View Full Version : Speeding ticket Loophole

20-11-07, 11:31 AM
I got zapped at 35mph in a 30 last week by some chimp in his white van, and subsequently got a letter at the weekend saying ?60 and 3 points :( Was doing a bit of t'internet searching and found this (http://www.safespeed.org.uk/unsignedpress.html) regarding a loophole that if I request it to be dealt with at court, fill in the form but not sign then the document is invalidated.

The article is from 2003 however, so anyone know if this is still legit? I've checked over my form and there is a requirement to fill in details but nothing explicitly declaring I must sign.

20-11-07, 11:33 AM
thats a really old loophole. just like all the others, they have been sorted with now and almost sure it wont work. maybe worth a try tho i suppose

20-11-07, 11:35 AM
take it like a man...

Will F
20-11-07, 11:39 AM
35 in a 30? Are you sure? :p

I was almost sure it was +10% (plus a few mph depending on region?)

That may only be for motorways though

20-11-07, 11:40 AM
Failing that, take it to court and ask for the calibration certificate for the camera, IIRC mobile units must be calibrated every time they are set up in order to be a legal device (could be 3 days). Most forces don't do this and immediatly drop the case.

20-11-07, 11:46 AM
Failing that, take it to court and ask for the calibration certificate for the camera, IIRC mobile units must be calibrated every time they are set up in order to be a legal device (could be 3 days). Most forces don't do this and immediatly drop the case.

lots of these cases are being reamed harder though as they know you did wrong and the calibration thing is a last ditched effort....

20-11-07, 11:52 AM
Failing that, take it to court and ask for the calibration certificate for the camera, IIRC mobile units must be calibrated every time they are set up in order to be a legal device (could be 3 days). Most forces don't do this and immediatly drop the case.

Was also thinking about this. I would like to wriggle out of it to maintain my clean licence lol

20-11-07, 12:12 PM
Failing that, take it to court and ask for the calibration certificate for the camera, IIRC mobile units must be calibrated every time they are set up in order to be a legal device (could be 3 days). Most forces don't do this and immediatly drop the case.

I tried this one (back in 2005) - all I got was a letter saying "yes we have the relevant documentation but it will only be presented in court" so you then have the option to take a chance on a bigger fine in court or just take the points.

20-11-07, 01:10 PM
There ARE ways and means of playing the system, but most will involve going through the courts and run the risk of a larger fine and more points. Suffice to say not signing the form, or overpaying on a cheque (another classic) is not how it works - the police will just send you the form back to fill out correctly.

SP30 is nowt to worry about tbh, most insurance companies don't bother adding much (if anything) for them.

21-11-07, 10:09 AM
As Jack says insurance companies will mostly disregard a SP30 but if you have only been driving less than 2 years you obviously got the problem of 6 point ban.

I got snapped a couple of years back and wrote a nice letter saying i dont know who was driving, they then sent me a picture which was impossible to tell so i said that i didnt know again and if it was a crime to not know then i was guilty and they agreed that it was a porr photo and they couldnt decifer if it was male or female etc so they dropped charges. just got lucky i suppose.

21-11-07, 04:31 PM
i got caught again a few weeks ago, now have an sp50 (+99mph) and an sp30 (+49mph) to my name:wtf:

99mph on the motorway at half 1 in the morning.

49 in a 30mph down the docks road where all there is is abandoned decrepit old buildings.

21-11-07, 05:00 PM
Mm, I had a 30 and a 50. Only just got rid of the SP30.

How many points/fine etc did you get for those? Was it a standard ?60 3 points jobbie in each case?

22-11-07, 04:52 PM
yeah 3 points ?60 fine for each of them.

i was very lucky on the motorway one though. the traffic cop showed me the video he filmed while he was behind me and paused it when it was showing my top speed of 111mph. he went on to explain that he wasnt allowed to take the top speed as a reading but he had to do a timed run over like half a mile and take the average speed. luckily my average speed over the distance was 99mph.

he said if your average speed was 100mph he wouldn't have been able to give me a fixed penalty, he would have had to report me to the crown prosecution service whereby i'd have to go to court to explain my actions. as a general rule, if you end up in court with 100mph or over, they hand out a standard 6months ban and a large fine :eek:

suffice to say now i never ever drive above 80. if i lose my license i lose my job!

womble sri
22-11-07, 08:26 PM
i think its pretty hard to get round some counties put you on a speed awareness course for a minor speed like that but if there was no mention of this on the original letter than no joy. my speedo sensor has gone and i was late for a training seminar the other week so obviously i let my xe try its best to get me there on time! i was flat out on a three lane a road and ssaw the *******s. braked hard and they got me at 94! 2 more mph and i would of been on my way to court for a 6 pointer which is not good to add to my already 3 points.

p.s. please dont reply if you are only going to winge about speed limits nearly everyone does it and i dont care for your comments.

