View Full Version : Brakes

17-09-07, 05:32 PM
Evening all,

Need some advice with regards to brakes.
Im currently running 16v brakes with standard pads and standard discs.

Problem i have is i keep warping discs, i warped a set standard gm discs at silverstone on a 20min session, i then put a new set of discs i had lie-ing about on ready for combe and i warped them aswell.

Any recommendations?

17-09-07, 05:40 PM
Lots of people will recommend Mintex pads, so ill recommend Pagid FR's lol

Both do the job!

As for discs, I use Brembo's with a deeper groove cut by Courtenay, and as you know my brakes never get 'light' use and theyve never let me down.

17-09-07, 05:48 PM
Lots of people will recommend Mintex pads, so ill recommend Pagid FR's lol

Both do the job!

As for discs, I use Brembo's with a deeper groove cut by Courtenay, and as you know my brakes never get 'light' use and theyve never let me down.

Your still running 16v items? :eek:

Any gen on price of the discs?

17-09-07, 05:51 PM
Prehaps try warming the brakes up before they get hammered ?

I've yet to have a problem with my GM disks, and they've had a bit of a battering.

Erm if it's a daily drive go for the M1144's, Mintex do some 55's and 66's. The 66's are race stuff, and the 55's are track... but they take ages to warm up on th roads and they squeal like a pig.

I got 55's in the nova but it doesn't get driven much. I use 44's in the my XR2 and they're definetly up to the job.

17-09-07, 06:06 PM
Standard discs with standard pads should be fine Andy.
As said, either some 44's or 55s.

The "MaxTorq" pads on Rally Design are apparently good too, and quite cheap

17-09-07, 06:13 PM
after being in rexys xsara at combe and then driving it home myslef , ebc redstuff seem to be quite good aswell

tons more better then my greenstuff on the nova, lol i managed to set them on fire lol

17-09-07, 06:16 PM
after being in rexys xsara at combe and then driving it home myslef , ebc redstuff seem to be quite good aswell

tons more better then my greenstuff on the nova, lol i managed to set them on fire lol

PMSL, i set mine alight too, however, mine crumbled and detached themselves fom the car first, and then just laid in the wheel rim smouldering. Bless them lol

Rexy's obviously not trying hard enough if he hasnt set the red ones alight!

17-09-07, 06:25 PM
erm WTF are you doing to warp discs?!?!?!?! and are you sure they are warped (measured them?) as uneven pad build up can feel like warpage (google brake bedding procedure... loads of info from the US about it)

17-09-07, 06:28 PM
Lee, i too have managed to seperate my green-stuff pads from the backing plate. And they'd set on fire at one point - Basically they're ****.

17-09-07, 06:33 PM
I do wonder how they keep selling them.

There must be people out there who think its the norm for your brake pads to take about 3 ice ages to warm up, and then once up to temperature, either spontaniously combust or turn into chunks of smouldering goo.

17-09-07, 06:42 PM
Well i have never had any probs with my standard 16v set up, they never warped and have never fadded (actualy thats a lie they did once,lol)

I was more worryed about the fact that Chris set the drums alight at Donnington a few yrs back! lol

Lee im opting for the same set up as you mate;)


17-09-07, 06:47 PM
I get loads of brake fade with them aswell, could running them behind cav gsi rims cause any problems due to the shape of the wheels?

17-09-07, 06:48 PM
Definately not. Dan runs slabs and his brakes are brilliant.

17-09-07, 06:49 PM
Sounds like your heating them up quickly and using poor brake fluid andy,try changing that and bleed the sytem etc.


17-09-07, 06:53 PM
Yeh its on standard brake fluid, is it dot 4 :confused:

Over winter i think im going to refurb the seals on the calipers, change the brake fluid completly and try some standard discs and decent pads.

Hopefully wont warp them and get brake fade.

17-09-07, 06:55 PM
my brakes don't fade with decent pads and i'm on cab slabs too.

It's probably mostly due to you hooning around with cold brakes lol. Often people forget to warm everything up wether it be oil, Brakes, Tyres

17-09-07, 06:59 PM
I find i get massive brake fade in warm weather after ive been driving the nova hard so there defo warm lol

Think a decent set of brake pads is defo needed, will get some mintex cos ive heard loads of good reviews about them. :thumb:

17-09-07, 07:00 PM
Yer, that sounds entirely down to pads.

17-09-07, 07:01 PM
ATE super blue for fluid.

ime ebc greenstuff's work on big heavy cars that get the heat in straight away... I never had a problem on my omega with greens... lasted 40K miles of abuse before running out. But on the vx they were toilet. Very odd but hey.

Mintex 1144's work well for cheap road/medium track pads.
Pagid RS14/15's are awesome on track (but might be a tad ****e from cold on the road)
Performance Friction Braking 97 spec pads are a nice middle ground, work well from cold, take the heat well and dotn dust (you HAVE to have good fluid with these though)

17-09-07, 07:14 PM
what people think of black dimond

17-09-07, 07:15 PM
Stu's highlighted a drawback regarding mintex there...

My 44's.... After about 50 miles of driving, my pepperpots will be going a funny shade of black.

17-09-07, 07:56 PM
to put it bluntly you either want to stop and dont mind dirtying your wheels. OR you stop like a morris minor but your wheels remain clean

the 1144's were dusty but wouldnt say it was obscene... its jsut down to their faster wear rate.