View Full Version : Castle Combe Report (all pics and vids in here please)

08-09-07, 11:03 PM
Another great day at Combe! Thanks to all who turned up, we had a pretty big stand as we shared with TV and Fast Ford, and the sun stayed out which was a bonus (especially for Dan as he was a stand monkey today, mincing around getting his show feet again lol)

My engine lasted exactly ONE lap. I entered the track from the pit exit, and one lap later I was stopped just after it on the grass lol. I beat my crankcase hole record though, this bastid opened up a treat, exposing two cylinders! However, in that lap I managed to own Oli and Dar who were obviously slower than me (it had nothing to do with me abusing the warm up lap lol)

I can safely say Dar had the quickest car on track today. NOTHING could touch him. I was filming from Quarry, and he started the session from halfway down the second lineup in the pits. In 3 laps he was at the front of the field! The cars a credit to him, and I really cant imagine whats going to happen when he decides to start tinkering with the engine! People were exclaiming such expressions as 'fcuk me', 'holy sh1t' as well as others. It definately caused a buzz.

Due to my car prolapsing all over the track for the second time this season, my camera was availiable to pop into Chris' car. We bolted it in and got some much needed footage of the least known member of Banzaiundersteer lol It was the first time ive been out with Chris as he's usually my passenger monkey, and I was very impressed. You tend to forget that while your improving your skills, so are your mates, and I thouroughly enjoyed myself!

I also had a go in the 'Magic Carpet' that was Stu's VX. It was immensly quiet. No noise but the sound of the wind buffeting your helmet (it was also buffeting my crash hat) Stu also impressed me, ive a feeling the driver skills day actually WAS worthwhile, and he piloted the resin rocket around wonderfuly, nursing small doses of oversteer with ease and always being courteous to faster cars. Dar lapped us during the session, and I abused the lack of roof to dish out some abuse lol

Other interesting events happened during the day which will no doubt transpire, but its not for me to go into as yet.

I am currently rendering footage... :thumb:

08-09-07, 11:31 PM
for once my camera worked and you can just make out your car as it goes bang. it aint that clear on my camere sorry.
i will sort it asap

08-09-07, 11:44 PM
My day was also pretty exciting. I was in contention with lee for least laps completed during the day for a while. My first run I think I managed about 1/3 of a lap before my engine died. Got towed back into the paddock by the nice marshals, opened the bonet to look for the problem only to find every thing looked as usual. Jumped in the car, started the engine and everything was fine. :confused:

Second session. I was intent on making one complete lap as there was no way I was going home without being able to say that I had driven all of the corners at Castle Combe. Luckily I did manage to complete a lap, but only just as I then broke down in exactly the same place as last time.

The story goes on a bit more but the end of it is that I ended up going home on a tow rope.

Money spent on track sessions ?65, laps completed 1 & 2/3 :thumb: lol

I did have an extremely interesting ride with Dar's Old Man which had me grinning from ear to ear. It's a shame about the events that happened after, I have already registered my disgust on a certian forum and was banned about 30 seconds later. lol

All in all it was great day and I will definately be going again.

08-09-07, 11:46 PM
LOL, they obviously have their tail between their legs then. Bless them.

08-09-07, 11:50 PM
Ooh what forum what happened i want to read the posts lol

08-09-07, 11:51 PM
There are none, as they obviously want to keep quiet about it. I can assure you this wont be kept quiet lol But as I said, all will become clear.

09-09-07, 12:06 AM
when im impatient lol!

09-09-07, 12:13 AM
Aww BT you do love me :D
I had another awesome day. I do love these trackdays. It was great to meet up with the people I know and also to meet a few new faces. It was great to see you all there:thumb: I also just about caught BT's engine going BANG!
Session 1 10:15 (http://video.google.co.uk/videoplay?docid=-1491868968413796224)

Socket (Chris's other half) knows JamieW who is an awesome photographer. So we got some sneak previews of his photos of our cars. I hope he dosen't mind me pimping them here. A full gallery will apprear Here (http://jamiesmotorsportimages.fotopic.net/) at some point.

