on 2. its part of my job. people with dogs tend to let them crap all over their gardens and leave it there for days on end festering. i have to work in these gardens, where is their consideration then?

20-11-07, 10:31 PM
you would walk up to another nova owner and strike up a conversation tho same thing really

20-11-07, 10:31 PM
^ i once worked in a houses bathroom, and there was cat sh1t in the shower :thumb: so be warned, animals are getting smart ;) they can shower now and theyll get you when you least expect it

20-11-07, 10:37 PM
well no, i wouldnt just go up to another random nova owner and say hi.

would you go up to someone in the street with the same trainers as you and say hi?

20-11-07, 10:44 PM
you would walk up to another nova owner and strike up a conversation tho same thing really

Was about to say the same thing

20-11-07, 10:49 PM
well no, i wouldnt just go up to another random nova owner and say hi.

would you go up to someone in the street with the same trainers as you and say hi?

Theres a difference in the examples, dog owners and nova owners share a common interest. Saying hello to random joe's for no reason is daft. I dont care if your old than me or not, but the point still exsists.

And to elaborate the point further, why are you on here if you have that attitude. You came here in the same way as meeting a fellow 'dog' owner or 'nova' owner, a stranger.

20-11-07, 10:58 PM
And to elaborate the point further, why are you on here if you have that attitude. You came here in the same way as meeting a fellow 'dog' owner or 'nova' owner, a stranger.

That, is the one sole binding reason you guys are on here talking to eaxh other :thumb:

20-11-07, 10:59 PM
so what if you share a common interest? that doesnt give people the green light to come over all happy and cheery to you.

most men have loads of 'common interests'......football, drinking, women, w.anking. but you dont go and bother them do you?................'hello stranger, dont mind if i interupt your peaceful walk in the countryside do you? what did you think of the england game last week?and hasnt lucy pinder got big breasts'

you just wouldnt do it.

but if you have a dog its different. why?

20-11-07, 11:01 PM
That, is the one sole binding reason you guys are on here talking to eaxh other :thumb:

i'm on here because my missus didnt come round, she's working late. there's bugger all on the telly so i'm winding away a few hours to ease my bordom

20-11-07, 11:04 PM
[quote=dave.gsi]so what if you share a common interest? that doesnt give people the green light to come over all happy and cheery to you.
why not thats the art of conversation mate how you make friends

20-11-07, 11:06 PM
i'm on here because my missus didnt come round, she's working late. there's bugger all on the telly so i'm winding away a few hours to ease my bordom

God your hard work.......

Ill take this from another angle, how did you find this site?

You have a common interest in something..... Nova's.

Nova's, Dog's, they both have some relation to sh1t.

20-11-07, 11:07 PM
so what if you share a common interest? that doesnt give people the green light to come over all happy and cheery to you.

most men have loads of 'common interests'......football, drinking, women, w.anking. but you dont go and bother them do you?................'hello stranger, dont mind if i interupt your peaceful walk in the countryside do you? what did you think of the england game last week?and hasnt lucy pinder got big breasts'

you just wouldnt do it.

but if you have a dog its different. why?

Again, get down the pub to watch the footie or go to a match, and what happens, your shouting and screaming, cheering hugging others in celebrations and who are these people, again strangers sharing a common interest.

And what is so bad with a passing hello, theres no need to pull up short and give full blown convo, but why the hell not, theres loads of interesting funny people out there, and as said if a female happens to pass one night im not going to breeze on by.

20-11-07, 11:09 PM
God your hard work.......

Ill take this from another angle, how did you find this site?

You have a common interest in something..... Nova's.

Nova's, Dog's, they both have some relation to sh1t.
Legend!!:thumb: lol

20-11-07, 11:10 PM
Dave, im getting the feeling your quite a shy person am I right? You seem to get agitated by people invading your personal space!

Dont come to a car show if I were you as I make damn sure im in everyones face saying hello lol, Making new friends with a common interest is what a clubs all about IMO.

20-11-07, 11:12 PM
Legend!!:thumb: lol

lol lol lol lol

20-11-07, 11:16 PM
Heaven forbid you split with your missus Dave, cos you being like you are you'll have some trouble.

But again you and your missus were probably strangers before you hooked up, you probably got a common interest in sex, music or something.

21-11-07, 12:17 AM
Again, get down the pub to watch the footie or go to a match, and what happens, your shouting and screaming, cheering hugging others in celebrations and who are these people, again strangers sharing a common interest.

Good point mate, im surprised this dave guy is on here chatting to us, he obviously cant handle a simple pleasantry with a stranger, jesus there only saying hello, not asking you to move in with them!lol

As saloony said this is whats wrong with out society, its ****ty attitudes like that, sorry to get nasty but if its such a big problem to say hello to a stranger, then why bring it up with us? Where all strangers to an extent, I havnt met half the people on here but I dont get arsy if someone chats to me about my nova.

21-11-07, 08:36 AM
Go back 50 years. Heck, even 20 years and you'd find people saying hello to each other randomly in the street.

In fact, no need to time travel at all. Live in a village or smaller community and every one knows each other. Its only in larger towns/cities that people have this immense antisocial psyche. Ask Alex about how things are down her road, they're always invading each others houses, and those who keep them selves apart are considered outcasts lol

Anyway. Saloony, take your dog to a dog training school. If he's already well trained thats a bonus, as you can then get the "ooh, isn't he a good dog" coos from any women there. Plus help them with their mutts :D

Alternatively, follow Hugh Grant's lead from About A Boy and go to a single parent meeting lol

21-11-07, 08:55 AM
Dog walkers are a strage lot sometimes - as said you do get some well strange conversations considering youve never met someone before - but hey. I know if it wasn't for my little jack russell (whose ginger, and called dave) I wouldnt walk every day (mostly twice) and god damn I need the exercise cause sitting on my **** for 8hrs at work isnt the greatest...

The only time it can be annoying is when you're in a rush and someone feels the need to tell you their life story.....

21-11-07, 11:07 AM
If I had a dog I'd walk it all the time. I love dogs, but unfortunatly we're riddled with cats, and funnily enough they don't like being put on leads (trust me I've tried! lol)

Down our road, like Jack said, if people keep themselves to themselves they are considered outsiders. The same with the people in my flat, the ones here that just sit in their rooms are considered odd and don't get along with a lot of the people here because they don't bother socialising.
When I used to go for walks down my lane, you'd get the randoms who would take their dogs for strolls down our "little country lane" and they'd always stop and say hello.
Like previously said, a lot of "older people" assume that people my age and younger are trying to mug them and stab them. So sometimes it's nice to just smile at an older person. Friendliness goes a long way:)

21-11-07, 11:59 AM
hey i just came across this thread dave needs to cheer up a bit

but a women started talking to me last night while we were both walking our dogs but as im only 19 she seem about 25-30 dont think it was going to become much shame im not bit older

21-11-07, 12:36 PM
you should try walking your dog round here !!!! full of young fit ones (ladies)

21-11-07, 12:55 PM
My dog is a good friend to me and, hell i've had to depend on the kindness of strangers many a time.

21-11-07, 01:08 PM
you should try walking your dog round here !!!! full of young fit ones (ladies)
Mental note to self. Purchase dog.

21-11-07, 01:27 PM
you should try walking your dog round here !!!! full of young fit ones (ladies)

Im there:thumb: Bloody long walk tholol

21-11-07, 01:30 PM
Go back 50 years. Heck, even 20 years and you'd find people saying hello to each other randomly in the street.

In fact, no need to time travel at all. Live in a village or smaller community and every one knows each other. Its only in larger towns/cities that people have this immense antisocial psyche. Ask Alex about how things are down her road, they're always invading each others houses, and those who keep them selves apart are considered outcasts lol

Anyway. Saloony, take your dog to a dog training school. If he's already well trained thats a bonus, as you can then get the "ooh, isn't he a good dog" coos from any women there. Plus help them with their mutts :D

Alternatively, follow Hugh Grant's lead from About A Boy and go to a single parent meeting lol

Thats a good idea, but my dog is a little ****, hes only six months old and is always bouncing of the walls, truely mental dog.

