View Full Version : VBOA Vauxhall Rally at billing next month

24-06-02, 03:27 PM

24-06-02, 03:57 PM
i'll be there in robs spider

24-06-02, 05:52 PM
I shall be there.

With plenty of alcohol :lol:
Plenty of meat for the bbq :lol:

And possibly a 15 year old girly :roll:


24-06-02, 06:41 PM
And possibly a 15 year old girly :roll:


nice of you to think of bringing me something to keep me busy

24-06-02, 06:44 PM
should be there! need to buy some new wheels 1st :D:D

24-06-02, 06:51 PM

dont think anyone from my area is arsed about coming down i might have to make the solo mission....hmm

24-06-02, 06:58 PM
I will be there in the ford lol

novaload BBQ will be good, and mickys new tent will be the storage room lol

24-06-02, 07:09 PM
il be there hopfully :lol:

iam i the only from the (south)
if anyones meeting down (south)
otherwise it a solo journey!!!! :lol:
let us know!!!

24-06-02, 07:23 PM
i may come will be kipping in my car!! :roll: lol gonna bring duvet and pillow!!! Knew there was another reason for stripping out the rear!!! :lol:

24-06-02, 07:45 PM
well i got no excuse to not go......now i live only 5 mins away

so see ya there

24-06-02, 07:45 PM
im new to this group, what is this about? 'Billing for next month'?
Sum1 tell me plz, after going to PV and meetin in MK and going in convoy, i liked it, im up for many more outings, especially like the sound of bbq and alcohol!!!

24-06-02, 08:32 PM
I'll be there :wink:

24-06-02, 10:01 PM
lol VBOA at Billing Aquadrome Neil. probably one of the best shows on the calender usually cos everyone gets so pi55ed :lol:

i'll run another convoy from the coach station :)

24-06-02, 10:01 PM
Well I don't know whether my mummy will let me go - I've heard it gets rowdy there and anyone with a Nova has been banned anyway. Lol!

24-06-02, 11:40 PM
ill be there, fester just join up with pete and me etc and mig lot to convoy down, just dont listen to petes directions. v5uk and nofrills going too.

25-06-02, 10:34 AM
what do u do at this event then?

25-06-02, 01:43 PM
Its just an outdoor show mate, similar to pv2002 but its literally just to show the cars, no other events. Apart from getting pissed and generally have a right laff :) Most people camp and its good fun believe me (except when u get stuck on the dodgems with Ian etc aiming right for you) :lol:

25-06-02, 03:28 PM

im there :)

Just gotta get my oil change, clutch, zorst, and handbrake cable sorted :/


25-06-02, 03:49 PM
book it in @ novaworkshop.co.uk :wink: :roll:

25-06-02, 07:36 PM
I'm going, for one day, possibly the Sunday... not sure yet.
or is it better to come on the Sunday?

Are u all staying there the WHOLE weekend ???

25-06-02, 08:14 PM
i'll be there to :o

25-06-02, 10:24 PM
Most of us are stayin all weekend...

25-06-02, 11:28 PM
yea i should be there, i will have to wire the alarm up to the side repeaters! :?
i fu<king hate pikeys ! :evil:

26-06-02, 01:02 AM
ian, i might join ya convoy in the cavvy t, all things going well that is

gettin a bit of overtime in so i should have the necessary greens

26-06-02, 11:46 AM
i'll come if i can get off work..............will have to see the boss later this week.
any1 no entry fee?? camping charge etc.........will have to save my student pennies :lol: :lol:

26-06-02, 06:08 PM
fraid not :(

That week sees the start of me nova rebuild :D

1.2 mk2 to gsi lookalike.


27-06-02, 12:23 AM
im hoping to go, well really want to, but not sure on cash situation or whos gonna come with me, none of my mates r up for it really, so not sure yet!!!

hopefully ill get there this year, ill b gutted if i miss it again!!!