22-11-07, 10:52 PM
suffice to say now i never ever drive above 80.
Yeah, same as me - 3 points and ?60 in each case. I too now also get very twitchy if driving over 80, so can relate to that lol

23-11-07, 02:03 PM
i also dont do above 35 in a 30! it takes me twice as long to bloody get anywhere lol

23-11-07, 06:14 PM
i got caught doing 40 in a 30 at 5.30 in the morning on my way to work, few days later i recieved the dreaded letter, i put it in my drawer and sort of posponed it till i could think of how to get out of it, realised i couldnt find a loop hole anymore so filled it in and sent it off, a few days later i recieved a letter (which i still have and was going to frame!) from hampshire constabulary's top man in this field stating with his sincere apologies the officer's camera was not callibrated nor was the speed limit on that stretch of road finalised between the council and the speed camera enforcement company, therefore no points or fine are issued, so i got away with that one and another time i was on my way back from weymouth driving my girlfriends rather not so pokey ford ka with her in the car with me. i was coming back down a duel carriage way the goes from national to 40 quite quickly in fareham, and i was racing her dad in his megane with her mum with him, (i was loosing on the straights but in the corners i had him!) anyway there was a man in a van pointing his gun straight at us and i was doing 60-70 in a 40 slammed on the brakes but was too late for both of us, spent a few weeks 5hitting it but nothing ever came through so i sorry rather we got away with that one. i dont speed anymore though the odd blast here and there but i dont chance it now i like my license too much to risk it its better than a bus pass anyday. Be a man take the points, insurance dont care about them sp30's anyway and dont speed anymore...............well unless your racing the police!!

23-11-07, 08:30 PM
Well i have 9 points and a drink driving ban which im a month into atm.

6 points speeding

3 points driving without due care and attention?


24-11-07, 10:15 AM
i have no sympathy for you mate drink driving is never a good thing. hope you learned your lesson as your insurance company will not let you forget not for a while anyways!!

womble sri
24-11-07, 10:29 AM
i have no sympathy for you mate drink driving is never a good thing. hope you learned your lesson as your insurance company will not let you forget not for a while anyways!!


24-11-07, 10:46 AM
i don't like drink driving! i like drinking so don't drive, thats the easiest way round it!

24-11-07, 10:49 AM
too true^^^^

24-11-07, 11:26 AM
i got 6 points with a SP50 doing 101.4 avrage

24-11-07, 11:37 AM
tut tut im clean lol

i admit i should of had 1 or 2 but they have always let me off ,

other week i went through a 40 gatso doin 50 and it didnt flash , so i got lucky there

best one was new yrs eve , i dont drink anyway so i was driving , comin through some country lanes about 3am on way back from a party , a car comes right up my **** , i think **** that and put foot down , driving at about 8o through the lanes using both side of the road and flicking lights of for corners like you do to check for other cars ,

anyhow got out of the country lanes and couldnt see this car so thought nothing of it and carried on , next thing ive got blue lights behind me , pulled over and got out ,

copper say "you were goin a bit fast then wasnt you" i admit it "yes mate , i was doin about 80ish" he then asks if i have been drinking , which i reply no to , then he sits me in his car , breathalized me , shown me the vid of me in the lanes and said , "there are a lot of drink drivers out tonight , just be a bit more carfull" i nearly kissed him lol

Ste L
24-11-07, 12:11 PM
tut tut im clean lol
other week i went through a 40 gatso doin 50 and it didnt flash , so i got lucky there

was that when you was coming back from mine lol lol

24-11-07, 02:19 PM
was that when you was coming back from mine lol lol

thats the one lol

24-11-07, 04:39 PM
I would just take the points if it was me, not worth the hassle imo