My Gran lives in a village called Rainford up St.Helens way and i once got on the bus with my grandad and dear god, it was brilliant, everyone knew everyone including the driver and the stuff pouring out of there mouth you just couldnt make that **** up it was so funnylol

paul james
21-11-07, 01:35 PM
I do occassionaly meet nice ladies who are also walking their dog, but the problem is my dog hates all other dogs. She snarls, growls, and if not on the lead will attack any dog that gets too close, spoils any chances of striking up conversation when the normally cute dog you've got turns into a muderous monster!

21-11-07, 01:53 PM
I do occassionaly meet nice ladies who are also walking their dog, but the problem is my dog hates all other dogs. She snarls, growls, and if not on the lead will attack any dog that gets too close, spoils any chances of striking up conversation when the normally cute dog you've got turns into a muderous monster!

Dog Borstol for you then my man;)

paul james
21-11-07, 02:00 PM
I don't think she can be cured! she just won't listen or be distracted when another dog gets close. She does want to be put on the lead though, so its not too terrible, she only wants to attack when other dogs get within a couple of meters. Its only really a problem when other people dogs are too stupid to realise she doesn't want to play and wont go away.

21-11-07, 03:16 PM
would you go up to a random stranger in the street and strike up a conversation? no.

not all the time no. but you never spoke to someone who you dont no? i have everyone has.if you see a nice motor would you not ask the bloke questions etc about it? i do.ive met loads of people through it.some that i now hang around with.drinking buddies etc. your sad fella.have you got a missus? cause you sound like a grumpy c.u.n.t. are you fealing insecure? do you feal imtimated(spelling) when people you dont no talk to you? how did you met your mates? you didnt no them to start off with?

21-11-07, 03:17 PM
looks like ive stumbled across png's very own dog lovers club!

ive got no problems with dogs, in fact as soon as i can afford one i'll be buying a boxer puppy. my problem is with the owners. yes i may be a miserable old ******* but its just one of those things that really gets my goat. i dont know these people, so why do they feel the need to say hello to me?

i'm not a shy person. i'll talk to anyone in the right setting.
i'm also not out 'looking for friends'. why would i want to make friends with a stranger in the street?......just because we both have dogs?

yes you're kindof right that i did come on here (many moons ago) looking to talk to other nova owners. that doesnt give me the right to go up to any random bloke with a nova and start chewing his ear off about XE engines whilst he's out buying food at asda! theres a time and a place for everything............................if i want to have a nice chin wag about dogs i'll go and find a dog lovers forum and do it there..........................at least then you know everyone on there is there for the same reason

21-11-07, 03:19 PM
and as for the village thing,...........

precisely the reason why i wouldnt want to live in one.
everyone knowing everything about you, having a good gossip in the post office.......fcuk that:roll:

21-11-07, 03:23 PM
not all the time no. but you never spoke to someone who you dont no? i have everyone has.if you see a nice motor would you not ask the bloke questions etc about it? i do.ive met loads of people through it.some that i now hang around with.drinking buddies etc. your sad fella.have you got a missus? cause you sound like a grumpy c.u.n.t. are you fealing insecure? do you feal imtimated(spelling) when people you dont no talk to you? how did you met your mates? you didnt no them to start off with?

yes i do have a missus thanks. i'm not insecure at all, i have a good job, a nice girlfriend, a good circle of friends. friends which incedently i didn't accost in the street and start talking to! i know my friends from as a child, people i've met through work, their friends......never once have i made friends in the street with a complete stranger