27-06-02, 12:39 AM
louise, ill come with you, only if ur fit though, otherwise ill take one of me working girls

27-06-02, 12:48 AM
louise, ill come with you, only if ur fit though, otherwise ill take one of me working girls

cheeky sod!!!!!!!!!


27-06-02, 12:50 AM
so are you??????

you bring the tent ill bring the all night party, lol

27-06-02, 12:52 AM
maybe, maybe not - maybe you'll never find out!!! :lol: lmao


27-06-02, 12:53 AM
as in id never find out coz its dark in a tent, but if i switched a torch on id run and scream through the woods like as if u were the blair witch???

27-06-02, 12:59 AM
maybe as in - NO lol

nahh - just in bad mood, ignore me!!

theres a few ppl who wouldnt b happy about me having another man with me tho ;) :D

27-06-02, 01:01 AM
are you a dyke?

lol, well i guess ill have to find out for myself then wont i at vboa???

ill be the fat ugly get with a red carnation in his top jeans pocket,you will also be able to recognise me from all the obsceneties coming out my mouth, lol, coz i do swear ohhhh far too much

27-06-02, 01:06 AM
im gonna give up - your just out to abuse me and pick on me, its too late and im already feeling like sh1t!!!!

just gonna run off and cry!!!!!!!


27-06-02, 01:09 AM
nah, im not out to abuse you at all, lol.

youve just gotta get used to the way i reply to things, it aint meant to seem like a harsh comment more of a giggle. ie the lighter side of life.

trust me, errrrrr, or just ignore me, both work quite well

27-06-02, 01:23 AM
sorry, its probably just me, bad mood an all!

will come back tomorrow with better head on me, may be able to laugh at it then!!!!


27-06-02, 01:25 AM
is it that time of the month lass?

27-06-02, 01:28 AM
nope - its u men, all trouble!!!!!!!! ;)

men problems, no change there then!!!

27-06-02, 10:35 AM
Us men arent trouble, its u women.....ok i did have a really good argument but i've forgotten it now, must be me being a typical man an all!

27-06-02, 11:23 AM
Im quite new.....

I know Micky and a few others from #novaload

Can u send me a 'leaflet' or sumin plz....Ill ask my mate whether hes up for goin in his nova or sum1 else in there new shape Pug 406 (the merc lookin shape) jeez thats fast!


Any of you living near Peterborough that we can meet up with to go with (or follow behind)

Where is it held?

27-06-02, 11:45 AM
nope - its u men, all trouble!!!!!!!!

Does that mean i'm trouble then? :oops: :roll: :cry:

27-06-02, 11:58 AM
your deffo trouble mate.

28-06-02, 09:57 AM
nope - its u men, all trouble!!!!!!!!

Does that mean i'm trouble then? :oops: :roll: :cry:

awwww no your not trouble breeny, your one of the exceptions!!! :D
theres not many of them tho!!!!!


29-06-02, 04:04 PM

think im going now - thanks to some lovely person whos managed to 1. talk me into going and 2. helped me sort out how im gonna get there and stuff!

cant wait now - gonna get wrecked :D:D:D:D

Rick Draper
29-06-02, 07:31 PM
I aint going to be there as i am going to Southend racing my RC car FFS. Rick

05-07-02, 04:16 PM
im going and i now own a corsa, you lot are gonna beat me down arent you?

Ben (lurk75)
06-07-02, 04:56 PM
Sod that too far to walk!

Rich Dale
11-07-02, 11:51 PM
Bugger....I totally lost track of time.....it's come around too fast and I'm not going to be able to make it now!

Double bugger! It was mint last year too, but I'm busy all weekend with other things! bugger bugger bugger!

You'll have to tell me all about it next week...actually, don't 'cos I'll be annoyed I missed it :(

15-07-02, 09:59 AM
there was only a few words you understood actually Micky...

