View Full Version : help needed please

13-09-07, 09:02 PM
hi lads im going to be taking my back seats out and making the floor level, whats the easiest way of doing this? also what tools will i need to remove the back seats etc thanks Ian

13-09-07, 09:10 PM
Back seats will come out with nothing but a phillips screwdriver.

Best way is to build a frame from wood and use 10mm MDF. Bear in mind it will be heavy as feck though!

Alternatively get it made in fiberglass, but your talking ???'s

13-09-07, 09:20 PM
Back seats will come out with nothing but a phillips screwdriver.

Best way is to build a frame from wood and use 10mm MDF. Bear in mind it will be heavy as feck though!

Alternatively get it made in fiberglass, but your talking ???'s

(just to be picky) you can not get 10mm mdf!
3,6,9,12,15,18,22,25mm are the thickness of mdf :p

Though if it was me i would make a frame from 2x1 and 1x1 softwood then clad in 3-6mm so it's light (but if you want to put an amount of weight on it) go for 2x1 frame and then 12mm is enough aslong as your frame is no more then 300m centers appart.


13-09-07, 09:22 PM
(just to picky) you can not get 10mm mdf!
3,6,9,12,15,18,22,25mm are thiknes of mdf :p


Your such a tart.

13-09-07, 09:24 PM
lol im sure you could piss all over me if this were to do with AV stuff.

PS did you notice in the Barn thread i have offerd you a Nova GSI steering wheel ?grits!


13-09-07, 09:25 PM
well its to create a sort of van back as im starting my mobile valeting company so whats the best way?

13-09-07, 09:32 PM
If it's just for cleaning products then i would do it how i surgested, or if there is alot more heavy items being placed upon it use 18mm for the top/covering sheet.


13-09-07, 09:36 PM
cheers well its going to be all chemicals,cleaning products,water tank,hoover,generator etc etc

13-09-07, 09:36 PM
Also another thing to consider is how damp or wet is it liable to get.
MDF will blow and expand when experiancing damp conditions for a period of time, so you could do it in WBP Ply which is a good cheap alternative.

13-09-07, 09:46 PM
Yes you could use Marine ply, or Water Boil Proof Ply, or Use Green Water repelent MDF, either way you can paint any mdf in a suitable paint to waterproof for a very good finish that lasts.


13-09-07, 11:40 PM
errrr, buy a van?

Or, get the metal flat floor out of a novan and weld it in yours.

Or, as im going to do, but only as lining. Used polyboard with a wooden or similar frame. Polyboard is a textured black plastic that comes in MDF size thickness, dad lined his transit out with it, doesn't splinter like wood, or wearout really