View Full Version : Seam Welding

22-05-02, 06:43 PM
Am going to make a start seam welding my engine bay this weekend Ive got a rough idea what Im doing but if anybodys got any helpful hints it would be handy .Also is there any thing to be gained by welding the joins where the panels in the inner arch overlap/meet

22-05-02, 09:12 PM
get a grinder and buy a flapper disk use this to get all the factory seam sealer out as other wise the penatration will not be as good! n dont forget to then re seal it asap as the new weld can oxidise just through air moisture! will take a while tho as u can just use a wire brush to rid of this

23-05-02, 09:40 AM
Mate i welded every join i coulds find, you may as well i willn`t hurt..

Also use a zinc primer on the welds before re sealing, helps slow down rust.

Welding is the most boring thing ever!!!

Rich Dale
26-05-02, 06:27 PM
Welding boring? I love it....just need a MIG now to replace my "pain in the arse" Arc welder!