21-11-07, 03:24 PM
i dont own a dog mate im not talking about bumping in to each other on dog walks im on about in general.no you wouldnt stand there in the middle of asda chewing a bloke's ear off.its simple people ask me about my corsa and if i havernt got time ill quickly stop and chat and say sorry i gotta go.if ive got time ill stand there.its nice people have the same intest etc.you got alot of attitude fella.like 2nyt im off to the pub to watch the game with a few mates.no doubt will end up speeking to some other lads etc who we dont no.im not into football but im goin to be with my mates etc and have a lughf.that dosnt mean if poeple talk to me about football im not going to listen.like the bird im seeing at the moment i didnt no her a month ago.i see he a few times and thought id like abit of that.stop spoke to her got her number etc and its started from there.who do you get to no people if you havernt got the time? does this mean you live in a little bubble only speeking to people you've known since you shat in nappies?

21-11-07, 04:26 PM
sorry for the late reply, it took me a whole 20 minutes to actually read your post. i think i've got most of it though. talking to strangers in the pub is a whole different ball game, everyones had a drink. you've all watched the same game so you can go on and on about how sh!t peter crouch is and why beckham should never be allowed to reach 100 caps. thats fine, i've got no problem with that. but people in the street, in the park, talking to you as if they've known you for years, just because you happen to have a dog on the end of a lead..............its just not on. i repeat.....'i dont fcuking know you, you dont know me so stop making stupid polite smalltalk!'

that also goes for the guy on the bus who feels the need to talk to me about the weather and other such trivial sh!te :thumb:

21-11-07, 04:55 PM
that is a very ignorant attitude you have there only being polite

21-11-07, 04:57 PM
and as for the village thing,...........

precisely the reason why i wouldnt want to live in one.
everyone knowing everything about you, having a good gossip in the post office.......fcuk that:roll:
Gotta love misinterpretations of country life lol All your friends know a lot about you (I won't say they know everything about you, as I'm sure they don't)? And, living in a village, all these people around you are to a certain degree your friends - yes, they know a lot about you but no more than your town-habiting friends. Whats to say people don't go down the pub and talk about you behind your back now? With your attitude I'd be surprised if they didn't.

Anyway. By your analogy, I'd never want to live in a city as I don't want to get murdered by some doley illegal immigrant :D

Incidentally, if you go into Asda, and the person on the checkout says "Hello", do you reply "Fcuk off, I don't want to talk to you"? lol

21-11-07, 04:57 PM
maybe, but it still fcuking annoys me

21-11-07, 05:04 PM
Incidentally, if you go into Asda, and the person on the checkout says "Hello", do you reply "Fcuk off, I don't want to talk to you"?

nope, i just ignore them. you see next time your in asda, and the young girl says hello, just look at her face. she's just like me. she's thinking 'i don't know this guy, i couldn't care less if he walked out of the shop and got herpes. for all i care he can go curl up and die..................................but the boss says i have to pretend to be happy and smiley so i'll say a quick 'hello' through gritted teeth'.

there not doing it because there all happy smiley people,..they do it because if they don't they'll get the sack :D

21-11-07, 05:08 PM
dave.gsi - PNG's official "cynical b@stard" member lol

21-11-07, 05:09 PM
dave.gsi - PNG's official "cynical b@stard" member lol

lol i agree,dave mate your a small minded person.probly did take you awhile to read i cant spell very well. its people like you that most of as laughf at.like now were all reading this think you crumpy c.u.n.t. lol

21-11-07, 05:44 PM
is it below you just to be polite cant you spare a few seconds/minutes for other people

21-11-07, 05:59 PM
dave if talking to other dog owners annoys you take the dog for a run/jog. itl save you time and your inprove you c.v. i do and and dont chat to other dog owners because im running and obviously cant.
not that chatting to strangers bothers me in the slightest as its just a normal human thing to do?! also striking up random convo is proven to keep the brain stimulated LOL

as for not cleaning up dog mess how about the spread on disease and the thought of other people tresding in it!

