View Full Version : Nova stood for 2 years, help!

18-06-02, 11:14 AM
Right, I own a 1.2i SX and its been stood, covered in a garage for about 2 years, I've had it started once or twice in that time but this is the longest it's been stood.

I've been away at Uni for a while but now i'm off back home and i need me trusty old motor back on the road.

Basically I'm after some advice so I can ensure it continues to run aswell as it did. It's pretty tidy and used to be a really good runner.

What is the best thing to do to get it back to life??

What sort of things may need replacing?

A mate of mine said turning it over with no spark to get some oil round the engine before trying to start it. Is this good advice??

Any other tips would be appreciated.


18-06-02, 11:38 AM
yeah, turn the engine over with no sparks in to get the oil back around the engine.

Give the engine a full service. you might want to see if it still runs before you do that though (save buying loads of stuff!) you have had anti-freeze in the engine though havent you? shouldnt be any major worries if you have.

My mates 1.8Sri stood for over 18months and started near enough first time a quick service later and it runs sweet. but it only had 4000 miles on the clock (recon engine!)

18-06-02, 11:51 AM
Yeah it was fine for coolant, left the handbrake off aswell so hopefully that won't be a problem.

What in the way of service?? I'm not paying a garage to top up me washer liquid.

I can do most stuff.

18-06-02, 12:07 PM
I think the haynes book tells you how to do a service?

Id change your leads, spark plugs, oil, run some decarb through it after you've let the engine run for a bit. id def change the cam belt too (just in case its rotted), haynes will tell you how to do this. change your alternator belt too. brakes. change your break fluid and check your pads/discs and rear drums, they may have siezed. Id say that the discs are probaly really rusty now so change them anyway. change your airfilter, flush your coolant system and put some fresh stuff in it.

cant think of anything else at the moment. If you want an exact guide ive got a nova service book at home (its brilliant, i'll post some cr:p from it!)

18-06-02, 12:28 PM
I've got a Haynes in the car, i'll study it.


18-06-02, 05:42 PM
I just started up my car after 18months being parked up, just take the plugs out and put a bit of oil down the barrels and turn over on the starter, it might be a bit stiff to start off with though.

21-06-02, 11:31 AM
deffo worth putting a bit of oil down the bores, before you even attempt to turn it over, or youll risk scoring the rings/bore against each other.

disks will probably sort themselves out in a few miles after tehy have got rd of the surface rust.

Other than that, just a good service really, like check all the botos and gaiters etc.
