View Full Version : McClaren gets reamed BIG TIME

13-09-07, 10:33 PM
?50,000,000 fine for robbing Ferrari secrets!

Thats an enourmous amount of money!!

Alonso and Hamilton keep their points though, despite the team losing all constructors points.

How in gods name are they going to pay it??? Ass licking time for ron dennis and his sponsors lol

13-09-07, 10:35 PM
?50,000,00? Is this the same as ?5m or am i just being stupid?

13-09-07, 10:38 PM
?50,000,00? Is this the same as ?5m or am i just being stupid?

i missed a zero off lol. Edited now.

50 million.

Dan 130
13-09-07, 10:40 PM
feck me i new they were fcuked but that proper fcuked at least hamilton still has a chance of winning his debut title

13-09-07, 10:41 PM
feck me i new they were fcuked but that proper fcuked at least hamilton still has a chance of winning his debut title

Not if half of his pit crew gets made redundant lol

Dan 130
13-09-07, 10:44 PM
lol they will have to sell bits of his car im sure they will come up with the cash somehow where does all the money go once they payed there fine in to a big feck off christmas pot

13-09-07, 10:56 PM
eh? I just heard on BBC news 24 it was $100 million

EDIT: Doh! $100 mill is about ?50 mill with the current exchange rate lol

13-09-07, 10:58 PM
Well, let's see........
Ron Dennis sold a big chunk of the team to merc a couple of years ago.
He is planning to sell this years cars & intellectual property rights to Prodrive
He runs a lot more than just a race team.
He can probably pay up if the fine ever gets enforced.

I think the whole trial thing was a witch hunt for the following reasons
1. This years car is completely different in concept to Ferrari's, so the info is irrelevant.
2. The whole 'I will sneak to a copy shop in the high street & secretly get it copied for my husband' story is laughable compared to the value of the info
3. Next year McClaren's electronics division is making the Standard ECU for the FIA, & Guess who is the biggest critic of it????? Clue (they are red)
4. Next year there will be 2 teams in cars capable of drubbing Ferrari, & they will both be mcclarens.
5. for the red team to call anyone a cheat is like pavarotti calling some fat.
6. If a team wants to find out what the other one is doing, they usually send a good photographer to the pits on practice day & onto the grid with a good digicam to take pictures. The computers do the rest.

Ps. The mechanics & factory staff get bonuses based on manufacturer points. they will be miffed.

13-09-07, 11:09 PM
Hamilton and Alonso are banned from racing for the rest of the season? So theres no way Hamiltons point lead can last...

13-09-07, 11:26 PM
is that new news? I heard they wouldn't be affected.

13-09-07, 11:34 PM
Thats what I read. Points stay as they are, but Mclaren cant race the remaining races, so Raikkonen will probably finish as champion.
Its mega ****e luck for Hamilton. His seasons performance wont be continued next season imo, he just had a great debut year.

13-09-07, 11:39 PM
Mclaren spend something like $400m per year, 1/4 of that will be a hit but survivable IMO.

[edit] Apparently their 07 budget was $500m!

13-09-07, 11:42 PM

Drivers keep their points & keep racing.

2008 car will have to be checked over before next season

fine taken out of tv money

14-09-07, 12:02 AM
Ah right.

Hmmm, where the fook did I read banned lol

Ste L
14-09-07, 12:39 AM
How in gods name are they going to pay it???

mclaren's operating revenue for the year is ~?250m

?50m might sound like not much with that budget but its still 1/5th of next years budget

14-09-07, 08:39 AM
and jsut what is bernie going to do with ?50Mill..... ahh yes buy another whore bird, game on :D

its excessive, i mean who the hell would want ferrari technology lol.

Also, they have to prove there is no ferrari tech in their car next year...... so mclaren are going for a rotarty engine with a belt drive to tank tracks are they?

14-09-07, 08:39 AM
Indeed, thats what I was getting at.

Mowgli's post makes for an interesting read too.

As for Hamilton not having such good performances next year?? totally the other way around IMO. Hes matched Alonso for performance this year, and Alonso has bags of experience, Hamilton doesnt. Once Hamilton's got some races under his belt, he'll be another schuey I rekon.

14-09-07, 09:09 AM
Ah right.

Hmmm, where the fook did I read banned lol

Daily star! alongside elvis on moon!lol

14-09-07, 09:13 AM
Also, they have to prove there is no ferrari tech in their car next year...... so mclaren are going for a rotarty engine with a belt drive to tank tracks are they?
I was under the impression the "information" related to chassis setup, and the FIA have already scrutinized Mclaren's design updates prior to the alleged incident and confirmed no Ferrari technology has been used.

Word on Wikipedia - so the reliability of this information could be weak at best lol - is that Ferrari were cheating and Mclaren were trying to blow the whistle on them, and Ferrari are attempting to cover this up by accusing Mclaren of spying on them and/or blurring the whistle blowing event with the "spying" event. Wouldn't surprise me if Team Red were up to no good tbh

Hey at least when TTE cheated in WRC they got nicked fair and square by the FIA themselves lol

14-09-07, 09:28 AM
as with our section of the industry, once something is released to the public you cant actually fight the I/P rules. It then becomes a copyright issue as anyone can go out look at said item, copy it and tadaaaaaa.

