View Full Version : Civil disputes?

Kinky Monza
13-11-07, 11:21 AM
Anyone been through one of these?

My ex kept loads of my daughters stuff when i left him two years ago and now he's saying he doesn't have it, the police won't help me and i'm bouncing letters back and forth from my solicitor to his.

I know he has it, he's just doing it to spite me and my daughter, but i'm told it's civil and i need to produce reciepts to say he didn't ay for it, which i have, and get a court to order him to give it back!

Anyone done owt similar? any help appreciated!

13-11-07, 11:56 AM
whats the value on the goods?

plus he can jsut say he cant afford to pay back in court and give you 1p a week etc.

for the cost of the letters/BAF and stress compared to the value of said goods and if the offspring actually needs them now...I'd be inclined to drop it even if its for a few hundred quid.

but I know you cant just let things drop and love the attention of it all so it matters not lol

Kinky Monza
13-11-07, 01:02 PM
The stuff cost over ?400, i know it's not much but the point is it's not his lol

Stu, i've been trying for 2 years to get rid of him but he keeps making me goto court for stupid things, good job i'm not like him lmao

Thanks for the info tho!

13-11-07, 01:33 PM
For ?400 just let it lie... it isnt worth the stress.

13-11-07, 01:44 PM
sounds like the pair of you need your heads banging together (very very hard) and jsut going your seperate ways to get on with your lives... but thats irrelevant.

?400 is nothing. leave it imho. Yes there is the point, but if he never sees the oik/shes 2 years older now then they are of no use to him/her anyway blah blah blah.

I know I'd certainly walk off abandoning FAR MORE money than that to get on with things and to remove that huge chip on ones shoulder.

13-11-07, 02:03 PM
It'll cost more in legal fees, I'd drop it and let the t**t stew over stiting his daughter

Kinky Monza
13-11-07, 02:03 PM
Why the funk do you think i'm moving to Co.Durham! lol i've met my soul mate and that's a bonus but the whole idea is to get away from him then he can't keep plauging my life! i've moved on, he hasn't not my fault lol

13-11-07, 02:07 PM
you havent moved on/got over it if you want to take him to court over fourhundred poxy quid.

13-11-07, 05:33 PM
Make an anonymous phone call to the police, tell them there's a guy at (insert his address here) with a house full of kiddys toys which he's using to entice kids in to "play"

That should keep him otherwise occupied with the police/daily mail lol

13-11-07, 05:37 PM
Make an anonymous phone call to the police, tell them there's a guy at (insert his address here) with a house full of kiddys toys which he's using to entice kids in to "play"

That should keep him otherwise occupied with the police/daily mail lol

LMAO!! Bit harsh lol...

Err from experience from when my mum and dad broke up if you have the receipts then you should have got the lot back ages ago but tbh if you have been trying to get them back for ages now then you mite aswell just leave it as like someone said it will cost more in legal fees.

Good luck anyway.

Kinky Monza
13-11-07, 06:29 PM
Make an anonymous phone call to the police, tell them there's a guy at (insert his address here) with a house full of kiddys toys which he's using to entice kids in to "play"

That should keep him otherwise occupied with the police/daily mail lol

Now that's an idea!!!! :thumb: