View Full Version : pug 106 quicksilver

04-09-07, 02:36 PM
i no this aint about novas but it really begaining to bug me. right my girlfriends got a pug 106 quicksilver and the ignition barrow went so i change it but as i was taking it out i forgot to take of the battrey lead of so it sparked. so i put the new one in and didin have no ignition lights come up so i cheak a fuse and one has gone so change that and every think worked the car turn's over but wont start any idears i need try sort it by the weekend as i goin away for a week


04-09-07, 02:42 PM
try putting the code in the immobiliser key pad ;)

04-09-07, 03:01 PM
cheers mate do u no where about the key pad is on the pug.. i no on the saxo there on the windscreen

04-09-07, 03:04 PM
cheers mate do u no where about the key pad is on the pug.. i no on the saxo there on the windscreen

I dont mean to be rude, but are you taking the piss???

The keypad should be blatently infront of the gear stick (unless immob has been removed??)! You HAVE to put the 4 digit code in every time you try and drive the car else it wont start!

04-09-07, 03:09 PM
Depends on the Age of the car mate.

My Missus used to have an R reg (phase 2) 106GTi and that had no keypad. i think her's was key coded, ie the code was programmed to the key. sometimes if you put it in the wrong way it would just turn over, took it out and put the key in the other way and it would fire!
have you got the correct barrel??

04-09-07, 03:25 PM
last of the nova sr i not taking the piss as it dont have a keypad ...any way i got the barrel from euro car parts it all fitted fine every think seemed and looked the same i think its the key coded one .

craig green
04-09-07, 03:34 PM
Needs a main dealer to clear the fault codes or flash the ECU I expect. Gotta love new cars for that!

Trty asking on a Pug forum.

04-09-07, 03:35 PM
Well give them a quick call and ask them what car it came from and why it doesnt start. they might have more answers than what we have. plus if its a scrap yard, has it been tested out ok?

04-09-07, 03:40 PM
thanks for all the help i ring them see what thay say

04-09-07, 03:40 PM
thanks for all the help i ring them see what thay say

craig green
04-09-07, 03:41 PM

04-09-07, 06:51 PM
www.106owners.co.uk (http://www.106owners.co.uk)

Sure that some damage hasn't occurred to the ECU when you shorted everything out on the barrel?


PS: Ignition Barrow - Is that like a wheel barrow? ;)

04-09-07, 07:19 PM
last of the nova sr i not taking the piss as it dont have a keypad ...any way i got the barrel from euro car parts it all fitted fine every think seemed and looked the same i think its the key coded one .
itll need codeing main dealer job

04-09-07, 08:25 PM
The keypad should be blatently infront of the gear stick (unless immob has been removed??)! You HAVE to put the 4 digit code in every time you try and drive the car else it wont start!

do all 106's have this keypad? I drove my mates the other day an thought he had put that in to make it look like a space ship

04-09-07, 08:32 PM
do all 106's have this keypad? I drove my mates the other day an thought he had put that in to make it look like a space ship

Early Phase 2 106s had them. Not seen them on a ph1 though

05-09-07, 12:09 AM
tell your misses to get a nova.

shy witness
05-09-07, 06:45 PM
i dunno if this is any help or not...............

but ........

2 of my mates both had 106 quicksilvers at the same time.........

and both had that dreaded ignition problem......

but theres also a common fault in the shunt switch below the bonnet

i cant remember the problems with this now..........but this also stopped them from starting

try n fork about with it abit................it wont cost you anything:thumb: