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nova girl!!
02-10-07, 01:00 PM

02-10-07, 01:04 PM
Oh dear god.

Define "girly bits". In the car sense, obviously.

/awaits 10 page thread asking for pics.

02-10-07, 01:05 PM
please for the love of our sanity use normal font and colour.

When you sya barely has a front end, you mean rusted? it sounds like bit of a skip for a project but then youre description might be a bit poor...

02-10-07, 01:09 PM
Has anyone every tried a brazilian grill conversion?lol

02-10-07, 01:13 PM
how many is a brazillian?

02-10-07, 01:54 PM
Stop typing in capitals please.

What's got to come off??

I'd imagine Joff's front end took some time and dedication

02-10-07, 01:54 PM

With a grinder.

02-10-07, 01:58 PM
PM general baxter for all grinder associated questions ;)

and how big are your breasts ?

02-10-07, 01:59 PM
PM general baxter for all grinder associated questions ;)

and how big are your breasts ?

lol lol lol

02-10-07, 02:02 PM
No offense but stop acting as if you being a female as ANYTHING to do with the amount of help you receive. I doubt most members give a sh*t about your gender.

02-10-07, 02:03 PM
chin-up flower - you wont last long here if you cant take sarcasm

02-10-07, 02:05 PM
It's a bit of banter, I wouldn't be surprised if Draper asked for the new male member's measurements.

02-10-07, 02:05 PM
I can feel a 15pager coming on.

02-10-07, 02:07 PM
girls can also be interested in cars. my boyfriend told me you lot took novas seriously!!

Yes I f*cking well know girls can like cars, my girlfriend is interested in cars and modifying thankyou. However when she signs up to a forum for help she doesn't start saying "OMG I HAVE BOOBZ HELP ME I CARNT DO ANYFINK BCOZ I'M A FEEMALE I HAV A BOYFREND" like you have just done.

02-10-07, 02:07 PM
Yes I f*cking well know girls can like cars, my girlfriend is interested in cars and modifying thankyou. However when she signs up to a forum for help she doesn't start saying "OMG I HAVE BOOBZ HELP ME I CARNT DO ANYFINK BCOZ I'M A FEEMALE I HAV A BOYFREND" like you have just done.

no, she makes out shes single :eek: :p

02-10-07, 02:08 PM
no, she makes out shes single :eek: :p

lol That made me physically laugh.

02-10-07, 02:12 PM
oh come on. get off your high horsey.

Its a forum, like ALL forums there is piss taking, and banter. If you dont like it hit the report thread button.

Being female means nothing as far as I can tell as to the advice you get back, so stop making out like we are being utter cnuts to you, as we arent!

if you use the forums correctly (ie styling for bodywork, technical for engines, gearboxes, brakes etc) then you will get on here fine :)

02-10-07, 02:17 PM
10 points

02-10-07, 02:18 PM
i said earlier! new to all this, never been in a forum, never done up a car, and barely use a computer. so let me get this right you take the peee i take the peee we all take the peee????

thats about it m'darlin

big gra
02-10-07, 02:24 PM
its called a scrap yard, men can spend years wondering round them and not get bored!!! ;)

02-10-07, 02:25 PM
well im not single and dont wish to make out that i am. i just wanted advice on how to do up my car.

And you'll get advice and ****ing good advice on here if you stop acting like a ****.

Read what you've posted.

You've come on here and gone oh look I'm a girlie I don't know what I'm doing what part is this and then not posted a picture as you've not read the fricking rules on how to then what the **** do you expect???

02-10-07, 02:27 PM
Yeah, half of this lots garage. Go on to ebay and serch for Nova bits, Your bound to find somehting of interest on there.

02-10-07, 02:29 PM
And you'll get advice and ****ing good advice on here if you stop acting like a ****.

Read what you've posted.

You've come on here and gone oh look I'm a girlie I don't know what I'm doing what part is this and then not posted a picture as you've not read the fricking rules on how to then what the **** do you expect???

wasnt that just explained? :roll:

02-10-07, 02:40 PM
wasnt that just explained? :roll:

Ah so it was, in my defence I got sidetracked in work so it took me a while longer to finish the post. :cry:

02-10-07, 02:42 PM
RTFM, thats how I learnt computers.

