View Full Version : The Moon

26-08-07, 12:38 PM
Help please.
I went to a wedding last night and took a pic of the Moon.
Is that Mars next to it as i aint got a clue what it was.
Before you ask there were no planes around and was out in the stick's.

26-08-07, 12:45 PM
I would say no as mars isnt that big when you look at it. Just like a big star really, unless its on a close orbit. I too was at a weddnig last night an didnt see anything else in the sky bar the moon, cuoldnt even see jupiter which is more noticable.

26-08-07, 12:57 PM
to be truthfull yars and years and years ago me and my sister were cuming bk form god knows where and we saw the same sorta thing and she looked it it up and it said every 8 or 10 years u can actully see either jupitor or saturn in the sky

hope it helps look on sum sites

26-08-07, 01:03 PM
it looks like its not far from the moon as the light is showing it up, does the moon not have its own moons or something like that so i heard.

26-08-07, 01:07 PM
dude jupitor and satarn is around 8 times the distence of the moon of course its going to look small but i aint got my bi-nock-u-lars with me

26-08-07, 01:16 PM
you can see Jupiter almost all of the time due the fact that has an orbit outside that of the earths, you can also see the 4 galilean moons with just a small telescope very clearly. I should know I used a telescope to observe an plot the positions of the moons with respect to each other an wrote a computer model to show their orbits, even their precession over a given time. This then allowed to calculate the mass of Jupiter.


26-08-07, 01:21 PM
it might just be a big star as phil said

but i must ask.. you were at a wedding.. why were you taking pictures of our solar system lol

26-08-07, 01:22 PM
I didnt say it was a big star lol, meant mars wuold look like a big star to the naked eye.

you were at a wedding.. why were you taking pictures of our solar system

Becuase the solar system is seriously cool

26-08-07, 03:27 PM

26-08-07, 03:30 PM
Christain, its a bit of ketchup on the lens, blatantly!

shy witness
26-08-07, 03:43 PM
Christain, its a bit of ketchup on the lens, blatantly!

exactly what i was going to saylol lol

26-08-07, 04:39 PM
Phil is probably right... he does have an AstroNerd Degee !:thumb:

26-08-07, 10:27 PM
my mate and his new wife were having pic's done in the moon light so i thought i would get a shot then looked up and noticed the red dot next to the moon so took a pic.I was well chuffed it came out and BT it was no ketchup on the lens.

26-08-07, 10:44 PM
We like the moon (http://www.rathergood.com/moon_song/)! I have no idea what that is though.

26-08-07, 11:14 PM

I cant believe no ones done this yet!

27-08-07, 10:02 PM
what camera wrer you using.

Looking at the blur on the moon (no detail) I'd say its either a bright out of focus star or lens flare.

If youre using a Digital or standard SLR camera rule of thumb for the moon is F11 and ISO 100 at 1/100sec. use a tripod.

27-08-07, 10:02 PM
or a ufo


27-08-07, 10:05 PM
As you saw it with the naked eye that rulse out lense flare, which is what I first thought it was.

Cloudless night? Steady light, was it moving/flashing? Where abouts in the country were you? Did you hear any noises with it? And how high in the sky was it (close to horizon, almost overheard,etc)?

27-08-07, 10:24 PM
sort of in the sky next to the right hand side of the moon with no glare as was in a little village called Brokenbourgh just outside malsbury.There was also no noice no movement no flashing but was just there. Also no booze as i was driving.
And BT that aint a pic of your **** as to much fat on it Fido boy lol.