View Full Version : Incident after Crail 28/10 - Theiving bummers !!

31-10-07, 07:43 PM
Read this on MIG, fairly harsh what happened like, looks like they be getting caught tho ... and hummiliated everywhere they go !! lol


31-10-07, 08:15 PM
ROFL at the pictures hahah.. it looks like they were after cock, rather than seats.


31-10-07, 08:20 PM
Smashed His Car than Then Took the Backdoor! lol

31-10-07, 08:29 PM
lol @ the pics

31-10-07, 08:31 PM
hahaha gays

31-10-07, 08:36 PM
WTF, wouldn't want that columbo dude on my case!

31-10-07, 08:37 PM
I'm gonna have nightmares for days about spikey momo's with long noobs trying to break in my backdoorlol

what a bunch of konobs. bloody glad i don't have nobby pics of me on the web.

31-10-07, 08:38 PM
PMSL lol

Just posted this on CCUK to give them a little more "exposure" lol

However, the original event is fscking awful. I've been involved in a car chase incident before, and its one of the scariest car-related events I've had the misfortune to suffer, and it wasn't as bad as that. Not nice for the victims there. Lets hope the police actually get off their backsides and dish out suitable justice.

31-10-07, 08:44 PM
I've been involved in a car chase incident before, and its one of the scariest car-related events I've had the misfortune to suffer, and it wasn't as bad as that. Not nice for the victims there. Lets hope the police actually get off their backsides and dish out suitable justice.

Happened to me years ago, me an mate, and the only thing we had to hand was a wheel brace...which liberally went out the passenger window into the following cars windscreen :thumb:

31-10-07, 08:47 PM

lmao glad the bum boys are going to get shafted by the long arm!,lol

Grrrr..had some dick ****s in my home town try this crap on me when i was 20 (7 years ago) they blocked me and some mates in 10 of us in cars 4 were women and there was 6 of them 3 women and the one girl (always the girls i find that get gobby first) wound down her window and started mouthing off to get out of her town at my mate (yes he lived in a near by town) we had done nothing to provoke it...i was watching from my car behind then though sod this so i pulled up and asked what her problem was so her bloke chipped in and stats telling me to **** off out of his town!
I said mate i don't know who you think you are but this is not any more your town then it is mine Ive lived here all my life and if you want to sit here blocking the way out of this car pack then good luck, and i told him he had 4 seconds to move or els!..he said or what?? so i stuck it into first and rammed the **** out the way then stopped so everyone els could leave and said thank you and drove off, funny enough he never tired to give anyone any more trouble after that....grrr this has really got my goat as i brings back them annoying memorrys....


PS: i have grown up and would not damage any of my cars doing such stupid thins now (but it was a xr2i lol)


31-10-07, 08:54 PM
PS: i have grown up and would not damage any of my cars doing such stupid thins now (but it was a xr2i lol)

lol i do though lol

General Baxter
31-10-07, 09:25 PM
as you lot know, i dont take ****e off anyone, (remember that 12 year old i decked lol)

i so wish i was there, id of reversed and ran them all over, go out and kicked the living ****e out of them lol

31-10-07, 09:37 PM
Go Baxter!!
We should just send you up there :D

I got chased once, I think they tried to ram the 6 but I spotted them and nailed it. I tried to make the buggers crash but failed :( Mind you the girls in the back of the car did cartwheels(Well I am a PIMP) when I slung it through that last bend.

Scary stuff though and I hope the buggers get all they deserve.

..on second thoughts we should send Stu up there as well he can sniff out a gay bloke easy. The General and Stu would be an unbeatable team for finding these gay criminals. Team Sniff and Whack.

Adz The Rat
31-10-07, 09:51 PM
Hope the people responsible get a proper kicking!!!
I carry a big steel bar next to my drivers seat just in case of dicks like these. If they want to threaten me then they better be able to back that threat up cos I wouldnt be afraid to do it.
I wouldnt ramm them out of way in my car (damm flimsy F2 bumpers) but if was in works van haha no worries

31-10-07, 10:51 PM
Team Sniff and Whack.

31-10-07, 11:23 PM
That sounds horrendous, hope it all gets sorted.

01-11-07, 04:19 AM
on a more serious note.

a simlar instance happened to me, involving a mental chap in skoda - it was scary at the time . Suffice to say, he got seriously owned by a brown nova.

01-11-07, 11:16 AM
lol i cant stop laughing! the whole thing is awsome!