Reminds me of when alex went onto club polo or whatever the fcuk they're called. They got their knickers in a right twist that a girl had joined (seriously, they make draper look like a prude), and spent most of their time asking for - and then ploughing her photobucket for - pics of her breasts. I think only one or two actually answered her questions, the rest were too busy rubbing one out. Looking back on it, it was very amusing; but neither her or myself intend to be going back there again any time soon lol

02-10-07, 02:42 PM
been on ebay! but get side tracked by chrome engine parts. i havent even got an engine yet but i want to buy parts for it! and i have read the part about pics but still dont understand. sorry!!! do i just plug my camera in and hope for the best? only know when the computer tells me what to do and when.

Go to www.photbucket.com (http://www.photbucket.com) and register for an account and it will take you through what to do.

02-10-07, 02:49 PM
Jack, it appears that your guide needs PROPER updating lol

02-10-07, 02:53 PM
Hey, my guide is "How To Post Images", not "Computing 101: How To Use Technology subtitle For Those Who Can't Read Manuals" lol

02-10-07, 03:25 PM
whole new front panel and new wing/s needed there

02-10-07, 03:29 PM
Oh dear, what the rest of it like? engine bay seams, rear chassis behind shocks etc, battery tray etc?

02-10-07, 03:30 PM
Ouch! That's fairly bad. As Mr Jeff said, check the rest of the shell very thoroughly, if it's anywhere near as bad as that it may not be worth trying to save it, sorry.

02-10-07, 03:38 PM
^ lol

Aye, thats bad - definitely check the rest of the car.

02-10-07, 03:51 PM
go on what car has he bought you

and whats actually left of the sri

02-10-07, 04:09 PM
hmm thought you and trev had similar traits lol.

that SRI is scrap.

02-10-07, 05:10 PM

he brought me a 4 door nova its mint just needs to get fat now.
LMFAO "fat"?

02-10-07, 05:12 PM
Hey, my guide is "How To Post Images", not "Computing 101: How To Use Technology subtitle For Those Who Can't Read Manuals" lol

lol that made me laugh.

Err pics of ya new car???? if ya can please.

02-10-07, 05:50 PM
whats that supposed to mean? traits?

that you both post with that awfull font, you are both from stoke, you are both overlly keen, you are both new, etc etc etc need i check the IP addresses too? lol

just vaux trev
02-10-07, 06:00 PM
LOL IM BACK, the mrs dnt start out to well ey,,
ill go take some pics and put em on now

02-10-07, 06:03 PM
and have a crack at NOT text typing ;) last warning.

02-10-07, 06:11 PM
That SRi remind's of cheesy's (iirc) 'thing' he had!

just vaux trev
02-10-07, 07:03 PM
lol that made me laugh.

Err pics of ya new car???? if ya can please.

pics of nova girls new car






needs a real good clean only had it few hours ago,,,thoughts??

02-10-07, 07:09 PM


needs a real good clean only had it few hours ago,,,thoughts??

Get the hole sorted out first.

just vaux trev
02-10-07, 07:11 PM
lol yeah not a bad idea easy on 4 doors though

02-10-07, 07:12 PM
Why!!!!!!!!!!! do!!!!!!!!!!! you!!!!!!!!!!! need!!!!!!!!!!! so!!!!!!!!!!!!11 many!!!!!!!!!!111 exclamation!!!!!!!!!!!1 marks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11one!!!!!!eleven!!!!!?

02-10-07, 07:14 PM
lmao at this thread!

02-10-07, 07:23 PM
he brought me a 4 door nova its mint just needs to get fat now.
back quarters mint, doors good, roof straight, blue/grey sri trim.

http://tbn0.google.com/images?q=tbn:rG6MjvoDFkHPoM:content.answers.com/main/content/wp/en/thumb/e/e3/180px-Mint_polo.jpg (http://images.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://content.answers.com/main/content/wp/en/thumb/e/e3/180px-Mint_polo.jpg&imgrefurl=http://bemuddlement.blogspot.com/2006/12/little-victory-tube-of-polo-mints-28p.html&h=180&w=180&sz=17&tbnid=rG6MjvoDFkHPoM:&tbnh=101&tbnw=101&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dpolo%2Bmint%26um%3D1&start=2&sa=X&oi=images&ct=image&cd=2) mint with a hole

