View Full Version : Who killed the fox on way to Santa pod?

23-06-02, 04:51 PM
on the way to santa pod from milton kynes coach station, sum1 hit a fox which then got ran over by me and a guy behind me, anyone know who hit it first?

23-06-02, 07:18 PM
wasnt me mate as i was leading the convoy hehe :lol:

23-06-02, 08:03 PM
...................and I was bringing up the proverbial rear! :)

Great day lads...........bring on USC2002! :D

23-06-02, 08:07 PM
wihout wanting 2 av a broken nose, but i think u was behind me autsin? nova with custom grille bewteen light to light?

who was that TWAT in an astra estate overtakin everyone, in front of austin, then me, and so on :o dont kill me if its you lol, but he or YOU reading this gggggr almost ran me off the roundabout! :roll:

23-06-02, 08:21 PM
yeh shit me up aswell i was in passenger side and saw kerb cummin rather close to my side!! shat ma kegs!!

23-06-02, 08:28 PM
We hit a bird on the way down, wen we got ther it was stuck in between the foglamp and the grille, LMFAO!
Got pics of it too!

23-06-02, 08:28 PM
also that twit who came round that fast bend on the wrong side of the road, he almost put me into the ditch! TWAT!

23-06-02, 09:02 PM
ok i admit it i killed......

loads of ickle flies :)

24-06-02, 09:54 AM
Yeah that twat in the astra was taking some big chances!
Who was the guy with the red car + custom metal grill behind me.

24-06-02, 10:03 AM
the guy in the astra van was a tit. I waswatching him in my mirrors overtaking those behind me at stupid points in the road, then cutting you all up. He was behind me for the rest of the journey and there was no way i was gonna let him pass, although a couple of times he got a bit too close for comfort.


24-06-02, 10:27 AM
well apart from the tw@t in the astra it was a good day, im gonna try and get some cash together for trax and get me sum spoilers for both bumpers, make it look bit better. First show id been to and very impressed. Liked all your cars at MK coach park, especially that blue one!
Just need to get me a 15yr old gf and ill fit right in!
See u at trax guys.

24-06-02, 11:40 AM
"Liked all your cars at MK coach park, especially that blue one! "

You mean the Black one? :P

24-06-02, 11:45 AM
hehe thanks Neil :)

I can personally say that most of the cars I saw were looking good :)

24-06-02, 01:00 PM
i like the black one, u turned up last didnt you? Liked ur black wheels, matchd the pretty car! What was under the bonnet of the white(previously red as we saw when he opened the bonnet) that made everyone look? I didnt dare talk to anyone in fear of them laughin me and my car!
What did u think anyone that did actualy see mine?

24-06-02, 01:17 PM
Well you have to start somewhere with modifying. Did you get the photo of mine I sent?

24-06-02, 01:28 PM
no didnt get it, where did you send it to?

24-06-02, 02:21 PM
NovaNeil we were behind you!!!

24-06-02, 03:07 PM
oh right, i was wondering who the big peice of gleeming metal i could see dazaling in my rear view mirror belonged to, sorry if me driving was slow, only got an ickle 1.2i.
Wasn't to bad was i?

24-06-02, 03:25 PM
Austin was behind you neil and then cornish... we almost left without them... just heard tooting at the roundabout and saw you 2 :lol:

25-06-02, 12:19 AM
Can't remember where I sent the photo? I sent it as an attachment with an E-mail, just can't remember which address, never mind. Gonna have to get used to this whole internet thing. Hardly ever use it because I'm always out. Look at the bloody time now!! One good thing, my side windows are now tinted in Black Mental and it looks mint.