21-11-07, 06:36 PM
personally i think you (dave) are being stupid, where is the problem in some randomer chatting to you in the street? i'd be delighted if someone took the time to try and talk to me, esp if they were fit girls

So i suggest you grow up and learn to deal with normal friendly life

21-11-07, 06:38 PM
I think it's rude if people are totally ignorant around you. It just makes people (well maybe not everyone) feel uncomfortable. Fair enough don't stop someone in a street and chat to them randomly. But check out people and taxi drivers. I have to make convo if they don't (which a lot of people do) otherwise I feel awkward!

As for the village thing, like Jack said, I spect friends do as much "gossiping" as us "country folk" do. lol

21-11-07, 07:18 PM
Dogs are great conversation starters. ok maybe you don't want to talk, but the dog does, so it goes out of its way to meet other people & dogs. If you get your own dog, you will get it a lot worse than when you just borrow one.

As for the town vs country argument.... I have lived in the same house in Hinckley for 11 years & I still have not even seen the people three doors away. In the village where I was born, & in about a 3 mile radius from it, everybody knows me. I can't afford to live in the countryside though.

21-11-07, 07:28 PM
to be honest this is the only reason why i have'nt bought a dog allready. when i do get one, i'll be sure to walk it a spurious times of the night so as not to come into contact with other 'like minded (!)' dog owners

and as for me being cynical........honestly, next time you're in asda just have a quick peek at the girl as she says 'hello' to you! she's got a look on her face which says 'i wish you a slow and painful death'

i used to work in shops and customers were like devil people, interupting a good days skive lol

21-11-07, 07:47 PM
lmao, you havent bought a dog because you dont like talking to people! lol

I have to admit though, your very good at keeping your tongue firmly in your cheek lol

21-11-07, 09:49 PM
Dave I understand what your saying about people at checkouts, I used to be the depressed looking idiot who used to serve people and I hated it as it was forced conversation, whats wrong just saying hi to someone if your out walking your dog?

If you had a breakdown at the side of the road and didnt have a clue how to fix it, and some kind stranger offers to help you out, your not going to say f**k off are you? No, mostly because you've got something to gain out of it. But I assume you dont like talking to strangers about dogs or the weather etc as theres nothing to gain from it.

Obviously live your own life etc, but it sounds to me like you have trouble talking to people that you dont know.

21-11-07, 10:09 PM
i dont have any problems talking to people.........in the right setting. walking down the street is the wrong setting. talk to me then and i'll give you that same look the asda checkout girls will give you.....'i hope you get herpes and die!'

and breakdowns...........i'm in the aa :thumb:

21-11-07, 10:09 PM
oh my god.. i cant believe your attitude.. i LOVE talking to random people! & i work in a shoe shop.. 9 till 6 everyday. the best part of it is getting to talk to people. how boring would the day be if those few random people didnt tell me their whole life story? i talk to people when i walk the dogs too. its just nice. & polite. i must be the kind of person you hate. but i have never come across anyone like you. everyone just says hi. & i live in a town!!

21-11-07, 10:12 PM
i talk to anyone who will listen - not normally many but i do normally slur my words and have dribble on my chin

im even worse after a drink

21-11-07, 10:19 PM
theres even wierdo's that stop me in greggs & BP because im wearing a belt that says.. 'jesus loves you' i have stood in BP for 30mins before while the checkout man was telling me god loves everyone & asking me if i go to church & that :| im still stood there smiling & agreeing with everything he said!! (15mins late for work!!)

21-11-07, 10:20 PM
it doesnt pay to be polite dave, you may need that strangers help one day

21-11-07, 10:22 PM
oh my god.. i cant believe your attitude.. i LOVE talking to random people! & i work in a shoe shop.. 9 till 6 everyday. the best part of it is getting to talk to people. how boring would the day be if those few random people didnt tell me their whole life story? i talk to people when i walk the dogs too. its just nice. & polite. i must be the kind of person you hate. but i have never come across anyone like you. everyone just says hi. & i live in a town!!

i too used to work in a shoe shop. i left because i couldn't take anymore of the dribbling idiots telling me their life story!

really,....and be honest here......................do you actually give a sh!t what people are telling you? its not like its your granny telling you about her wobbly knee (which again, i couldn't care less about.......but i kind of have to smile and nod along because its my granny!)

