View Full Version : WHEELS

19-06-02, 11:29 PM
How many of you have bought some wheels, only to see some different one's (maybe new release) that you are once again tempted to go for?

I'm thinking of putting two different sets of wheels on my car. Two on one side, and a different two on the other. No-one ever sees both sides at the same time and as long as the wheel size, weight and offset match then there'll be no probs.

What d'you reckon?

19-06-02, 11:35 PM
im thinking are you a real person or admin taking the piss?

19-06-02, 11:41 PM
lol, thats what most of the americans do when modding civcs

19-06-02, 11:49 PM
while your at it, why dont u respray one side of yer car different from the other (just the sides mind), that way, you could have 2 cars and people will think you are a 2 car kind of guy and therefore loaded!!

As for wheels - they are like women - you get one, think its cool, then see another one and want that instead.

A fact of life m8, a fact of life...


21-06-02, 12:23 AM
Civics Rule!

It's not an original idea, nor i claim it is, but hasn't been done on a British car yet (not a featured one anyway).

Plus i think it's cool. Having two different coloured side's won't have the same effect - you can view the side and the front/back and roof at the same time, you can't see both sides at once, so it wouldn't be as crap.

Shiiiiiiiiit! I should have done it already.

21-06-02, 03:13 PM
/me thinks that would look sw??T!

09-07-02, 01:15 AM
oh rite well i thort personally ade was takin the piss with the colour thing and it wud look shit neway and everyone wud think wots up with that guy, can he not afford a full respray???! 0X