02-10-07, 07:23 PM

just vaux trev
02-10-07, 07:30 PM
http://tbn0.google.com/images?q=tbn:rG6MjvoDFkHPoM:content.answers.com/main/content/wp/en/thumb/e/e3/180px-Mint_polo.jpg (http://images.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://content.answers.com/main/content/wp/en/thumb/e/e3/180px-Mint_polo.jpg&imgrefurl=http://bemuddlement.blogspot.com/2006/12/little-victory-tube-of-polo-mints-28p.html&h=180&w=180&sz=17&tbnid=rG6MjvoDFkHPoM:&tbnh=101&tbnw=101&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dpolo%2Bmint%26um%3D1&start=2&sa=X&oi=images&ct=image&cd=2) mint with a hole

mint with a hole yes the hole is accident damage untreated,
it has 36,000 miles and 2 owners from new the hole is the only rot on the car
unless you want to comment on surface rust and dirt

just vaux trev
02-10-07, 07:32 PM
if you read the thread you will see that the back quarters are mint on her other nova (sri) and not the 4 door in the pictures

02-10-07, 07:32 PM
That rust isn't just from accident damage love....

just vaux trev
02-10-07, 07:34 PM

02-10-07, 07:38 PM
All novas get rust on the front panel, inner wings, outer wings, doors & rear arches. Oh, and the bit under the battery. Apart from that they never rust.

02-10-07, 07:42 PM
Apart from that they never rust.


02-10-07, 07:45 PM
if you read the thread you will see that the back quarters are mint on her other nova (sri) and not the 4 door in the pictures

I did read the thread, trev & she specifically said the car that you bought her, the one with an engine & wheels, & in the photos was absolutely mint.
she was not referring to the poultry house that you got her first.

just vaux trev
02-10-07, 07:59 PM
im not gonna read through it all but for the age of the car it is in good nick
the hole is obviously accident damage untreated its the only rot on the car
as i said, the other arches are mint and the scrape on the rear door leading to the back arch sort of gives it away a little, as everyone knows/most people a scratch can turn into a hole in no time untreated
im not here to fight about details but has anyone seen a nova this tidy with its full history all mot's 2 owners and 36,000 miles for ?100

02-10-07, 08:02 PM
It's not mint. Or tidy.

Mine was more so when I got it and it had 51k on the clock.

just vaux trev
02-10-07, 08:03 PM
and its even taxed

just vaux trev
02-10-07, 08:03 PM
ok bex

02-10-07, 08:05 PM
and its even taxed

I'd go cash it in then weigh the car in for scrap. Get some of your money back. lol

just vaux trev
02-10-07, 08:07 PM
think someone needs grow up or go for a drive pref off a cliff

just vaux trev
02-10-07, 08:08 PM
just for the next reply ok bex

02-10-07, 08:10 PM
Look, trev, we've seen totally mint original nova's with less than 10000 miles on here that people have picked up for less than ?100. They have been owned by old people & looked after & garaged all of their life.

By the way, a scratch on the door doesn't make the arch rot off, its just how gm made them.

The car is ok, but the rust in the engine bay will need addressing.

A service history is just that, a list of when the oil was changed. it does not tell you how the car was treated. the engine on a 5 year old car with 150k on it will be a lot better than the engine of a 36k car that has averaged 2k per year for 18 years. it will not have done enough warm running & will have spent lots of time doing nothing. If it has had its services every 6 months then that will help.

I can qualify the above statement. my g reg nova had less than 8000 on the clock & a 'full service history' when I bought it. I tried to run it & the engine breathed so much & I couldn't get all 4 plugs to fire at once. the bores were glazed up the valve seals were hardened because they had dried out, & the petrol had got so old that it had coated the carb innards.

02-10-07, 08:14 PM
Look, trev, we've seen totally mint original nova's with less than 10000 miles on here that people have picked up for less than ?100. They have been owned by old people & looked after & garaged all of their life.

By the way, a scratch on the door doesn't make the arch rot off, its just how gm made them.

The car is ok, but the rust in the engine bay will need addressing.

A service history is just that, a list of when the oil was changed. it does not tell you how the car was treated. the engine on a 5 year old car with 150k on it will be a lot better than the engine of a 36k car that has averaged 2k per year for 18 years. it will not have done enough warm running & will have spent lots of time doing nothing. If it has had its services every 6 months then that will help.


Everything I wanted to say. Just couldn't be ****ed typing.

