View Full Version : got ma baby back

just vaux trev
19-11-07, 11:22 PM
2 weeks ago my 10 week old baby staff had some wierd scary seizure
and started fitting and growling and was nasty to see
so she was rushed to the emergancy vet and they near acused me of poisoning her, she was there for 2 days and then they told me she had to go to my local vets so i fetched her and took her local straight away my vet told me she could have a birth broblem and that the seizure had messed with her sight and she could not see the emergancy vet said nothing about it but were fast enough to charge ?580 for erm water!, so she was sent of to animal hospital in chester for scans/tests and finally she has just come home
turns out she had some kind of blead on the brain (unknown cause) but looking into a bad batch of worming meds,
anyways thought i'd share>
1st vets bill ?580
2nd vets bill ?200
3rd vets bill ?2156.87

happy to be home priceless

19-11-07, 11:26 PM
Lovely staff their mate ...

Allways wanted 1 myself.

19-11-07, 11:28 PM
Hom much?? glad she's ok but thats a fair bit to pay out, I take it you didnt have pet insurance then?

19-11-07, 11:29 PM
cute dog but for that price i would of had it out to sleep lol

19-11-07, 11:31 PM
cool dog

just vaux trev
19-11-07, 11:32 PM
Hom much?? glad she's ok but thats a fair bit to pay out, I take it you didnt have pet insurance then?
luckily yes, but still have to pay exess
had 6 weeks free insurance when we 1st registered her at our vets very lucky really

19-11-07, 11:37 PM
Lesson learnt?

Buy a gold fish... lol Much cheaper in the long run!
And when it dies you either cook it or flush it simple as.

just vaux trev
19-11-07, 11:43 PM
lesson is make sure everything that can cost you is insured
she is now insured for ?1000,0000

19-11-07, 11:45 PM
Good man, well worth it, especially considering how much the vets like to rape peoples bank accounts!

20-11-07, 12:14 AM
Sometimes I feel lucky to have my Hamster lol, and the cat is virtually indestructable.

Glad he's ok though mate, i used to have a dog and i would have done anything for him!

just vaux trev
20-11-07, 12:21 AM
she is definatley fine (nuts) running round,
we would do anything for her too

20-11-07, 06:17 PM
If I had a little staff, I wouldn't put pictures of it on t'internet.......

seriously, i hope she is ok, my brother's dog got badly stung by bees & her blood started to attack itself. I ended up driving them to & from the vets for a week cos they were too upset to cope with the driving. she recovered. these dogs have a habit of becoming one of the family.

20-11-07, 07:18 PM
My dog had a fit that sounded the same as the one your dog had, but we didnt know what to do so we wrapped her up in a blanket and just tried to wait for her to stop really and she did and never done it ever again, wierd.

20-11-07, 07:37 PM
2K bill?

F**k that lol

Glad your happy tho :)