21-11-07, 10:22 PM
it doesnt pay to be polite dave, you may need that strangers help one day
Well said, as the saying goes "Treat people as you would like to be treated"

Or words to that effect! lol

And dave, I can understand you not wanting to hear peoples life stories, it just seems that you hate talking to people for a second if it doesnt benefit you in anyway.

Quick question, if an amazing fit girl came up to you on the street and start telling you her life story, im sure you wouldnt tell her to f**k off would you?

21-11-07, 10:28 PM
'you may need that strangers help one day'

well yes, if i'd just been stabbed and couldn't phone for an ambulance perhaps. but i'd also do the same if a fellow dog walker had been stabbed. even if he'd annoyed the hell out of me by being all smiles and happy 'hellos'. i'm sure i could find it within me to dial 999

lets be honest.....it would be a very rare occasion when i'd actually need help from random 'smiley woman' in the street!

21-11-07, 10:29 PM
no most of the time i dont care. but im not just going to say.. 'i dont care **** off' its just rude.

21-11-07, 10:31 PM
well.. wait till you get stabbed then. & no one helps you because you were rude to them! then you'll regret it :p

21-11-07, 10:31 PM
Quick question, if an amazing fit girl came up to you on the street and start telling you her life story, im sure you wouldnt tell her to f**k off would you?

well yes i would actually. i don't need a girlfriend, i've allready got an amazingly fit one :thumb:

and also i'd be a little weary of her mental state..........going up to strangers telling her life story.......theres obviously something wrong with her or she'd have a boyfriend/husband already

21-11-07, 10:32 PM
well.. wait till you get stabbed then. & no one helps you because you were rude to them! then you'll regret it :p

lol, i'll take my chances lol

21-11-07, 10:34 PM

21-11-07, 10:39 PM
anyway, my faithful dog (AKA lassie) would be able to fish out a mobile phone from his doggie pouch to dial 999, whilst also administering first aid untill the ambulance arrived. incedently, he also hates it when i say hello to him in a patronising voice lol

21-11-07, 11:46 PM
sorry mate but i had anoth.you just a p.r.i.c.k realy. are you going to p.v next year id love to chat to you.

22-11-07, 04:27 PM
oh, you're one of them are you? not only can you not spell, or use english in a remotely acceptable way but you're also one of those 'if i see you at PV i'm gonna leather you' types.

grow up mate. when you get a bit older you'll realsise that people have differing opinions on a whole heap of subjects. threatening violence just shows up your lack of braincells to have a light hearted debate in something as ridiculus as dog walking.

for the record, no, i probably won't be going to PV. but if i was, do you really think i'd be scared of a mouthy little fcuktard like you? go get a job,....or even better, go back to school. i know asylum seekers who speak the language better than you

22-11-07, 04:36 PM
so Craig is starting the "PNG Dogging Society" then? :D

22-11-07, 05:02 PM
Dave youre a cock muching ****stain..

god i hope we meet one day so i can give you the shoeing you desevere.

as for the dog thing, i think its great, i used to get worried about taking my dogg out with it been a staff cross english bullterrier i was expecting all negative views/comments, but even old ladys (not walking dogs) stop me and say "aww isnt he cute" and all that, and tbh it makes me feel good, as i can say, ive made this "vicious" "nasty temperd" dog into a sweet cutie of a dog, also hes good for parting crowds of chavs on the street corners :D


P.S. Dave if you have a problem with my post, please Pm me and keep the thread on topic.

