View Full Version : Leaking Gearbox!!

25-06-02, 12:41 AM
There is a small leak on my gearbox somewhere and I can't figure out where it is coming from,or what it needs to sort it. I've not had it to a garage yet but I was just wondering if anyone knew if there is a common place they usually leak. It's a standard 5-speed box on a 1.3 engine. You can see where it is running to and dripping on the floor and that is at the bottom of the box where it attaches to the engine. All I'm after is a rough idea so some garage doesn't try telling me a load of ********!

Please help as the rest of the car is mint, the MOT is due in August and I just want to carry on with other mods as engines just lose me. THANKS!!

25-06-02, 07:24 PM
to help put some paper under the leak and you will see the colour of the flid, if its red then its gearbox oil, if its anything else then its engine oil most likely the crankshaft rear oil seal since its near the gearbox. mines gone but i cant be assed to fix it lol

26-06-02, 12:01 AM
Cheers mate, I'll check it tomorrow. Is it important to have done or is it something that can wait a couple of weeks and I'm not using the car at the moment as I'm doing mods to the car.
Actually, thing about it I think it might be engine oil cause I do seem to be losing oil.

26-06-02, 01:09 AM
well that might be the answer then.

if its gearbox oil best get it fixed like coz it isnt likely to be a gasket, and gearbox oil only really leaks, well it shouldnt, but out the diff and if the box had a small crack in it. that aint good.

hence im more likely to say its engine oil.

are you sure you have got the right place its coming from???? coz if the engine is covered in shit you aint really gonna be able to say for deffo

26-06-02, 02:55 AM
Cheers Barnes. I think what I will do is do the paper test find out what fluid it is. I does look like whatever it is, has sprayed down the underneith of the car abit. I'll check what it is then know whether to worry or not.

26-06-02, 11:44 PM
Well I checked it today and it was black oil so it must be engine oil. Going to get it to a mates garage and find where it's leaking and get it repaired sometime next month before the MOT in August. After I'm going to take it to JP Autotechnics in Swallownest to have it rolling road tuned cause my Weber carb needs setting up. Cheers for the advice on the leak!