One I pinched from the Castle Combe forum where he posts:D

Chris flying around

and I let the girls lose in the car:eek:

Also another friend of mine was there taking some little snippets of video for me. I have five clips from him in total.

Me and GT(Rexy) at Bobbies (http://smg.photobucket.com/albums/v485/DPursey/Trackday%20Photos/CCombe%20080907/?action=view&current=BobbiesRexy.flv)
Ferrari at Bobbies (http://smg.photobucket.com/albums/v485/DPursey/Trackday%20Photos/CCombe%20080907/?action=view&current=Ferrari.flv)
Tower corner (http://smg.photobucket.com/albums/v485/DPursey/Trackday%20Photos/CCombe%20080907/?action=view&current=100_0294.flv)
Tower corner (http://smg.photobucket.com/albums/v485/DPursey/Trackday%20Photos/CCombe%20080907/?action=view&current=Tower1.flv)

The rest of my in car footage will be done soon. I hope you enjoy it.

09-09-07, 12:24 AM
I should of popped up really it's not that far from 'ere.

Im gussing the sunroof is up on Chris' to increase the downforce to try and keep another big block on track? lol No, the team looks ace flying round, probably gained a few more nova lovers by the sounds of the comments about Dar's car...

Sorry to hear about your mishaps Geth, bit of a shame. Any ideas of the problem??

09-09-07, 12:24 AM
oo, a big puff of smokage lol

09-09-07, 12:53 AM
Dar, you absalutely nailed that Ferrari lol Even my new friends the Marshals couldn't belive how quick you were and they must see thousands of cars go round that track.

Unfortunately I still don't know what is up with the car. I was thinking most of the day it was a problem with the coil but have since ruled that out by fitting a spare one and having the same problem. My thoughts are now swaying to fuel starvation at high revs, possibly a clogged up fuel line or filter. We were initialy thinking about fuel surge but it has since cut out on me while doing a steady 60 down the M4. Although I do agree that a GSi tank would still be a good idea as a winter upgrade.

09-09-07, 01:08 AM
I think Dave Marshal has 1 for sale on here fella pm him or let me know and i will give him a call for you.
Can i just say that mine went realy well today as well and a credit to hammer racing.

09-09-07, 09:51 AM
twas just the kick up the **** i need to take the vx out on track more.
It behaved perfectly (although the sodding archos was playing up and wouldnt record for mroe than 5 seconds after the first outing, which got corrupted :( )

Dar is just mental!!!! especially going past us in a mild bend with both his hands off the wheel abusing us back lol

Ill get "my" (dan took em) pics up later.

09-09-07, 10:04 AM
videos are ace, lovin the rarri one.. Lee another engine? theres gonna be no xes left more me at this rate..

09-09-07, 10:30 AM
Looks a good day lads. Nice to see lee keeping up the standards to lol! Im sure you will get it sorted thou matey.

Dar your car is looking well mate. nice vids too! well done mate!

Sorry ic ouldnt make it. funds were low and working on the car . altho its now back to running state and feeling mucho better.
Well done to all who went ect ect.


09-09-07, 10:32 AM
all i could do was :D

Dars car is awesome, you can certainly tell he knows the track and the car it made me want another nova for sure. I'd never done coombe before and it was my second snippet of track action and i think im hooked. I certianly need to work on certain lines eh BT lol. But i managed not to break down or blow anything up and got round the track a good few times in the two sessions oh and drive home without a problem 500ish miles round trip. AND YOU CALL FRENCH CARS :p

Shame about Lee's engine but he did it in style :D well done fella lol.
Another quality day some good banter the burgers were well dodgy mind, certainly good to meet up with you lot again and seeing dan twice in two weeks is certainly enough for me ;) stu had certainly grown since i last saw him the vx did him proud and im sure he'll be out a lot more.