And Trevor. Truth hurts doesn't it.

just vaux trev
02-10-07, 08:16 PM
look mowgli, all i did was ask for thoughts i didnt ask people to start showing attitude i have no intension of arguing and all bex has done since the thread was opened is give it,
i have no problems with anyone or do i wish to make enemys as i know how helpfull people can be on here

02-10-07, 08:17 PM
I've just purely given you my opinion. Which is what you asked for.

Not my problem that you don't like my opinion.

just vaux trev
02-10-07, 08:17 PM
like i said just attitude like a child

02-10-07, 08:19 PM
At least I can type with punctuation.

just vaux trev
02-10-07, 08:21 PM
i love nemo and my cats how grown up?
the thread is obviously not any use so .....the end....

02-10-07, 09:11 PM
u should get in touch with ripspeed, they sell a lot of pink and chrome and u can make it look proper hardcore blinging! hahaha only joking. keep original and get a girly colour respray

02-10-07, 09:36 PM
Need.... to.... lock.... thread.... but.... cant ....bring.... myself.... to.......do.........it...


02-10-07, 09:44 PM
Need.... to.... lock.... thread.... but.... cant ....bring.... myself.... to.......do.........it...


You know you love it. lol

02-10-07, 09:45 PM
Just let it hit 10 pages then lock it. So my prediction on Post #2 makes me look like some kinda psychic :tard:

tom reid
02-10-07, 09:51 PM
Trev, the rust in the engine bay will probably turn into holes with a small tap of a hammer, the hole in the wheelarch can be repaired or fit a new wheelarch panel.
Do you fancy becoming a member of The Bumshunters Corporation?
No girls allowed, unless they have a hairy bumlol

just vaux trev
02-10-07, 10:13 PM

carls nova sri
02-10-07, 10:16 PM
it's not

Dan 130
02-10-07, 10:34 PM
woohoo still open lol there aint nothing wrong with rot its what holds us all together lol

nova girl!!
02-10-07, 10:36 PM
only still open because i dont know how to close lol
yes im a 1st timer

02-10-07, 10:57 PM
its still open as you arent admin/mod.... not a matter of being an IT tard

nova girl!!
02-10-07, 11:01 PM
Need.... to.... lock.... thread.... but.... cant ....bring.... myself.... to.......do.........it...


please please lock this thread or close it please. started off really bad and now still going on.

02-10-07, 11:11 PM
jsut let it die yourself, no need to lock it

03-10-07, 12:09 AM
From page 2

I can feel a 15pager coming on.


03-10-07, 02:10 AM
I dont know.
I go to work and all hell brakes loose. Thanks for keeping it open as only just got in and can i say what a great read.
As for a pressant this is what i bought for my girlfriend for ?60 with lots of history and naff all rust as anybody that has seen it will tell you.
To top this one this one was free with only 30k on the clock and no magor rust spots.
But now looks like this
I know which one i would rather have and its only got 52k on the clock.
As said before halfrauds will be open at 9 ish happy shopping.

03-10-07, 08:41 AM
lol lol lol
best thread ive seen so far

03-10-07, 08:49 AM
im not gonna read through it all but for the age of the car it is in good nick
the hole is obviously accident damage untreated its the only rot on the car
as i said, the other arches are mint and the scrape on the rear door leading to the back arch sort of gives it away a little, as everyone knows/most people a scratch can turn into a hole in no time untreated

It's not in bad nick Trev but not great. My advice is to give it a good clean and then give all spots of rust a good hard poke and see how bad they really are. You'll then have some idea of how much work needs to be done.

The hole could be accident damage, more likely just like all other Nova's the rear arches have rusted.

It's a decent base too start with (has far less rust than mine does) so good luck with it.

03-10-07, 05:43 PM
I can feel a 15pager coming on.

Dont count your chickens........

03-10-07, 06:30 PM
lmao @ this thread lol

just vaux trev
03-10-07, 06:40 PM
gave it a good clean today (car wash) and found no more holes
took it for 2 new tyres and had a gander underneath while it was jacked up and underneath was no nasty surprises and found spax shox n springs but im gonna nick them for me red top nova hehe lol she won't know ill clean it up (surface rust and arch) and get some more pics on asap i'll try get some underneath too wheels came up nice no real curbing,

03-10-07, 07:13 PM
she will know if she reads this thread mate

03-10-07, 07:26 PM


04-10-07, 03:54 PM
This is i love NL, they keep all the good thread's open!