View Full Version : mark 2 v grill

22-06-02, 02:33 AM
how do you put a v

verta grill into a nova

put the v into a nova mark 2 grill

22-06-02, 12:44 PM
If u mean stick the new style chrome V shape with the badge in it it's quite simple. Depending on what grill u have (e.g if youve cut the slats away and have mesh or just have the slats). The V bit comes as seperate. If u have the slats, the vectra one (I think) is a little longer so u will need to carefully cut the ends of the chrome down 1st (measure it 1st as u may not need to) - then remove part of the top slat so the new chrome one will sit in its place. You'll also need to trim the second and possibly third slats in the middle to accomodate the new V and badge. If done carefully and don't damage the supports at the back u should ge a really snug fit which can be joined using epoxy resin (carefully) which dries clear so it cant be seen. Thats wot a m8 of mine did - looked nice.

If u've meshed the grill then it will just sit straight on the mesh - you'll need to fasten it to the mesh though - again epoxy resin blobs at imtervals should work - apply a thin strip of plastic to the back of the mesh behind the grill on top of the resin to act as a kind of bracket just incase. :D


23-06-02, 02:16 PM
Micky - so basically - every car youve had! lol

24-06-02, 12:09 AM
You can buy ready made V-grilles from Peter Maiden (if i recall correctly). Though for a stupid sum. Something like ?80.