Highlight of the day - Bonzai fist of fury and the rarri getting owned by a nova :)
Oh and the reaction from the red xe nova on 45's cam and stripped out sus etc when i told him mine was virtually standard :D that made me proud of the little french number lol

General Baxter
09-09-07, 10:36 AM
oo, a big puff of smokage lol

i think baxtered should be changed to Bt'ed lol

09-09-07, 10:58 AM
yet again another successful day. First off well done to those who ventured out on track, we have a few more who would happily join in with alot more track action and the track regulars were doing their normal thing :thumb:.

Banter wise our stand had its normal array of various styles lol . GT stole the 'gay' marked parking space, which having a french car was spot on although stu did look upset when he arrived. Quote of the day "morning you've got ermmm bigger??" first words spoken to stuart from GT, trying to be polite but calling him a fat **** non the less lol lol . Dougie trying to be sneaky and catch a small bit of a tan with his moobs out, unfortunately i spotted this, and he was surrounded in camera's within seconds as he hurried to cover up again lol lol . GT using the fatal words "come on then" towards me, i think within about 2 seconds he realised it was a non winner ;) lol obviously lee got abused with his spot of bad luck ;) and that is just a SMALL account of what happened at the start of the day, it was fairly relentless until hometime at 5ish with everyone having a good laugh during the day which is what the atmosphere should be all about.

09-09-07, 11:02 AM
Just found these on FSC.com






09-09-07, 11:12 AM
looks like a fun day out, you dominated that engine good BT. I think you would love nitrous as you could make even more mess lol

09-09-07, 11:37 AM
I poped over to say hi in the Morning. Got a few pics of you all I'll get up later. The only person I missed was Dan. I just couldn't find you, I even checked all the food vans ;)

Sorry BT I was in the right place at the wrong time. More pics of everyone else later after the F1.



09-09-07, 11:42 AM
Great shot Longun! BT will want the full res version i'm sure :D

09-09-07, 12:30 PM
Could you take the smoke away in the first pic as you can just make out my Nova behind lol
Also there are 4 nova's that i can make out in the first pic.
Dar/oli/BT and me at the first 4 places sweet.

nova ian
09-09-07, 12:50 PM
Brilliant day, went out in 4 sessions with my mate in his cav v6, Had Dar 1 car ahead of us in 1 of the sessions as we left pits, and by quarry he was gone! lol Then he passed us at the last bend as the chequered flag came out, I cannot believe how well that thing goes as we were by no means hanging around!! Bad luck on yours Bottlethrodie bet your gutted, although when I spoke to you, you said you knew it wouldn't last, stil not good though.

Nice to meet you by the way Dar, also Bottlethrodie and Geth. Always nice to put faces to names.

Top day, was my first time out on a trackday and even though it was just as a passenger it was mint, loved it!!

09-09-07, 01:18 PM
a few more i have found non of me tho :D


What sort of nonce goes out topless???


09-09-07, 01:31 PM
now theres a proper homo!

09-09-07, 01:48 PM
ballast ballast :thumb:

09-09-07, 02:03 PM
nice pic of stu gt. Also how did you get the pic of that site as it wont let me.

09-09-07, 02:04 PM
GT what cars yours and I'll see if I got any? Ernie don't worry about being behind the smoke I'm sure I've got you on another shot :D

09-09-07, 02:19 PM
its the white and black xsara mate

craig green
09-09-07, 02:37 PM
Here is a quick vid I captured of Dar having the Rarri.

http://i30.photobucket.com/albums/c323/turbocraig/th_Eurofest0907060.jpg (http://s30.photobucket.com/albums/c323/turbocraig/?action=view&current=Eurofest0907060.flv)

09-09-07, 02:42 PM
Here are all my pics had the camera set wrong for a your guys session so not the best I've taken.


GT sorry I'll look at for you at other events now this is the only one I got of you.


09-09-07, 02:45 PM
Brilliant set of pictures Longun:thumb:

09-09-07, 02:50 PM
well a few i took , mainly of the cars and messing arround lol

the afformentiond GAY parking space


ernies stick


oli's beast


stu's plastic fantastic


lee's broken baby


geth's little weapon


rexy's taxi


chris's gsi


dar's rocket


09-09-07, 02:53 PM
dans monster


dan and stu trying to steal dars car


happy boys


dont mess with dan


lee got pimped



guess who


and i found this funny


09-09-07, 04:38 PM
some wicked pics there guys.

i did have a walk over and look at that cars.
cought lee just as he got towed in and had quick chat with him..
would of spoke to you all but you semmed busy..
all in all a great day


09-09-07, 05:29 PM
Some cool pics/vids.

Pretty much a replay of the last Combe day for BT then :(

Looks like Dar was flying as usual :cool:

09-09-07, 06:27 PM
nice pic of stu gt. Also how did you get the pic of that site as it wont let me.

They are on frenchsportsclub.com fella. there is a link to some photo site from there. Do you want me to host them for you and you can save them?

09-09-07, 07:02 PM
Well I didn't get any photos of the day's events as my Camera went up the spout last week, but I did take these crappy ones on my phone after the event.

Me going home

And this what I found when I took the filter chamber of my fuel regulator. It appears to be some very dirty fuel mixed with water. :confused: Might go some way to explaining the running problems. The next task is to find out how the hell it got in there.

09-09-07, 07:10 PM
Geth - That would explain a few things!
Riggy - Great pics that really show the 'feel' of the day. Also the shot of my car makes the colour really stand out:thumb:

I am in the last moments of my uploading efforts. I will post again once all my vids are up and running:)

09-09-07, 07:25 PM
Great pics Longun! Thats one for the album!

Rexy and Dan wrestling.. mildly erotic if you ask me!

I am also attempting to sort vids, will have them up soon.

09-09-07, 07:25 PM
Talking about the 'Feel' of the day. I should really say a big thank you to everyone who tried helping me with my running problems (which was actually just about everyone). That's the kind of club spirit that makes these days worth while even when you're having rough time with the car. Cheers fellas :thumb:

09-09-07, 07:30 PM
Geth, looks like you need a new/clean tank...

09-09-07, 07:33 PM
That's what I was thinking. Another excuse to fit a GSi tank I suppose. And I would expect the carbs are going to need a good clean too.

09-09-07, 07:35 PM
fantastic pics, came out really well :thumb: and as already said, its goes to show the atmosphere we try and maintain at each show, generally welcoming and making sure everyone has a fun time/gets roped into the banter. I'm not normally the physical type, but as rex weighs about as much as my last meal it was amusing to react for a change join in the whole play fight scenario ;) lol

09-09-07, 07:40 PM
fantastic pics, came out really well :thumb: and as already said, its goes to show the atmosphere we try and maintain at each show, generally welcoming and making sure everyone has a fun time/gets roped into the banter. I'm not normally the physical type, but as rex weighs about as much as my last meal it was amusing to react for a change join in the whole play fight scenario ;) lol

you just wanted to touch rexy... go on admit it.

09-09-07, 07:43 PM
lol he tried to see my man parts later on , nearly had my pants right down in front of everyone lol

09-09-07, 07:58 PM
Pmsl childishthe lot of you ;) I need to change my name back to rexy on the fourm pmsl

09-09-07, 07:59 PM
lol lol lol oldest rule in the book, if you wear joggers tie them up, saves the risk of some cruel git pulling them down infront of a crowd and risking showing your manhood to the rest of the stand lol lol lol

09-09-07, 08:04 PM
lol lol lol oldest rule in the book, if you wear joggers tie them up, saves the risk of some cruel git pulling them down infront of a crowd and risking showing your manhood to the rest of the stand lol lol lol
We did that to a mate of mine in the freezer section of Marks and Spensors. A bit naughty really but the granny in front of him didn't seem to mindlol

and we finally have all my in car footage to watch. Enjoy:thumb: (http://www.daxtek.pwp.blueyonder.co.uk/Dar.html)

09-09-07, 08:41 PM
Awww, I wish I lived closer to Castle Combe! I can say that I will make a few trackdays next year and looking at the vids and pics I honestly can't wait. Also get ready to get blagged for a few passenger rides :)

09-09-07, 09:08 PM
Evening all..