Rick Draper
14-09-07, 11:36 AM
3. Next year McClaren's electronics division is making the Standard ECU for the FIA, & Guess who is the biggest critic of it????? Clue (they are red)

Renault, Honda and Toyota are all huge critics of the Mclaren ecu.

I would be very pissed off right about now knowing a team that has cheated in such a way will be supplying ecu's (ok its the electronics division) to the rest of the sport. Can they be trusted :confused:

14-09-07, 11:45 AM
information is probably shared/swapped/pinched/gathered between teams all the time anyway, only reason its come up is because ferrari arent winnig again and dont like it, there like spoiled kids who moan when things dont go there way

Dan 130
14-09-07, 12:50 PM
well if it makes them feel better the fine is only 30 million due to the fact that they was garunteed(spelling) to win constructors championship so thats 20 million they just deducted that from them

14-09-07, 09:08 PM
ferrari are really bad losers

14-09-07, 10:54 PM
For McCheaters to be reamed this hard there must be something in the claims. Time will tell, but a team does not get punished this harshly just because another team moans about them.

15-09-07, 07:21 AM
For McCheaters to be reamed this hard there must be something in the claims. Time will tell, but a team does not get punished this harshly just because another team moans about them.

unless its ferrari doing the moaning lol

15-09-07, 12:48 PM
Further thoughts on this subject.

earlier this season McClaren pointed out to the fia that the 'flexible' mounts on the underfloor of the ferrari sort of allowed them to run lower than everyone elses, but when stationary they looked fine. result new test, new mounts, ferrari stop winning.

last season ferrari's wings flexed tons more than everyone elses at high speed, McCLaren ask if this sort of thing is ok. Result wings have to be stiffer, Ferrari stop winning.

A couple of years ago McClaren use Aluminium Berylium in their engines quite legally, it aparently makes good bhp gains. Ferrari manage to get it banned for environmental reasons, it can aparently make the person machining it poorly after prolonged use. Result Ferrari start winning.

a few years back ferrari fail scrutineering due to bargeboards being much bigger than allowed. result they are allowed to race because the bargeboards are the 'right size'

the reason McClaren changed from bridgestone to michelin was that they didn't like the clause in the contract that meant ferrari had access to other teams testing data.

Back in the early eighties ferrari announced they were leaving f1 & even went as far as fielding non works cars in some races (they were blue) & building an indycar. F1 begged them to stay & gave them the best financial deal.

I do find it strange that the fia world council held the hearing but that Ferrari supplied the lawyers...

15-09-07, 01:00 PM
I find the punishment a bit harsh considering it was Ron Dennis who approached the FIA saying his drivers had Ferrari info. By the sounds of it I can't see Alonso staying with McLaren.

It's spoiled the sport. I was really enjoying this season to.

15-09-07, 09:09 PM

It's spoiled the sport. I was really enjoying this season to.

Hit the nail on the head. I can't remember the last time 4 drivers were so close in 2 such evenly matched cars.

Max Mosley has stated that he would like to see the back of factory teams, and Ferrari claim to be independant cos they also make their own engines, & are always the first to sign up to fia rule changes. McClaren & Williams are usually last.

15-09-07, 09:27 PM
I think the green lights should go green, and each driver has to build his car out of an Ikea style flat pack, and then complete 30 laps, including a pitstop where they have to change their own tyres.

Im wasted in AV i tell thee!

15-09-07, 09:31 PM
I think the green lights should go green, and each driver has to build his car out of an Ikea style flat pack, and then complete 30 laps, including a pitstop where they have to change their own tyres.

Im wasted in AV i tell thee!

Well, BT, apart from the sneaking into the track with a stepladder(I don't get on with my real ladder) & some disco bulbs , you have pretty much described GP2

15-09-07, 09:31 PM
that would make for a very interesting sport indeed, probably be more fatalities

15-09-07, 09:32 PM
I have to admit ive watched the odd GP2 race, and the cars definately look like they were built at longbridge!

15-09-07, 09:38 PM
'And coming to the flag it's Prof Pat Pending followed by Penelope pitstop........'

The best race I ever saw involved rally cars. It was the mid eighties & there was this championship where every car had to complete a stage rally & a race in the same weekend. It took place at mallory park
The winner was a tarmac spec Starion that disappeared into the distance. 2nd & 3rd were fought over by a Chevette HSX & a TR8. they passed each other on the grass about 30 times, & handbraked the hairpin. The whole crowd was going crazy. F1 should look very hard at itself. For god's sake, they even have a technical group looking at overtaking!!!!!!!!!!
Simple, fit big slicks, & ban the aero crap.

15-09-07, 09:40 PM
Simple, fit big slicks, & ban the aero crap.

Sod the slicks! Road Champ remoulds, and they have to do two races!

15-09-07, 10:00 PM
the most amazing idea I ever heard coming out of the fia was the make every driver drive 2 races in every car. So Kimi would have to suffer the spyker & some rich italian playboy would actually get to go in the ferrari.

15-09-07, 10:54 PM
jsut bring back steel suspension components... atleast that would allow the cars to touch and not shatter arms, meaning more daring corner passes are possible