View Full Version : Where's the fire, son?

28-08-07, 01:37 PM
I don't think he'll be offered the safe driving course (http://driving.timesonline.co.uk/tol/life_and_style/driving/article2324250.ece)

What annoys me about that is the second half of the report. Ok, so bloke nabs a Porsche from work and takes it on a 172mph jaunt, getting nicked for speeding in the process. Gets 4 year ban, and possible prison sentence and/or massive fine. However, 18 year old kid takes out his new car that he's just been given for his birthday and promptly lands it in a tree, killing both his passengers. He gets a ?250 fine and 2 year ban. Am I the only one who sees a problem there?

puss puss
28-08-07, 02:04 PM
could of least took it on a ex air field or sutten i feel sorry for the passangers family they must be going though hell :(

28-08-07, 02:24 PM
No your not RJ but apprently speeding is the route of all evil. I can't see the problem, that porker is designed to go that fast. OK Ban the bloke and fine him but Jail! What for? Hes not a danger to anyone. Its not as if he is now going to go off and start killing innocent people. Anyway even if he did he would only get a ?250 fine.

The British justice system lol What a joke!

craig green
28-08-07, 03:40 PM
Well put DAR.

28-08-07, 07:39 PM
Yep, he should have run someone over, that would have lightened his sentence somewhat.

28-08-07, 08:50 PM
Anyone who goes down the A420 near kingston bagpuss regularly knows it is speed camera central... so the lad was going to get caught.
I really hate the fact that the law only sees the speed of the car & not the possibility that it was not dangerous to other people.
But the bloke did steal ?90k worth of property, so he should do time.
As for the lad who killed his friends on his birthday, I don't think he will be driving for a long time & he will have to spend the rest of his life hearing the accident again & again...

28-08-07, 09:06 PM
^ I don't think he "stole" it as such. But still, 170mph on a public road is dangerous however you look at it, I'm not disputing that, but the sentence is a tad harsh compared to the lad who killed two people. Compare that to Kev's (Aragorn) situation and you'll see why I was a little bit astonished at the judge's decision.

carls nova sri
28-08-07, 09:10 PM
well he's got that on that on his mind for life

28-08-07, 09:10 PM
he did take it without permission, thus it was stolen, even if he only did it for 1/2 hr.

I know a bloke who got 10 points after he touched mirrors with another car on a canal bridge & didn't even cause any damage, he even reset it for the other driver. the other driver was newly qualified & her dad was a copper. she took his number because he wouldn't give his details.........

29-08-07, 09:33 AM
CPS accepted his not guilty plea of "aggrevated vehicle taking"; it was alleged he took the car without his superior's consent but wasn't proven.

29-08-07, 10:00 AM
but the young lad had a crash. how did he crash? accidents happen hes got to live the rest of his life with the pain he caused his 2 friends to die