Well once again looks like most had a top day (appart from Lee) lol i was like again when i spoke to you on the phone.

Seriously though i cant wait to get a car sorted and get my self round that track. :D


09-09-07, 09:18 PM
Just a few pic's no track action but here you go. I should have some vids up once my mate has sorted them for me but the quality aint that good sorry.

09-09-07, 09:19 PM

09-09-07, 09:20 PM
sorry about the grass in the pics but i was on the floor and could'nt be ****d to get up lol.

09-09-07, 09:24 PM
And my mate sent me these.
Cheers MattB

09-09-07, 09:30 PM
lol i've found some clips with you on them if you want them posing ernie

09-09-07, 09:47 PM
ahhh i was trying to think who else it was who got shots of dougie flapping and trying to get his top on as quick as possible lol lol lol lol although i thought i had got out of the way, must of been trying to work the camera on my phone :tard:

09-09-07, 09:52 PM
That was me lol and if you could gt that would be grand

09-09-07, 09:58 PM


09-09-07, 10:15 PM
Great pics Christian! lol at me pouting most of the day!

09-09-07, 10:39 PM
Good stuff:) Looked like a really good event! Track days rule!

09-09-07, 11:01 PM
no worries BT and thats some cool vids GT just a shame the person filming had somthing about a black ax.
Also good track maners as when the pug span off you went off power ready to stop. Not like the civic a few months back.

09-09-07, 11:41 PM
Finally sorted my footage out.

My very short session lol


Chris's session, first time we've had a cam in his car, so we're all pretty chuffed :)


Some external of Dar and Rexy (featuring the weirdest exit line out of Quarry from the Rexter I have EVAAR seen lol)


10-09-07, 12:22 AM
Nasty noises on the first vid there,Lol.

Is Chris's Gsi a standard 1600 8v?

10-09-07, 08:32 AM
Sound slike alot of fun was had! Wish I wasn't working and was there:(

10-09-07, 09:22 AM
Was a good day imo, really enjoyed my track time and the nova handled better than i expected. :D

craig green
10-09-07, 12:50 PM
Nasty noises on the first vid there,Lol.

Is Chris's Gsi a standard 1600 8v?

No its an XE. It was going really well IMO, deffo had lots of pull out of last corner onto start/finish straight.

Sorry I must've missed everyone on sat. I walked over to the PNG area & only Dans car was there, I guess everyone was on track. I didnt get back over there for rest of the day.

Watching all the other Vauxhalls out there was too good to miss.

I am totally blown away with Dar's pace on Sat, the session I saw he was at the front of the second line out, he joined the circuit half way through the pack & by the start of his 2nd lap he was in 3rd behind 2 handy RWD Escorts (I have a vid of this), then he went on to Blitz the whole field.
I was lovin the straight cut whine from his box from way down the other end over Avo rise.

10-09-07, 05:42 PM
Looking at that line is funny, its totally wrong i've no idea why i went so far over as there was no need to do so.

That was the only real corner i had problems with i guess you get used to it and know wbere to brake and turn in etc. Some good footage mr Lee cheers mate. You can still call the french car but you know it shifts now :P lol

chris gsi
10-09-07, 06:29 PM
first time i have had chance do get on line and a big thanks to mr lee for the camera and dar for taking me out even tho you did scare me over avon rise as your braking point's have changed a lot lol i did have a very good day and was nice to see some new face's.The car went well all day again so over the winter i will treat it to coil overs and a bit more power and sort my valve stem seals and remove my gsi toys (electric windows sun roof and my lovely dash and heater)

10-09-07, 06:31 PM

chris gsi
10-09-07, 06:34 PM
[quote Is Chris's Gsi a standard 1600 8v?[/quote]

it was 2 years ago but now a standard xe apart from arp rod bolts and power cap and worn out stem seals lol why you ask ? :confused:

10-09-07, 07:15 PM
I'm totally gutted I didn't make it, but what the mrs says goes and I wasn't allowed to cut our holiday a day short.
Although I did drive past on the M4 at 2.00ish and thought of everybody.
Some brilliant photo's and video's of the days events and it looks like everybody had a good time.