22-11-07, 05:13 PM
i don't use pm's. i have nothing to hide, if i feel the need to say it i'll do it where everybody can read it.

you, it seems, are also a braindead idiot. you have a slightly better grasp of the english language then your fellow 'i'm gonna give you a beating' fcuktard, but its safe, i think, to tar you with the same brush.

you're a stupid chav, under the age of 20. you think you're hard, when infact you're not. you didn't do so well at school (and am i right in remembering you were bullied at school?). you live at home, on a council estate, with your mum, because your dad left, and if you actually did bump into me one day, you wouldn't be half as mouthy as you are right now. am i close?

22-11-07, 05:21 PM
you're a stupid chav, under the age of 20. you think you're hard, when infact you're not. you didn't do so well at school (and am i right in remembering you were bullied at school?). you live at home, on a council estate, with your mum, because your dad left, and if you actually did bump into me one day, you wouldn't be half as mouthy as you are right now. am i close?

I'm No chav. i am 19. i kno i'm hard(but i dont go making it obv or runing my mouth of), no i didnt do well at school, yes i was bullied, and now all the people that builled me dont say a word to me..sometime they even say "hi" i do live at home, on a council estate with my mum.. AND my dad, who is desabled(dont even think about diggin into that) and if i did actully bump into you, there'd me no time for me to be mouthy because id get on with what i said i was going to do...

22-11-07, 05:26 PM
Dont come to a car show if I were you as I make damn sure im coming in everyones face

:eek: :roll: :p

22-11-07, 05:43 PM
C'mon this thread is ridiculous. If he doesn't want to speak to people he doesn't know, it's his choice. It makes absolutely no difference to any of you lot. You all just jumped on the bandwagon and now it's getting to threats of violence :tard: I think you all need to go empty your balls before they get too big. I really can't believe you are arguing about something so pathetic!

22-11-07, 05:46 PM
oh, you're one of them are you? not only can you not spell, or use english in a remotely acceptable way but you're also one of those 'if i see you at PV i'm gonna leather you' types.

grow up mate. when you get a bit older you'll realsise that people have differing opinions on a whole heap of subjects. threatening violence just shows up your lack of braincells to have a light hearted debate in something as ridiculus as dog walking.

for the record, no, i probably won't be going to PV. but if i was, do you really think i'd be scared of a mouthy little fcuktard like you? go get a job,....or even better, go back to school. i know asylum seekers who speak the language better than you
yeah im a chav and proud of it.i missed my last to years at school as i ended up in a youth offenders but times change.i am under 20 im 19.i dont live in no council house i live in a house worth probly twice as much as yours if you wanna go down that route with a nice pool and loads of land.i was never bullied but i wernt a bully either and by the way you came across as i dont give a fcuk attiude i think you got bullied now scared to talk to people you dont no.and who threatern violence? all i said is i would like a chat.

22-11-07, 05:49 PM
lynz i congratulate you........you seem to have your head screwed on :D

and novalicious, it seems i'm a very good judge of character as 99% of my assumptions were right. the only one i got wrong was your dad living away

22-11-07, 05:51 PM
lynz i congratulate you........you seem to have your head screwed on :D

and novalicious, it seems i'm a very good judge of character as 99% of my assumptions were right. the only one i got wrong was your dad living away

and that i'm a chav, Think i'm hard. you got them wrong aswel

One or two of your assumptions, was facts that i'd already stated in previous threads.

22-11-07, 05:52 PM
chris-gsi, please do me a favour.... learn to fcuking read as well as write :roll:

22-11-07, 06:00 PM
lol keep goin dave. do u just feal bad that ive got more than what your probly ever have and im alot younger than you.i cant spell and i cant read to well.but i still have aloud of stuff more than what you'd expect from someone in my position.im not a little kid who thinks he's it.ive just lucky to have what i have and you asking me to get a job. i dont need one lol and nope i dont claim benefits.

22-11-07, 06:03 PM
^^ I'd stop now. You are making a fool of yourself.