Breeny's mums a milf wey aye man

Taxxiiii to breeny's house

And not a lot else :lol:

Was a good weekend, got a black eye (thanks Will) burnt too fook, and sunstoke! Just slept for 14 hours solid :oops: but hey it was all good fun :D

Some very nice cars there (and some not so nice ones) :lol:

It was good to meet everyone off here that I havn't met yet... next time can you bring me my dummy please :)

15-07-02, 11:04 AM
quality weekend, even dave hay went down from scotland,
Micky - you're not dave hay
Dave - och aye am
Micky - well you're not what i expected
Dave - what did you expect?
Micky - A kilt


micky just lay down all weekend and couldnt get up, rumours that it was cos of his belly were unfounded :wink: and that it was his drinking lol

even elgan turned up (naughty underage drinking eh? :roll: )

chris w's turbo arrived in typical turbo style - a cloud of steam hahahahaha turbo digs a plenty now!

15-07-02, 11:10 AM
yeah you wanted to go see breenys mam lol

you also told us about swans trying to steal your food so you locked the car doors lmao!!! wtf?!?! worried they'd steal your taxi too?

any jackass style snatch chris t's food out of his hands gen sunday morning? :lol:

dodgems got abused all weekend with me and dan showing the southern fags how to drive (philm and chris w)

15-07-02, 11:28 AM
lol so glad i missed out on the dodgems this year, got whiplash after las year :lol:

15-07-02, 12:34 PM
Yea top weekend, cheers every1

Breeny, emma did buy a dummy, we thought it was for you but it must have been for Ian :P

Whats this about Breeny and Micky shaking hands upside down or sumthing?!

15-07-02, 01:56 PM
aaw how sweet :lol:

lol when i went to shake hands with micky i had stuff in my hand and somehow managed to shake his right hand with my left hand lol

15-07-02, 06:36 PM
top weekend all round apart from when the tent i was in (ians) had the poles pulled out by... IAN!!!

15-07-02, 07:32 PM
chris w's turbo arrived in typical turbo style - a cloud of steam hahahahaha turbo digs a plenty now!

Yup, defo most spectactular entrance! lol Piccies probably to follow in Fast Car! DOH!
Big thanks to everyone for helping me fix the car on Sunday, much appreciated, meant I could actually get home without the car blowing it's gasket or warping the head :)
Good to meet up with people and put names to faces, and I defo think a novaload area for next year would be a great idea :)


15-07-02, 07:57 PM
yep agree with everything, some real good fun, kev walked all the way around billing looking at cars before he realised he still had a cloths peg attached to his hood ROFL :roll: :wink: , woke dave up sat morning as asked and got greeted by fester, "FOOOOK OFF" lmao, and that was cruel for ian to let yer tent down :lol: :lol:.

any going into wrong tent gen?????????? : "theres someone breathing in that one :? " rotflmao

Rich Dale
15-07-02, 09:26 PM
lol.....it sounds like it was a good'un again! bugger!

I couldn't make it 'cos I was working Saturday and helping my Dad on Sunday.....couldn't get out of it :(
It's a good job really that i couldn't go 'cos I found yesterday that one of my rear brakes was sticking on!
it wouldn't have been too good driving all the way to billing and getting there with my back wheel on fire :O
Got that sorted today mind so ready for the next show/meet.

When is the next show BTW?

15-07-02, 10:52 PM
:puppydog: :(

I wanted to go :(

15-07-02, 11:41 PM
erm dan i think someone else was involved in tents dropping he looked very much like a football hooligan/car thief/carny lmao

16-07-02, 12:01 AM
lmao@dan the carny.

good weekend nice to meet some peeps off ere, like to think i wasnt what u all expected :)

roll on billing 2003 where ill be fully prepared for the weekend (just watch it rain tho and tits that up)

must say thanks to ian and emma for being really helpful throughout weekend and big thanks to fester for driving me down from his and letting me crash there sunday night.

some1 get a report up now! i do gotta say it was quieter in nl area than i thought it would be.

16-07-02, 06:10 PM
that was ur weekend cos rest of it u spent on back dribbling and drinking unable to stand lol