10-09-07, 07:19 PM
it was 2 years ago but now a standard xe apart from arp rod bolts and power cap and worn out stem seals lol why you ask ? :confused:
I thought it looked a bit quick for a gsi engine, hence why i asked,Lol.

chris gsi
10-09-07, 07:30 PM
its cool i will have to put some pics up of the car

10-09-07, 09:21 PM

Nice pics Mr gay! :thumb:

11-09-07, 12:11 AM
Just watched Chris's footage and what a great session he had. Well driven:thumb:
Love the photos Dan :D (Using Stus camera)

11-09-07, 12:26 AM
Did you see my little play i had against you Dad Dar ?Also thanks for lifting off the Gas down the main strait Chris.

11-09-07, 08:08 AM
Dan took all of the track pics :D

11-09-07, 05:42 PM
dan must of liked the xsara lol... :D

11-09-07, 05:44 PM
nahh he just fancies you hence the rough n tumble ;)

chris gsi
11-09-07, 10:06 PM
Did you see my little play i had against you Dad Dar ?Also thanks for lifting off the Gas down the main strait Chris.
no problem mate i could see you were catching me. I need to lose weight from me and the car lol

11-09-07, 10:56 PM
ello all, havent been on for a while as internet broken, was at coombe on the PVG stand as got a lift with a mate whos in that club. saw dars, BT and the sticks nova, all very nice. hopefully mine should be ready by next year for some track invasion. congratulations to dar for slaying that ferrari modena towards the end of the day. you have all giving me more encouragment to get on with my car lol!

11-09-07, 11:03 PM
that volvo with the matt black paint and the chalk writing was funny and it would be nice to get a nova to beat that MG!

12-09-07, 05:16 AM
no problem mate i could see you were catching me. I need to lose weight from me and the car lol

less pie's = more speed lol

craig green
12-09-07, 10:05 AM
Last time I saw the Volvo, it was storming along the main straight with fire underneath...... it didnt come around again.

12-09-07, 03:55 PM
lol last time i saw it , it was just after the start line not moving ,

i did see it on the truck later though

12-09-07, 07:12 PM
my vids are up aswell now cheers Dar.
2 up 1 more to go and sorry about the quality of the vid but hay it's a budget track car lol.

12-09-07, 07:35 PM
Good footage! We need to try to secure the thing a bit better though, i got seasick watching that :-)

12-09-07, 07:39 PM
0o0o0o0o0o0ooo Me wants a cam in my nova....

needs a cage 1st.. hmmm.. even more money...

12-09-07, 07:48 PM
Ernie you first piece of footage qouldn't render :(

13-09-07, 12:20 AM
Cheers for sorting then Dar i will have to pop down with the card again to see if we can sort it.
Also sorry lee but at lease we have some fotage from in side my car at last and i should be getting a new camera for next season as this 1 was a freebie..

craig green
13-09-07, 08:36 PM
I snapped this at Eurofest...


I didnt have the patience with my camera for many on track shots.

13-09-07, 08:40 PM
Yeah, lovely car, never seen one in the flesh before. It seemed to be atracting a lot of attention even from non vaux/nova owners. I think the owner may be joining PNG soon too.

13-09-07, 08:51 PM
yeah we had a chat to him, its a 1.3 on t40's , its not original , its just been made like that , he is joining though :thumb:

craig green
13-09-07, 09:05 PM

Still funking cool. Grabbed my attention from a mile off when it arrived.


13-09-07, 09:08 PM
We like trailer queen Nova's on PNG lol

13-09-07, 09:48 PM
Love the Irmscher wheels on it.

13-09-07, 09:55 PM
Looks fookin mint that -- I want it :)

13-09-07, 11:33 PM
We like trailer queen Nova's on PNG lol
No your just glad you've got your trailer lol.

dhdev (Oli)
14-09-07, 08:02 AM
We like trailer queen Nova's on PNG lol


14-09-07, 02:57 PM
lol @ oli