22-11-07, 06:07 PM
and that i'm a chav, Think i'm hard. you got them wrong aswel

you may not think you're a chav, but you are. i can just tell. you do think you're hard, thats why you run your mouth off for no apparent reason.

in a few years you'll learn some things that will be invaluable for later life. one of them will be - the guy in the pub who mouths off at you telling you how he's gonna 'beat the sh!t out of you', acting all bigtime, is a stupid little faggot. he's all talk and no trousers. the guy you need to be weary of, is the guy who says nothing. people who are hard don't boast about it or make stupid childish threats, they'll just casually walk up to you and snot you one right on the nose. no fussing, no warning, they'll just do it

and chris-gsi.... seriously, go in to the corner and have a quiet word with yourself :roll:

22-11-07, 06:19 PM
Keyboard warriors round one here!!

Dont come to a car show if I were you as I make damn sure im coming in everyones face
I thought Jack's face felt soft in the morning. lol

22-11-07, 06:26 PM
Come to think of it, so was mine :D

I am NOT insinuating anything lol

22-11-07, 06:34 PM
and it started with a puppy :D from puppy to online war hahaha

22-11-07, 06:35 PM
Ha ha ha lol

22-11-07, 06:35 PM
Dave, Chris, Novalicious.... STOP or fcuk off elsewhere to have this little lovein.

22-11-07, 08:09 PM
The real tragedy in this whole thread is that all daves posts have been tongue in cheek, and no one really noticed.

Now play nice or locky locky lol

22-11-07, 08:19 PM
I noticed... Or I'm just a nice person :D

22-11-07, 08:57 PM
The real tragedy in this whole thread is that all daves posts have been tongue in cheek, and no one really noticed.

Now play nice or locky locky lol

Lee, lock it for fcuk sake, its old and tired now and frankly im bored.

Yes there will be a 'Craig's dogging club' starting soonlol

22-11-07, 09:00 PM
Lee, lock it for fcuk sake,

hey, this isn't Mig you know lol

22-11-07, 09:06 PM
hey, this isn't Mig you know lol

Very true lol

So anyway, tonight i met a Jovah, a drunk man and a 50yr old bloke standing aproxx 5ft nothing really daft hat, a dickie bow walking with a gangsta limplol

23-11-07, 11:46 PM
my wifes sister is a professional dogwalker in Glasgow (www.dogwalkies.co.uk) and its like another world!

It's a whole different circle of friends and it's amazing how much gossip you pick up. She doesnt even live in our village and she found out through dog walking chums about our next door neighbours moving out and the new people moving in before we even knew the feckin house was for sale!!!

Ironically shes still single though. I think most dog walkers are in relationships and got a dog to escape the other half. theres a guy by us who taken a king charles spaniel for a wak in his slippers - regardless of the weather - at midnight!

24-11-07, 01:00 PM
Dont come to a car show if I were you as I make damn sure im in everyones face

llol lol lol


24-11-07, 01:58 PM
lol lol

24-11-07, 05:48 PM
HE'S mike strutter, THERE'S mike strutter, IT'S mike strutter THAT'S Mike strutter!! lol

24-11-07, 06:33 PM
Ironically shes still single though.

Pics of sister pls.

Ricky G
25-11-07, 05:37 PM
really,....and be honest here......................do you actually give a sh!t what people are telling you? its not like its your granny telling you about her wobbly knee (which again, i couldn't care less about.......but i kind of have to smile and nod along because its my granny!)[/quote]

and when your granny falls down the stairs with her nobbly knee and dies you will be the 1st one for the handout of 30k she left in her will to her beloved grandson. who is actualy a sad grumpy t.w.a.t. i have a cousin just like you and im sure i will get banned for saying what ild love to do to him!
also if you dont wanna pick up dog **** (that your dog left) (or the dog u was walking) then dont take it for a walk. YES it realy is people like you that ruin this country. your out for yourself and no1 else. i acualy agree with you on the whole dog walking and talking thin to a certain extent, but im just polite and nod along with gritted teeth then say i better go as im running late. im sure u aint all that bad but you coming across on here as a complete tit. rant over

26-11-07, 05:44 PM
fcuk off mate. your 3 days too late :roll:

26-11-07, 06:09 PM