View Full Version : GSi Tank? Connections

22-09-07, 04:59 PM
Last week I bought my self what I think is a new GSi fuel tank. I got the tank out of the box today to have a gander and I'm a little confused about the setup and what everything is for.

I haven't taken the old tank off yet as I want to make sure I've got the correct tank before I get stuck in. I'm replacing a 1.2 carb tank but I canimmediately see that the they are a different lay out.

Could someone confirm for me that I have a GSi fuel tank and if so what is supposed to go where. I have numbered each item to make it a bit easier.


I know that 4 should be for the fuel level sender unit and 6 is for the filler neck but I'm confused about where my fuel feed should go and what the hell 1 is all about.


Welsh Dan
22-09-07, 05:03 PM
1 is for an intank pump.
2 is fuel return.
3 is fuel feed to the engine.
5 i think is for the breather to the filler line.

22-09-07, 05:13 PM
Is it possible you got 3 & 5 back to front?

From what I can see, 5 drops into the bottom of the fuel collector resivour and 5 is directly over the filler neck.

I had a feeling that 1 was for an in-tank pump but I thought the GSi had an external pump? So as I'm running carbs with a facet pump, what am I supposed to put there instead?

22-09-07, 05:15 PM
the above may be correct but according to this picture. this is what is as follows from what i have been told..

if my picture and descri[tion is wrong could someone please tell me and correct it and drop me a pm.


Red is fuel feed
Green both go to filler neck
Yellow is tank vent, doesn't need a filter on tho
Blue is fuel return

5 is for the fuel return.

6 go to the filler neck.

4 fuel feed.

3 should also go to the filler neck?

2 tank vent.

22-09-07, 05:18 PM
and as for number 1,


Clean 2.0 nova
23-09-07, 12:05 AM
What I did with the tank vent was to run it up on a flexible hose up to behind the filler cap (a fairly high point) then curved it back down to vent to atmosphere somewhere near the bottom of the fill pipe. Someone will correct me if there's a better way.

23-09-07, 12:09 AM
It aint a Gsi tank, how comes you want one for a carb engine???

1-Intank pump
2-Small breather to the charcoal can in front inner wing
3-Larger breather to filler neck
4-Level sender
5-Fuel return
6-Filler neck

Philly-Thats a different tank.

23-09-07, 12:40 PM
I'm guessing then that what I've got is an SPI tank.

I'm after a GSi tank because I've been told they have the fuel collector to help prevent fuel surge, where as the carb tanks don't.

23-09-07, 01:36 PM
Indeed its a Spi tank, and yeah they have a swirl pot.
You could have just fitted a swirl pot in your system tho.....

Im not sure how a carb pump will like pulling fuel up against gravity, and im not sure where you can take the fuel feed from as normally it comes from the top of the intank pump.

23-09-07, 02:08 PM
Well I'm running a red top facet pump in the boot so pulling against gravity shouldn't be too much of a problem.

I've got few options now. As the tank was in stock at the motor factors and the tab hasn't been settled yet I could take it back and get the GSi tank instead. The only problem with that is I will then need to get new sender unit as mine is the clip on type. Any ideas on cost for a new one?

The other things I was considering is using the fuel return inlet on the SPI tank as my main feed to the engine. It has an 8mm fitting so it's already the right size for carb fuel lines and drops straight into the bottom of the swirl pot. I'm not using a fuel return as I'm running DCOEs so all I'd have to do is make a blanking plate for the top of the tank.

23-09-07, 02:53 PM
I think the sender is no longer for sale at vauxhall.
The one i have in my spi tank is a twist on type, so thats what you'll need.

Hmm, the return line feeds the swirl pot, so im not sure whether fuel flow would be constant using it as an outlet.

23-09-07, 03:39 PM
I had a brand new sender fitted by Vauxhall about 3-4 years ago, cost ?165 including fitting.

If vauxhall don't have one, get Duirk to check european stocks ;)

22-10-07, 05:32 PM
could i just block this up as my mk1 doesnt have one??
2-Small breather to the charcoal can in front inner wing

22-10-07, 05:51 PM
Could it be a late GSi tank, didnt they have internal pumps?

22-10-07, 05:54 PM
got mine of a 1.2 spi k reg

22-10-07, 05:56 PM
Look in the hole where the sender unit twists in. Can you see a white coloured dish bonded to the inside of the tank? Techincally the GSi tank doesnt have a 'swirl pot' as such, its actiually more of a baffle. The sender unit has a long bendy piece of copper tube in it which sits inside the 'dish', so you woud need that sender unit (sorry if thats whats been said above, as I couldn't see it).

22-10-07, 06:16 PM
Its a spi tank, only spi tanks had internal pumps.
And yeah, theres like a "reserve pot" mounted in the bottom of the tank, which the return pipes goes into to keep it topped up with fuel.

Coombsey-Dont block the breather, all carb engine novas have the breather pipe just venting to atmosphere afaik, so id just leave the pipe open.
Mines left open.

22-10-07, 06:21 PM
wont fuel spill out of it?? shall i put abit of pipe on the end
im fitting my red top this week

22-10-07, 06:27 PM
If you cornered hard, fuel may slightly come out yeah, mine still has the pipe going to the charcoal canister, just the canister is binned, so the pipe is sitting in the inner wing.
Seems fine.

Altho i just realised why i can sometimes smell petrol when i get out the car after driving,Lol. Must be fumes getting forced through the pipe when the petrol is sloshing about.

22-10-07, 06:30 PM
if you get a gsi tank , youd be best finding a 2nd sender unit , as they have the fuel outlet on them aswell , they are 113 from vaux lol

18-11-07, 11:29 AM
the above may be correct but according to this picture. this is what is as follows from what i have been told..

if my picture and descri[tion is wrong could someone please tell me and correct it and drop me a pm.


Red is fuel feed
Green both go to filler neck
Yellow is tank vent, doesn't need a filter on tho
Blue is fuel return

5 is for the fuel return.

6 go to the filler neck.

4 fuel feed.

3 should also go to the filler neck?

2 tank vent.

and as for number 1,

Couls someone tell me if this right? ive just got a gsi tank and dont want to take it apart unless I can put it all back together! lol

18-11-07, 12:51 PM
yes it is right but the pipe for the tank vent isnt connected so doesnt look in right place.

26-11-07, 12:28 AM
Hopefully going to swap tanks over in the next week or so but am I right in thinking that from a carb setup all I need is to get a new pipe for the feed?

The rest of the connections all look to be in the same place.

26-11-07, 08:52 PM
aye as you can use the existing pipe running to the bay as the return pipe to the tank